Group 2 Jim Iris Gina Ruby Joyce Candy Donna 1. French and O’Brien(2008) also performed paired-samples t-tests to see whether the participants in the study improved on receptive vocabulary (RVOACB), productive vocabulary (PVOCAB), and grammar measures (GRAM). Maximum points were 60 on both vocabulary measures and 45 on the grammar measure. Perform three t-tests to investigate whether the schoolchildren made progress on these measures over the course of their English immersion. First comment on the distribution of the data by using boxplots; then report on the t-tests no matter whether distributions are normal or not . Use the French and O’Brien grammar.sav file. Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N Missing Percent N Total Percent N Percent gram_1 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% gram_2 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% pvocab_1 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% pvocab_2 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% rvocab_1 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% rvocab_2 104 100.0% 0 .0% 104 100.0% Answers: 1. From the boxplots, we can find the grammar participants made a lot of progress at Time2. Because the medians increased from 16.58 to 27.24. We can also see that there are many outliers at Time1. However, they are not very symmetrical. The boxplot of grammar1 is a skewed distribution (positively skewed), but the boxplot of grammar 2 shows a negatively skewed distribution. 2.The distribution for the productive vocabulary looks exactly normal because the boxplots look very symmetrical. The participants in this group made a lot of progress at Time2 as well. The medians increased from 30.61 to 43. 3.The boxplot of the receptive vocabulary at Time2 looks more symmetrical than at Time1. The participants in this group made a lot of progress at Time2,too. The medians increased from 32.81 to 38.13. We also can see that there is an outlier at Time2. Paired Samples Statistics Mean Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean gram_1 16.58 104 4.480 .439 gram_2 27.24 104 4.602 .451 rvocab_1 32.81 104 5.809 .570 rvocab_2 38.13 104 6.383 .626 pvocab_1 30.61 104 5.871 .576 pvocab_2 43.00 104 6.515 .639 4.From the mean scores we can say that the participants improved on all three measures over the course of their study. Because all the mean scores at Time2 are higher than at Time1. Pair 1 (16.58;27.24) Pair 2 (32.81;38.13) Pair 3 (30.61;43.00) Paired Samples Correlations Correlation N Sig. Pair 1 gram_1 & gram_2 104 .550 .000 Pair 2 rvocab_1 & rvocab_2 104 .851 .000 Pair 3 pvocab_1 & pvocab_2 104 .932 .000 5.We can see the correlation between the grammar is relatively large (r=0.55) but not nearly as strong as the correlations between the vocabulary tests. The r of the receptive vocabulary equals 0.851 and the r of the productive vocabulary is 0.932. Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Mean Pair 1 gram_1 - gram_2 Pair 2 rvocab_1 - rvocab_2 Pair 3 pvocab_1 - pvocab_2 Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean -10.663 4.308 .422 -5.327 3.372 .331 -12.394 2.367 .232 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Pair 1 gram_1 - gram_2 Pair 2 rvocab_1 - rvocab_2 Pair 3 pvocab_1 - pvocab_2 Upper t df -11.501 -9.826 -25.245 103 -5.983 -4.671 -16.112 103 -12.854 -11.934 -53.411 103 Paired Samples Test Sig. (2-tailed) Pair 1 gram_1 - gram_2 .000 Pair 2 rvocab_1 - rvocab_2 .000 Pair 3 pvocab_1 - pvocab_2 .000 6. The improvement in grammar was the largest, with an average of 10.663 out of 45 total. And the participants on average improved least on the receptive vocabulary measure, with an average change of 5.327 points out of 60. 7. Because the p-value is zero, we can say that it is statistically significant.