As an agent of growth, development and transformation, the University of the West
Indies regards as critically important the annual appraisal of the performance of its staff,
as well as the measurement and continuous development of such performance. The
University continues to be committed to ensuring that its staff are provided with adequate
support to enable them to work as effectively as possible, and to improving the quality of
their performance. The expectation is that there will be continuous dialogue between
Appraiser and Appraisee throughout the review period
The University’s Appraisal Programme is an essential part of the support system for staff
and is intended to provide in a systematic way, the opportunity to:
The Appraisal Programme for the University of the West Indies contains the following
five elements:
recognise the achievements of staff over the previous year
identify ways in which their performance can be improved to the benefit of
both the individual and the institution
agree on performance objectives for the coming year
review career development and prospects
identify training and other development opportunities
The setting of agreed performance objectives for the coming year;
A critical self-review of performance by the appraisee;
A review of the appraisee’s performance by the appraiser;
Identification of ways in which staff performance can be improved to the
benefit of both the individual and the institution;
The identification of development and /or training needs.
The appraisal process should proceed through the following stages:
Stage 1
Appraisee and Appraiser shall jointly set objectives for the year to come, in the
context of available resources. In the case of new members of staff this is to be
completed within 60 days of their effective date of employment. For other
members of staff this would have been done in completing the form for the year
before. Objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable,
timebound, ethical, and recorded (SMARTER).
Stage 2
Appraisee completes page 1 and Section A of the attached Appraisal Form and
submits to Head / Appraiser by 30 April.
Stage 3
Appraiser receives the completed Appraisal Form reads it, and completes Section
B providing a summary of his /her comments on the staff member’s performance,
identifying potential areas for discussion taking into account the needs of the
Department, Faculty and the University as well as the aspirations and career stage
of the appraisee.
Stage 4
Appraisal Interview shall normally take place during the month of May, but
certainly before the end of June and shall include:
discussion of areas of interest or concern
review of activities and achievements in relation to previously agreed
objectives (the previous appraisal record will need to be consulted)
review of activities against objectives of the Department / Faculty and
the University
setting and agreement of objectives for the coming year
identification of training and development opportunities
Stage 5
Appraiser and Appraisee sign Section B once the interview discussion is
concluded, each making summary comments, if necessary.
Stage 6
Appraisee with Appraiser completes Sections C and D of the Form giving
statements of objectives for the coming year and development and/or training
Stage 7
The Appraisal Form is passed by the Head of Department to the Dean of Faculty
who provides comments on the summary performance report (Section B). The
Dean signs Sections B and D confirming completion of the process and returns the
form to the Head of Department. Where the Dean indicates the need for a
discussion with the Head of Department/Appraiser, and comments adverse to the
staff member are made by the Dean in such discussion, it is incumbent on the Head
of Department/Appraiser to meet with the staff member afterwards to advise
him/her of the comments and to address them. The Head of Department sends the
original form to the HR Division/Section, a copy to staff member and retains one
for departmental files.
Stage 8
The relevant Assistant Registrar (HR) records that the appraisal has taken place
and ensures that the information contained in the form and particularly in Section
D is used for staff development purposes.
The Appraisal Process has a developmental purpose and is to be distinguished from
both the Promotion and the Disciplinary procedures of the University. The process
of annual appraisal will however, serve to keep the Head of Department and the
staff member better informed and prepared to engage meaningfully in the required
evaluation process for renewal of contract, promotion, appointment with indefinite
tenure or the obligatory four (4) year review for tenured staff.
Office of Administration
Revised June 2011