100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 Temperature A metric unit for measuring temperature degree Celsius (C) Temperature A customary unit measuring temperature Degree Fahrenheit (F) Temperature A unit for measuring temperature Degree Temperature A device for measuring temperature thermometer Time A unit of time equivalent to 15 minutes. Quarter hour Time A time that passes from the start of an activity to the end of that activity. Elapsed time Time A device for telling time that has numbers only-no hands. Digital clock Time A device for telling time with numbers 1-12, a minute hand, and an hour hand. Analog clock Data The number of times and event occurs. Frequency Data The numbers placed at fixed intervals to label a graph. Scale Data The difference between two numbers on the scale of a graph. interval Data A method of gathering information or data by asking questions. Survey Graphs A graph that uses a line to show how data changes over time. Line graph Graphs A graph used to compare similar kinds of data using bars. Double-bar graph Graphs A graph in the shape of a circle that shows data as a whole made up of different parts. Circle graph Graphs A graph that shows the frequency of data along a number line. Line plot