FACULTY DEVELOPMENT GRANTS FUND INDIVIDUAL FACULTY GRANT APPLICATION Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for an individual faculty development grant, you must be considered a full-time faculty member in Viterbo’s graduate and/or undergraduate on-campus curriculum, or have a permanent part-time faculty appointment in the graduate or undergraduate on-campus curriculum. You also must have submitted final reports for any Faculty Development grants received in the previous two years. A. Application Basics Date: ___________________________ Name: Department:__________________________ □ Instructor □ Assistant Professor □ Associate Professor □ Professor □ Permanent Part-Time □ Other (specify) Projects and activities eligible for funding include, but are not limited to, the following. This grant funding is intended to supplement faculty out-of-pocket costs for the project or activity, not cover the entire project. Check which category your funding request falls under: □ attending conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and seminars pertaining to either one’s teaching areas or scholarship; presenting at conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and seminars enrolling in courses which directly relate to one’s teaching or scholarship* bringing in resource persons for on-site professional development conducting research directly related to one’s scholarship or teaching purchasing materials and other resources to enable the development of new curricular materials or improve existing courses □ professional excursions to museums, exhibits, historical centers, historical sites, and theatre productions □ activities fostering joint faculty-student scholarship □ activities leading to enhanced instructional skills □ □ □ □ □ □ other:__________________________________________________________________ *not eligible: support for work toward an advanced degree; support for professional licensure or recertification of professional licensure Category of funding requested for this grant application: ___ up to $600 ___ up to $1,400 ___ $100 mini-grant ___ up to $2,100 international grant International grant recipients are not eligible to apply for an international grant the year following their grant award. If you receive a grant in the category of “up to $1,400” one year, you are not eligible for a grant of that amount the following year, unless you are presenting at an academic conference. Rev. 11/3/14 FDC If attending a conference, conference title:____________________________________________ Conference dates:_______________________Location:_______________________________ Presenting at the conference: Yes No If so, title of presentation: ________________________________________________________ Abstract of Presentation: Whether you are presenting at the event you’re attending or you’re simply attending, would you be willing to present about your work and/or the event at the annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship day? Yes No Recipient of a Faculty Development grant last year? Yes No If yes, amount: Yes No Yes No Did you submit a final report? If your event/project last year was a conference, did you present at it? Rev. 11/3/14 FDC B. Application Project or Activity Details Please attach a complete response to each of the items 1-5 listed below. 1. Please provide a description of the proposed project or activity and include dates/times/locations. If you are applying just to attend a conference for the first time, what aspects of the conference might you consider in planning your own presentation submission at next year’s conference? 2. Please specify the professional development outcomes that you hope to achieve by engaging in the proposed activity. For at least two of the outcomes, specify a plan to evaluate (assess) whether you have accomplished the outcomes and/or made measurable progress toward achieving the outcome by the time the final report is due, within a few months after the event. 3. The Faculty Development Committee assumes the learning that is derived from faculty development projects or activities will be integrated in some way into one's teaching. Please describe how your outcomes listed above will be integrated into your current or future courses. A note for conference participants: Not all conferences “deliver” the information or ideas that we anticipate. In the end, if you did not learn what you hoped to bring back to your teaching, please describe that experience in your final report. Information should be submitted following this format: Objective A: Title of objective A. Intended Outcome (Questions 2 and 3 above): What is expected to come from this objective/learning activity or project? B. Evaluation: How will success be measured? C. Potential Implementation: What might be implemented into teaching responsibilities? Please be specific about this. 4. Do you have the support of your dean or department chair for this project? 