Rubric for Service Learning Project GGC 1000 Fall 2007 Service learning is a method that combines academic instruction, meaningful service and critical reflective thinking to enhance student learning and civic responsibility. Use this rubric to develop three personal objectives for your service learning project. Refer to it once you have completed your project. Project Objectives Understand service learning and use new skills/knowledge in real world settings. Strong Impact 4 Student demonstrates high level of understanding of service learning and experiences direct application of new skills or knowledge in community service. Develop a sense Shows deep personal of civic understanding of the responsibility importance of service to and commitment the community and to the ability to make a community. difference. Facilitates change or insight; helps alleviate a suffering; solves a problem; meets a need or addresses an issue; likely to take the initiative to serve again. Meets student All three student stated objectives objectives are met and Good Impact 3 Student has some understanding of service learning and active application of new skill or knowledge in community service. Some Impact 2 Student has limited understanding of service learning; some involvement in community service. Minimal Impact 1-0 Student does not understand service learning and has not experienced involvement in community service. Shows growing understanding of the importance of service to the community and ability to make a difference. Facilitates change to enhance an already good situation; likely to serve again if asked. Shows limited understanding of the importance of service to the community or civic responsibility; any resulting change mainly decorative; may serve again if asked. Shows no or limited sense of the importance of service to the community and ability to make a difference, unlikely to serve again. All three student objective are met and Not all student objectives are met and student One or none of the student objectives are met and student demonstrates improved self confidence; sense of usefulness; openness to new experiences; sense of responsibility to the community; self motivation; comfort in new settings; improved communication with others and ability to solve problems student demonstrates some improved self confidence; some sense of usefulness; some openness to new experiences; some sense of responsibility to the community; some degree of self motivation and comfort in new settings; a degree of improvement in communication with others and ability to solve problems demonstrates limited improvement in self confidence and sense of usefulness; limited willingness to participate in new experiences; limited sense of responsibility to the community, limited degree of self motivation and comfort in new settings; limited degree in improvement in communication with others and ability to solve problems. student demonstrates little or no improvement in self confidence, in sense of usefulness, in willingness to participate in new experiences, in sense of responsibility to the community, degree of self motivation or improvement in communication with others and ability to solve problems.