Using Card Get Acquainted Mixers There are lots of ways you can use cards to split large groups up and then have them do something Like with two different colored decks and the right number of cards for the group….expect 50-60….you can split the group into the red deck of cards and the blue deck of cards…then by suit of cards and you have them in groups of 6-8 and then have them: Arrange themselves by Shoe Size Then they must exchange their card five times with five other people and then Split Blue and Red Deck…then by suit and then have them Arrange themselves alphabetically by their middle name Then they must exchange their card five times with five other people and then Split Blue and Red Deck…then by suit and then have them Add up their total miles of their group in getting here tonight Then they must exchange their card five times with five other people and then Now have all the same cards get together…all the 4s..all the Kings, all the jacks, all the 3s….put them into groups of6 to 8 and then they must…. Come up with four words that start with the same letter or the alphabet that describe 4-H ….like Food, Fun, Friends, Fair (example…they can’t use this one) Then they must exchange their card five times with five other people and then Now have all the same cards get together…all the 4s..all the Kings, all the jacks, all the 3s….put them into groups of6 to 8 And now they are ready for Playdough Pictionary or Alphabet Challenge….