Habitat Construction and Communication Check list Your communication with the other teams in Your Habitat should provide assignments for each team of parts of the habitat that you are willing to bring with you to Link-Up Day. Remember to label each part so that you can easily identify it for use in constructing your habitats with Duct Tape on Link-Up Day. The Duct tape will be provided to you. Don’t forget to use your good social skills in your first couple of communications to share some things about your team other than your names. Remember, your first communication in meeting them face to face would provide some introduction conversation. All parts of habitat are assigned to teams in habitat and what we are bringing has been prepared for transport to mission site. Habitat Team 1 Floor 10 foot by 10 Foot 1 Ceiling 10 foot by 10 foot 1 Wall at 8 foot by 10 foot 1 Wall at 8 foot by 10 foot 1 Wall at 8 foot by 10 foot 1 Wall at 8 foot by 10 foot 1 Door Flap (about 6 foot by 3 foot) 1 Fan Tunnel at 4 foot by 10 foot 1 Connecting Tunnel 12 foot by 10 foot 1 Box Fan 1 Outlet Strip