Dubuque County Extension
14858 West Ridge Lane, Suite 2
Dubuque, Iowa 52003-8466
Phone 563-583-6496; Fax 563-583-4844
Well this year was quite the year. Many changes in the office have occurred. I sure hope that in the coming year
we will have just as much fun and success as we had in the past. Our office will be closed from December 20, 2010 until
January 4, 2011, if you need to contact me please try my cell phone 563-599-9336.
As we look back on the successful year we have had, we realize that it could not have been done without the
many volunteers, parents, leaders, advisors, 4-H and FFA members. We truly thank each of you who volunteer your time
and efforts, I ask for your continued support in 2011. We would also like to take the time to wish each of you the best of
the holiday season. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact the Dubuque County Extension office.
One major change in the office is Dee Gaul has left the County Youth Supervisor job. We miss her so much in
the office, what knowledge and skills she has with 4H. Thanks Dee for everything you have given to 4H you are a breath
of sunshine. We miss you!
Michelle Switzer
County Youth Coordinator
LuAnn Krapfl
4-H Office Assistant
Calendar Of Events
December 14th - Youth Leader Christmas Party 7:30
December 19- Beef Weigh In Dyersville 7:00 a.m. – noon
December 20- January 4 - Extension office closed
January 14- Blue Ribbon Banquet
January 10- FSQA Training 7-9 p.m. Extension Office
February 1 - Scholarships due to State 4-H office
February 17– FSQA Training 7-9 p.m. Extension Office
March 3- New Member Night 7:00 Extension Office
March 5- Project day
March 19 – Swine Weigh In
March 22- FSQA Training 7-9 p.m. Extension Office must pre- registration
April 9- Communication Judging
April 23 – Sheep Weigh In
4H/FFA Family Newsletter
May 7 - FSQA Training 9-11a.m. Extension Office must pre-registration
May 18- Pre fair Leader meeting 7:00 at the Extension office
June 20- Junior Day Camp
June 28-30- Iowa Youth Conference “Aim for Adventure”
July 13- Clothing Fashion review Judging 5:30 at the Extension Office
July 19- Youth leaders Set Up 4-H Booth Dividers 6-9:00
July 20 & 21- Set Up 4-H Club Booths 5-9:00
July 23- 4-H Building Judging
July 26-31- Dubuque County fair “It’s a Family A fair”
August 1- Building Projects released 5-6:00. 6:00 tear down dividers we need adults.
August 8- State Fair projects due at the Extension Office no later than 4:00
August 9- State Fair projects delivered to State Fair
August 11-21- State Fair “Nothing Compares”
August 22- Pick up State Fair projects at the extension Office after 9:00am
A special Newline
Food Safety and Quality
Assurance for 4-H
Dates of Training must pre register
(FSQA) Training/Testing Dates Set
Iowa 4-H’ers and FFA membersParents
produce over 13 million
pounds of meat each year, all of which goes into the
January 10 7-9 p.m.
American food supply. And that doesn’t include all the
milk and eggs produced by these youth! Because 4H’ers and FFA members are producing food, not just
showing animals, they should be expected to follow the
same rules and regulations as all other food producers.
That includes knowing the food production rules and
following them exactly to produce what consumers
expect—a safe, high quality food product.
FSQA certification is required for 4-H or
FFA exhibitors showing Market and/or
Breeding Beef, Swine, Sheep, Rabbit,
Poultry, Dairy Cattle and Dairy Goats at the
2011 Dubuque County and State Fair. At the
2011 State Fair, FSQA certification will be
required for exhibitors showing all meat
December 2010
February 17 7-9 p.m.
March 22 7-9 p.m.
May 7 9-11 a.m.
You can come into the office at any time to take the test,
if you are between the ages of 12-18.
There are two ways that 4-H'ers and FFA members can
become FSQA certified:
1) Attend an FSQA Training for Youth
session. If youth attend an FSQA training session,
their certification is good for one year, no matter
what their age. Exhibitors aged 9-11 must attend
the face to face training each year.
2) Pass an FSQA certification test. Exhibitors
age 12-18 may go to a training session each year
or use the test out option. If youth pass the FSQA
certification test, their certification is good until they
4H/FFA Family Newsletter
reach the next age category. If youth are 12-14
years old and pass the test, their certification is
good until they are 15 years old. If youth are 15-18
years old and pass the test, their certification is
good until they are 19 years old.