5. Please provide a timetable and budget for your proposed activity – include any registration fees, travel, food, and other expenses. Please use the budget form provided on the next page. Important: See the Business Office website regarding travel allowances for Viterbo employees here: http://www.viterbo.edu/travel.aspx. There is a link to the national per diem rates on the same page, or go directly here: http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/gsa/ep/contentView.do?contentType=GSA_BASIC&contentId=17943 Please submit one copy of your proposal to the Coordinator of Faculty Development. Rev. 11/3/14 FDC Faculty Development Budget Worksheet Applicant: _____________________________________________________________ Activity/Project Title: _____________________________________________________ Note: Supporting documentation must be provided for all budget items. Note any cost-saving measures, if applicable. Please review Viterbo University travel policies and procedures prior to completing this form. The VU Travel Policy can be found on the Business Office web site at http://www.viterbo.edu/businessoffice/. Total Cost Registration fees or related costs (attach registration form, brochure, etc.) $ ____ Amount Requested (if different) $ _____ Please list any discounts that apply: Air transportation, if applicable (attach quote) $ ____ $ _____ Ground transportation, if applicable $ ____ $ _____ (Note: Viterbo fleet vehicles are recommended, when available. The VU mileage reimbursement rate for personal vehicles is $.50 per mile.) Mileage: Check one: Personal Vehicle _____ Fleet Vehicle _____ Total Miles (___) X $.50 = _____ Other costs (Rental car, taxi, shuttle, tolls, parking, train): _____________________________________________ Lodging $ ____ $ _____ Please review lodging reimbursement rates as outlined in the Travel Policy. Total Nights (____) x Cost per night (____) = _____ Conference Rate? (please circle): Y / N Other charges (please explain below) Per Diem $ ____ $ _____ Amounts listed below are for travels in Wisconsin and Iowa. For meal expenses outside these states, use rates shown at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287. Total Breakfasts (___) X $6 = _____ Total Lunches (___) X $9 = _____ Total Dinners (___) X $15 = _____ Other Expenses, if applicable. Please list and justify below. $ ____ Personal Funds Contribution Other University Funds $ _____ $ _____ TOTAL Rev. 11/3/14 FDC $ _____ $ ____ $ _____ C. Criteria for Evaluation of Grant Applications: 1. Clarity of the proposal: clearly stated intended learning outcomes; clearly stated method for achieving each outcome; carefully formulated plan for evaluating whether each outcome has been accomplished. 2. Connection to teaching: likelihood of integrating new learning into current or new course offerings 3. Significance of the project to the faculty member, to the institution, and/or to the wider academic community 4. Likelihood of success via performance, exhibition, publication, or some other form of peer or public review. A requirement of funding is the submission of a final report summarizing the activity, which is due either: 1) Monday of Fall In-service Week or 2) Friday before spring break, depending on when in the academic year you are funded. See the last page for a suggested outline for the final report. Suggested Outline for Final Report A SAMPLE OF A WELL WRITTEN FINAL REPORT CAN BE FOUND HERE ON THE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT WEBPAGE, FOR YOUR REFRENCE: http://www.viterbo.edu/uploadedFiles/faculty/facdev/bauer%20sample%20final%20report.pdf 1. In a one-to-two page narrative, briefly describe your activity or project. Please include the date(s), location, and names of important members of your project. 2. In the narrative, briefly describe which of your activity or project outcomes you articulated in your original proposal that you feel you have met or made measurable progress toward meeting. 3. Include in your narrative a discussion of what parts of your activity or project will be implemented in your classroom, in your scholarly research or publication, and/or your civic work. You may want to consider discussing the methods you will use to implement your stated outcomes in your classroom, research, and/or civic work as well. 4. Include in your narrative “unexpected surprises/outcomes”, negative and positive, from your activity or project. 5. Was this an activity or project that you would recommend to other faculty? Why or why not? 6. If you only attended a conference this year, what are your plans for developing your own work for submission to present at next year’s conference? 7. Please include an actual expenditures update to the budget you proposed in your grant application, using the form supplied. This will help us track out-of-pocket costs for faculty attending professional conferences and make necessary requests for grant increases in the future. Rev. 11/3/14 FDC