Greetings! The countdown has begun! School will be out of... of weeks and everyone is already thinking ahead to the...

The countdown has begun! School will be out of session in the next couple
of weeks and everyone is already thinking ahead to the future. For most
people future is short term like the Polk County Fair. For others that could
mean graduating high school and selecting a college to attend in the fall.
“Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss is one of my favorite books this
time of year. It is a book about the challenges you face and tackling your
fears. Whenever I read it I feel empowered to accomplish more in life. For
the graduating seniors and everyone else who is thinking ahead to the
future here are a couple of my favorite quotes from the book!
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing
Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you
choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where
to go...”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Joy Niklasen
County Youth Coordinator
Support Polk County 4-H at the Ankeny Tractor Supply
Tractor Supply Company is giving customers the chance to support 4-H through the sale of “Paper
Clovers” at the checkout for $1 from May 8 – 19. All proceeds benefit 4-H, with 60% staying right
here in Polk County!
Please provide your 4-H families with information about this promotion and encourage them to
send friends and family members to TSC to buy a paper clover (they can stock up on gardening or
spring livestock supplies while they are at it!). In Polk County, you can find The Tractor Supply
Company at 405 SE Oralabor Road, Ankeny, Iowa.
FSQA 2013
Many Polk County 4-H’ers completed FSQA training in March, but there are still a few that need to
complete this requirement before they will be allowed to exhibit food animals at fairs this year. If
an exhibitor was a 4th, 5th, or 6th grader this year, they will be required to attend a training session.
The final make-up session in Polk County will be,
Tuesday, June 18th
3:00 – 5:00 pm
Polk County Extension
Exhibitors in the 7th Grade or above are eligible to test out. Exhibitors interested in certifying by
exam, please make an appointment by calling 957-5771. Exams need to be completed by June 28th.
Livestock ID’s
All livestock ID’s will be done electronically through 4-H Online ( As has
always been the case, non weigh-in species ID’s will be due by May15th. To enter non-weigh in
species, you will need to log into your 4-H online family record, and add the pertinent Animal ID’s
to the member record. Weigh-In animals will be entered into 4-H online by county extension staff.
It will be the responsibility of the members to log into 4-H Online to verify that all information is
correct within one week of the weigh-in date. Information that is not verified by the members
within the verification timeframe will be locked and will not be able to be changed after that date. If
you have questions about this process feel free to contact Amy at 957-5763 or
2013 4-H Livestock Rule Changes/Updates
The official Iowa 4-H Animal Identification, Weighing and Exhibiting Requirements for County, State
and Interstate Shows (or sometimes referred to under its publication number 4-H 202) has been
updated for 2013.
You can view 4-H 202 at:
And you can review the changes and FAQ sheet here:
NEW THIS YEAR! Communication Posters will be judged during the Communications Event on
Thursday, July 18 at the Polk County Fair, and the top two posters are eligible to go to the Iowa
State Fair. In past years, Communication Posters have been judged on conference judging day.
Please remind 4-H’ers that they will need to put Communication Poster entries on the
Communications Event form, NOT the 4-H Exhibit Building entry form (the old blue sheet).
This year’s poster themes are:
 4-H is… (open to 4-H’ers interpretation)
 Join 4-H
 Unmask Your Opportunities
(The 2013 State 4-H Conference theme)
 4-H, Nothing Compares (the 2013 Iowa State Fair theme.)
To download a copy of the Poster Form, go to the online Polk County Fair website
Required Leader Trainings 2013
Thank you for attending the Leader Training on April 25. If you were
not available to attend, you will need to watch the online version and report
to the Extension Office that you watched the online version by returning the
“Learning Guide” and the “Evaluation Form”.
To find the Online Training, go to: and SCROLL to the
very bottom to view the “Alternate Online Training – Winter/Spring 2013”.
If you have questions, please call Joy at 957-5771.
The annual “4-Hers for 4-H” Campaign began March 1 and runs
through May 15. If you haven’t already, you will soon receive campaign
information via email or U.S. mail from the State 4-H Council. This
information can also be found online at Club Donation Forms and
contributions can be sent directly to the Iowa 4-H Foundation by May 15.