Youth will be trained through one of these two methods
provided by the ISU Extension Service. Although
veterinarians are partners in this process and may assist
with the training sessions, veterinarians can no longer
sign individual certification cards for youth.
Ear Tags
Due to the increase in the cost of livestock ear tags
this year, all ear tags that we use for weigh- in will be
$2.00. This includes beef, swine and sheep.
Beef Weigh In
If you are not going to make it to Beef Weigh In
on December 19th or are weighing in for State
Fair, then you must go to either Jackson on
January 2nd at the Maquoketa Livestock from
12-4:00 and they also have state fair
verification, or Delaware at the Manchester
Livestock Auction area on December 18th 811:30 and they will have state fair entries retinal
scanning beginning at 10:00. You will need to
get tags from me. But you need to call Delaware
or Jackson before you go so they know you
are coming.
Fruit Sales
Sally Heacock has again volunteered to take on the
task of organizing the fruit sales for 4-H. If your club
is interested please give her a call at 563-556-7899, as
soon as possible.
Fair Queen
Dubuque County Fair is taking applications for their
2012 fair queen. Each contestant must be 16 years
old and not more than 21 as of the first day of the
2011 Iowa State Fair. Interested applicants please
contact the fair grounds at 588-1406, or the
Extension Office at 583-6496.
December 2010
Current and former 4-H'ers, are reminded that 4-H
college scholarships are due to State 4-H Youth
Development Office by February 1. There are over
50 different scholarships to both four-year and two
year colleges. Check the eligibility requirements for
the available scholarships at the county Extension
office. Deadline is February 1 to the State 4-H
There are also scholarships for high school juniors.
Fall Leader Training
Fall Leader training is now on line you can connect
to this site http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4hvolunteers .
Remember if you are a General or Project Leader you are
required to take this training or they will have to be reclassified. I also have the DVD here at the office. If you
would like to check it out. Otherwise if you would like to
get a bunch of leader friends together you are
welcome to watch it at the office in the conference
room if it is available.
All secretary, treasurer, and historian book are
ready to be picked up. We had a lot of good quality
books this year.
Blue Ribbon Banquet
Friday, January 14 is the Dubuque County
Fairgrounds annual Blue Ribbon Banquet.
6pm Social, Prime Rib Dinner 6:30pm, entertainment
by Mentalist Brian Imbus at 8pm.
$40.00 per person - Complimentary, beer and soda,
Mixed drinks $1.00 all evening. Call 563-588-1406 for
tickets or contact any director.
Funds raised will go toward Capital Improvement
Shooting Sports
The Shooting Sports Club is looking for 4-H
members who would be interested in learning the art
of trap shooting, air rifle, and hopefully soon
archery. If you are interested please contact the
office, remember if you commit to this the 4-H’er has
to have a parent present at all times. They will be
starting training soon. If there are any adults willing
to take the State training and help please let me
know. Adult training will be taking place in April.
Warm Fuzzes
We would like to take this time to give a big thank
you to all of the people who work with the 4-H Food
Stand Committee without them 4-H programs in this
county would be few and far between, they help
support the Banquet, the program fees, the lock in
and so much more. Please thank them and help when
you are asked.
We would also like to thank the great leaders and
members of the Washington Senators for all their
help at our 4-H Banquet. They are a great group to
work with.
I would also like to thank the outgoing 2010 4-H
Royalty thank you for a great year you were a super
Iowa Junior Holstein
Grab Your Shirts...Slip on Your Sandals and join Dairy
enthusiast for a fun-filled Hawaiian luau at this year's
annual Iowa Junior Holstein Convention on December
28-29 at the Bluffs Inn in Decorah, Iowa. All youth ages
8-21 interested in dairy are invited to attend the
convention. There will be fun quiz bowl and jeopardy
competitions, mixer games, pizza and a dance. Contact
Luke Rauen, Iowa Junior Holstein President at
lrauen@iastate.edu or 563-451-7878 for more
December 2010
4H/FFA Family Newsletter
2011 State Volunteer Retreat
The information about the 2011 State Volunteer Retreat,
scheduled for February 11-12 is now posted on the website at
Scroll down to the Trainings box in the bottom right and click
on the State Volunteer Retreat link. When the new page pops
up, if you click on State Volunteer Retreat Forms – you will
access all of the documents in Word format. Included in this
“Forms” link is a very important letter from the registration
As you can see, the volunteers who plan the retreat have put
together another fantastic set of workshops – and thank you if
you are on the list to present! Please advertise the retreat in
your volunteer and family newsletters and feel free to put a
link to it on your county webpage.
