2014 MPI-Schott-BA155MPI
DIRECTIONS: Apply a rating of 0 to 3, as defined below, to indicate how well you
think the statement applies to your city.
(0) Disagree: My city does not do this.
(1) Disagree somewhat: My city does this only on a very limited
(2) Agree somewhat: My city does this partially, or in some areas.
(3) Agree: My city does this.
1. My city council sets clear goals and priorities for the year ahead.
2. My city council clearly communicates its goals and priorities
throughout the organization.
3. My city council regularly reviews the status of implementing
goals and objectives.
4. The public is adequately informed about council goals and
5. Council policy decisions are disseminated and explained to all
affected personnel throughout the organization.
6. Ethical standards are well understood and followed
throughout the organization.
7. Citizens have convenient access to elected officials to provide
input on policy decisions.
8. My city has a standard process for handling citizen requests and
9. My city council gives adequate consideration to staff
10.My city council has the capacity and willingness to make hard
choices and politically unpopular decisions when required or
11. Citizen surveys are conducted on a regular basis.
12. My city sponsors programs to encourage citizens to be active
in public issues.
2014 MPI-Schott-BA155MPI
13. My city promotes the social, cultural and demographic diversity
of its residents.
14. Employees have the opportunity to participate in setting
objectives and performance requirements for their work groups.
15. Performance evaluations of city employees are conducted
on a regular basis.
16. Training programs have been set up to enhance employees'
job skills.
17. My city has a comprehensive safety program for its employees.
18. City employees are encouraged to be creative and innovative.
19. Job descriptions are regularly reviewed and updated as
20. My city has written purchasing policies.
21. My city has a long-range plan that identifies community needs
and meet service demands in the future.
22. Our existing technological capacities are regularly
evaluated and upgraded as needed.
23. Our city has an up-to-date equipment and asset replacement
24. My city council is supportive of economic development activities
that are beneficial to the entire community.
25. City personnel policies are regularly reviewed to make sure
they are current and legal.
26. My city council clearly understands the city's financial
condition and makes sound budgetary decisions.
27. My city council avoids unbudgeted appropriations.
28. My city has a multi-year Capital Improvements Program.
29. City officials in my community meet regularly with
officials from other local governments.
2014 MPI-Schott-BA155MPI
30. My city council gives careful consideration to recommendations
from citizen boards or committees.
31. My city uses methods to measure the performance of city
activities and programs.
32. Elected officials from my city attend training programs and
33. City staff provides regular reports to council regarding city
activities and projects.
34. My city's elected officials are not disrespectful to each other
35. Council and staff treat each other with mutual respect and
36. City council has procedures for involving the community
in key projects and activities.
37. Before reaching a decision of importance, my council
usually requests input from persons likely to be affected
by their decision.
38. All council members carefully review council materials prior to
39. My city council takes action on items before they become
urgent or critical.
40. My city council often discusses where the city should be
in the future.
2014 MPI-Schott-BA155MPI
Add up the scores of all 40 questions. If your total score is:
Above 100: Your city meets the criteria for effectiveness.
80 - 100:
Your city meets many of the criteria for effectiveness.
40 - 80:
Your city meets some of the criteria for effectiveness.
Below 40:
Your city needs to significantly improve its effectiveness.