4-H Animal Project Worksheet Name of 4-H’er Project Year Instructions: This worksheet should help you keep records of your 4-H animal project. Please use a separate worksheet for each kind of project - beef, swine, sheep, etc. A. My project began with the following animals and/or I purchased them during the year: Date Description (include tag #, tattoo, earnotch, Birthdate or Beginning Cost or name, etc.) Cost per Lb. Weight Value Total Cost B. During the year, the following animals died: Date ID Estimated Weight Estimated Value Cause of Death And justice for all The Iowa Cooperative Extension Service’s programs and policies are consistent with pertinent federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, and handicap. Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Robert M. Anderson, Jr., director, Ames, Iowa. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. 1 Record of Expenses C. My feed record is (include feed grown on family farm): Date Purchased Type of feed (grain mix, hay, supplement, pasture, silage) Quantity (Pounds, days, etc.) Total Cost Total Feed Cost D. My other expenses (veterinarian, bedding, insurance, show supplies & fees, interest, etc.) Date Item or Expense Cost Other Expense Total 2 Record of Income E. During the year I sold the following animals: Date Sold Description (tag #, tattoo, earnotch, etc.) Net Sale (Amount of Check) Total Value of Animals Sold F. Listed below are the animals I still own at the end of the project year: Date Description (include tag #, earnotch, tattoo, name, etc.) Price per Lb/Head Estimated Weight Total Value of Animals on Hand G. Other Income (premiums, wool, etc.) I received: Date Item Income Total Other Income 3 Estimated Total Value Financial Summary Expenses What was the value of your animals at the beginning of your project? (A) How much did you spend for feed? (C) How much did you spend on other expenses? (D) What are your total expenses? Total Income What is the total amount you received from the animals you sold? (E) What is the total value of the animals you still own? (F) How much other income was made from your project (G)? What is the total income or value from your project? Total Profit or Loss Was your project profitable for you? (Subtract Total Expense from Total Income.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Production Records (Optional) Total pounds weaned for a breeding animal project? (Total pounds weaned is the weight of all the animals you weaned this year. Add numbers in the total pounds weaned column from each of your Breeding Animal Lifetime Record Sheets.) Average Daily Gain for a market animal project? a) Total gain = final weight minus beginning weight b) The number of days on feed = the number of days between the date of beginning weight and date of ending weight. c) ADG - total gain divided by the number of days on feed 4