ITEC2110 Spring 2010 Test 2, Dr. Jim Rowan

ITEC2110 Spring 2010 Test 2, Dr. Jim Rowan
All the parts of this test including the images are found in the folder named:
testImageFolder. Drag testImageFolder to the Preview application and all of them will
open and allow easy comparison.
1)- In the test2Folder you will find a file named “convolutionCalculationV1.ppt”.
Opening the powerpoint slide will reveal a black and white image, a section of the image
showing pixel values, a convolution mask and a resulting image matrix. Calculate the 3
pixels marked with an X on the resulting image matrix.
2)- In the test2Folder you will find a file named “convolutionCalculationV2.ppt”.
Opening the powerpoint slide will reveal a black and white image, a section of the image
showing pixel values, a convolution mask and a resulting image matrix. Calculate the 3
pixels marked with an X on the resulting image matrix.
3) imageA1.jpg shows two objects, a cylinder and a sphere. imageA2.jpg shows that
those two objects have been moved so that the sphere intrudes on the cylinder.
Which of the remaining images (imageA3.jpg, imageA4.jpg and imageA5.jpg) shows the
difference of the cylinder minus the sphere?
4) ) imageA1.jpg shows two objects, a cylinder and a sphere. imageA2.jpg shows that
those two objects have been moved so that the sphere intrudes on the cylinder.
Which of the remaining images (imageA3.jpg, imageA4.jpg and imageA5.jpg) shows the
intersection of the two objects?
5) imageA1.jpg shows two objects, a cylinder and a sphere. imageA2.jpg shows that
those two objects have been moved so that the sphere intrudes on the cylinder.
Which of the remaining images (imageA3.jpg, imageA4.jpg and imageA5.jpg) shows the
difference of the sphere minus the cylinder?
6)- imageA6.jpg shows a cylinder that passes through a cube. wireFrame1.jpg and
wireFrame2.jpg both show wireframe depictions of some objects. Which one could show
the union of the cylinder and cube seen in imageA6.jpg?
7)- imageA6.jpg shows a cylinder that passes through a cube. wireFrame1.jpg and
wireFrame2.jpg both show wireframe depictions of some objects. Which one simply
shows the two objects, one passing through the other?
8)- Looking at imageA7.jpg you see 6 numbered, colored blocks. Which of the 6 blocks
would be the result of reflecting block 1 across a line?
9)- Displaying a vector graphic on a computer display like the ones we have in the lab is
accomplished by converting the vector graphic to a bitmapped graphic. Invariably the
result will be a jagged line rather than a smooth one. What technique is used to smooth
the appearance of this jagged line?
10)- What kind of model building technique does Blender use?
11)- tableImage1.jpg is a small (5 X 5 pixel) image. The 24 bit RGB color codes are as
color 1
color 2
color 3
color 4
color 5
color 6
Allowing one byte for the “count” portion of the encoding, write out the string of bytes
that would result from a run length encoding of that image.
12)- tableImage2.jpg is a small (5 X 5 pixel) image. The 24 bit RGB color codes are as
color 1
color 2
color 3
color 4
Write out the bitmapped portion of a table (aka dictionary) encoding of this image using
the minimum number of bits needed to encode the colors.
13)- Referring to #12 above, how many bytes long would this file be?
14)- In tableImage2.jpg we have an image that measures 5 pixels by 5 pixels. If this were
to be stored as an uncompressed, 24 bit RGB image, how many bytes would it be in
15)- (true / false) The size of a bitmapped graphic is affected by the complexity of the
captured image.
16)- What is it about human vision that JPEG image compression takes advantage of in
order to compress a file?
17)- A vector is defined by two characteristics. One of these is length. What is the other?
18)- What is one form of optical mixing that sacrifices resolution at the altar of color
19)- (yes - no) The RGB color model, aka the tri-stimulus model of color, is modeled
after human color vision which derives from the 3 different cones found in the human
eye. For this reason it can accurately represent the entire gamut of colors that can be seen
by humans.
20)- Using the CMYK model, yellow is what you get when you remove what color from
21)- Using the CMYK model, yellow is what you get when you mix what primary
22)- Holding a ball painted with pure blue paint you enter a room that is lit with cyan
colored light. What color does the ball appear to be in this room?
23)- Holding a ball painted with white paint you enter a room that is lit with equal
amounts of red and blue light. What color does the ball appear to be in this room?
24)- 24 bit color can produce 16,777,216 different colors. How many different colors will
there be if you choose to use an RGB color depth of 16 bits?
25)- You are working on a computer in the lab. You are working on your blender project
and the upper left hand corner of the cube you just added is located at the absolute (x,y)
position of (300,200). If you know that the absolute position of the upper left hand corner
of the blender window is (50,50) what is the relative position of the cube?