Approximately one-third of the funds from this campaign support the State
4-H Council program, which in turn provides the Iowa 4-H Youth Conference
experience for your 8-12th grade 4-H’ers. Almost half of the funds are
distributed back to county 4-H members in the form of scholarships for outof-county 4-H experiences and financial assistance to help cover program
development fee costs. Questions? Contact Albert Grunenwald,, 515-294-4780.
Congratulations to the following clubs who have already donated to the 4Her’s for 4-H Campaign!!!
 Levis ‘N Lace
 Bondurant Go-Getters
 Suburban Spirits
Communications Skills – New Families Workshops
One of the three major life skills 4-Hers learn is “how to
communicate” with others effectively. This could be interviewing
skills, actively participating in/leading a meeting or committee
discussion, public speaking or written communication skills through
record keeping and completing applications.
Does each 4-Her in the club give a presentation at one of the
club meetings? Please encourage your members to continue building
their skills by participating in the 4-H Communications Event at our
county fair.
Please encourage your 4-H families, especially your newer 4-Hers, to
register and attend the “New Families Workshops” held here at
our office.
The May 9th workshop (6:30 pm) will cover the whys and hows of
basic presentation skills, and we’ll also discuss how to make
effective posters.
To see some examples of excellent presentations, the state 4-H office
has posted video recordings of the 2012 Iowa State Fair 4-H Educational
Presentations and Share-The-Fun acts. This is a great way to introduce
new (and current) 4-Hers to the opportunities available through the 4-H
Communications project area. These videos can be found at
We also encourage you and your club members/families to attend the
Polk County Communications Event, Thursday afternoon, July
18, at the Polk County Fair!
Polk County Fair Theme
The theme for the 2013 Polk County Fair has been chosen and it is
I Plan. I Learn. I Grow.
The response to our addition of “note takers” to our conference
judging tables has been very positive. And with the benefits in mind,
the 4-H Advisory Board is looking for people who would be willing to fill
this role on Wednesday, July 17th. Please talk with your 4-H parents, 4H alums, and others who may be interested in helping on that day, even
for just a couple hours. If your place of employment has a volunteer
group who might be interested in helping this year (we had five
volunteers from Wellmark and three from Principal Financial Group who
helped last year), please provide Denise Veldhuizen (966-5835) the
contact person’s name, phone number and email as soon as possible.
4-H Silent Auction Gift Baskets
The 4-H Advisory Board is, again this year, planning a Gift Basket Silent
Auction with items on display during the fair. The proceeds from the
auction will provide funds the Advisory Board can use to promote and
grow our Polk County 4-H program. We thank the individuals and clubs
to participate by supplying auction baskets/items and we thank the folks
who saw the auction and contributed with their bids!
The baskets can be created by clubs, groups or individuals who support Polk
County 4-H. We ask that each basket be wrapped with clear cellophane so
everything stays contained in the basket. Each basket should have a clearly
written “Sponsored by:” tag and a list of the items in the basket. On the
bottom of the basket, please tape a small tag showing the approximate
value of its contents.
If you have any questions, please contact Kris Partridge at 967-4602 or . All clubs wishing to participate need to
commit by June 3. Baskets will need to be available to the Advisory Board for
pictures and descriptions by July 1.
2013 4-H Recognition Event
133 4-H’ers participated in the State 4-H Recognition interview process with
204 interviews Saturday, March 23. Those selected for a state awards will
be recognized at the Iowa State Youth Conference closing ceremonies on
Thursday June 27. 4-H’ers selected for state Recognition from Polk County
are as follows:
National 4-H Congress – Elizabeth Macro
State 4-H Project Award – Andrea Nelson, Michelle Temeyer & Zach
Iowa 4-H Youth Conference 2013
Please encourage your current 8th-12th grade 4-Hers to
attend this fun and informative event June 25-27, 2013,
on the Iowa State University campus. We have
brochures here at the office to share with your 4-Hers.
There are lots of fun activities and workshops planned.
If you would like to have a current or past Polk County 4-Her come speak to
your club about this great opportunity, please contact Joy right away at
957-5771 or to make arrangements.
And… we’re always looking for chaperones to go with our Polk County
group. If you or one of your 4-H parents would be interested, please let us
Register for Summer Camps Now!
Taste of Camp - July 31-August 3, 2013
Have your kids ever wanted to experience a Night Hike, Zip line, Archery,
and campfire cooking? If so, you should check out the 2013 4-H Taste of
Camp! Sample what Iowa 4-H Camp has to offer at our overnight camp, held
at the Iowa 4-H Center near Madrid, Iowa. Activities and opportunities
available for all ages including Clover Kids!
Contact Joy at the Polk County Extension Office for registration details –
515-957-5771 or
4-H Photo Camp
4-H Photo Camp will be held June 17-19th at the Iowa 4-H Center!
For more information go to
Camp brochures are now available here at the Extension Office.
Iowa State Fair Vet Camp and Advanced Vet Camp
Children ages 10-18 have the opportunity to attend the Iowa State Fair
Vet Camps for FREE. All camps are held during the 2013 Iowa State Fair,
August 8-18, and will consist of three stations each designed to
encourage hands-on learning about veterinary medicine. Information is
on the Iowa State Fair website at
or by contacting Emily Brewer at 515.262.3111 ext. 244 or Do not delay as this program is very popular and
fills up quickly! Registration deadline June 1 or when filled.
Upcoming County-wide Workshop
New Families Workshop – May 9 and June 13
Horse Clinic – Saturday, June 15
4-H On-line Enrollment and Forms
Have you and your 4-H club members completed your
enrollment/re-enrollment paperwork in 4hOnline?
Please check your club file in 4hOnline to be sure all your members are
enrolled and “active” in the 4hOnline system. You can’t exhibit if you’re
not enrolled for this 4-H year!
If you or any of your families have questions, or run into “issues” with
the online system, please give Amy (957-5763) or Joy (957-5771) a
call right away.
Applications for the Polk county Fair Queen and King Contests were made available at the
Polk County Fair Website ( New this year, each 4-H Club &
Clover Kids Club may have one male and one female representative. Applicants must be
16 years old by August 8th. Applications are physically due May 15 or post marked by
May 14th. No late entries will be accepted. Queen and King Contest Interviews will take
place on Saturday, June 1st at the Extension Office. If you need a specific time for an
interview please make a note of it on your application. The crowning will take place the
evening of July 17 at the fair. The Queen/King Superintendents are Kyle Smith and Jolynn
4-H Building & Night Watch for the Livestock Barns
As of the April 25th Leader meeting, most every slot for Barn Watch and Building hosts were spoken for, so I will be
assigning the last few slots unless you call soon! Expect that the final schedule for Barn Watch and Building host to
be sent out by June 1.
Shifts still needing filled:
Barn Watch: Saturday, Sunday
Horse Barn Watch: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Exhibit Building Hosts: Thursday 12-4pm, Friday 8:30am -12, Friday 4-8pm, Saturday 8:30am – 12, Sunday 8:30 –
11:30 am
BBQ Clean up on Wednesday evening (1 additional club needed)
Rabbit Cage Setup
Polk County Fair Clean Up Bids
The Polk County Fair is accepting bids for a group to clean-up the fairgrounds
during and/or after the Polk Fair July 17–22, 2013. Bids must be returned
by June 10th at 5:00 p.m to the Extension Office. For more information
please contact Glen Hollister at
Polk County Fair Raffle
It’s that time of year again to win a chance to stock your freezer full of meat or win some cash! The Polk County
Fairboard is having their annual raffle again this year. Tickets are 1 ticket for $5, or 5 tickets for $20. Winners will be
announced at the livestock auction on Monday July 22nd. You do not need to be present to win. You can purchase
tickets from any fairboard member, any Polk County 4-Her & the Polk County Extension Office. The funds raised by
this raffle are used to directly offset the costs of running the Polk County Fair which benefits the learning of hundreds
of local 4-H and FFA Exhibitors.
 Dates to remember:
o Iowa 4-H Youth Conference 2013 = June 25-27, in Ames
“Unmask Your Opportunities” (for this year’s 8th-12th graders)
o 2013 Polk County Fair = July 17-22, Iowa State Fairgrounds
Just let us know how we can help!
Joy Niklasen
4-H County Youth
Coordinator (CYC)
Amy Marek
4-H Internal Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national
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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue,
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