The cost of the retreat is only $10.00 this year thanks to a grant
we have received from Monsanto for a statewide volunteer
Remind volunteers that all registration forms should be sent to:
Ruth Wagner
417 S.E. 6TH ST.,
ANKENY, IA 50021-3425
Rules for 4-H Club Raffle
Date: November 30, 2009
RE: 4-H Raffles, Bingo Nights, Games of Chance and other
County and Club Related Gaming Activities
The new IRS 990 form and revisions to the State of Iowa’s
rules and regulations regarding “Games of Chance” (including
raffles, bingo nights, drawings, game nights and other gaming
activities conducted as fundraisers) have raised some questions
about how we are working with these activities through the
Iowa 4-H Foundation.
Previously, the 4-H Foundation held a central, single, gaming
license which could be used by counties with 4-H County
Endowments when they were holding raffles, bingo nights,
drawings, game nights and other gaming activities conducted
as fundraisers to support local 4-H programs. We asked each
county to report after the event with the funds raised and
worked centrally to pay all the taxes and fees associated with
these activities, debiting and crediting county endowments
accordingly. Alternately, counties and 4-H clubs could apply
for their own raffle license through the Iowa Department of
Inspections and Appeals:
http://www.state.ia.us/government/dia/page5.html .
However, these procedures need to change to bring us into
compliance with new tax accounting and reporting
requirements, and new state regulations for non-profit
gambling activities which can be found online; please
reference the following websites for additional information:
4H/FFA Family Newsletter
drawings, game nights and other gaming activities conducted
as fundraisers) so we can do things correctly and protect the
clover in all of our activities.
If you have conducted a “Game of Chance” (including raffles,
bingo nights, drawings, game nights or other gaming activity)
in the last three months, or know of a 4-H Club or other entity
that has done so, please notify us immediately (whether or not
you used a license). There are state reports which must be
filed. Counties, clubs and the Iowa 4-H Foundation can be
held liable by the State of Iowa if we do not follow the proper
Thank you.
We’re still working through the implications of these changes.
Calls have been made to the appropriate people in the Iowa
Department of Inspections and Appeals to discuss these
changes and we hope to know more definitively what we will
need to do – and what we will need your help in doing – in
early 2010. In the meantime, please take the following steps
as you plan for year-end and early 2011 fundraising activities
that involve raffles, bingo nights, drawings, game nights or
other gaming activities:
1) CALL the 4-H Foundation (515-294-1537) to discuss
the event at least one week BEFORE the event
happens. Please speak with either Theresa Samson or
Joe Leisz, we will review the specific appropriate
reporting requirements needed at that time.
2) Be prepared to KEEP GOOD RECORDS of the
activities conducted (including tickets sold, funds
raised, prizes awarded, and to whom the prizes were
3) Be prepared to submit a WRITTEN SUMMARY of
the activities within 10 working days (TWO WEEKS)
of the end of the activity. The report may be an email or summary submitted with checks for deposit to
your county endowment fund; we will share the best
way to submit the report when we visit by phone.
(Please be aware that, to the best of our knowledge,
we MUST SUBMIT REPORTS by the end of the
month – no more than 30 days after an event – in
order to avoid fines from the Iowa Department of
For additional information on current operating procedures
please also refer to the Financial Guidelines for Iowa 4-H
Clubs and Groups:
, and the Non-Profit and Tax Exempt Information for 4-H
Clubs and Affiliated 4-H Organizations:
https://www.iowa4hfoundation.org/PDF/NonProfitInfo.pdf .
Please help by being aware of county and club activities that
deal with “Games of Chance” (including raffles, bingo nights,
December 2010
Joe Leisz, CFRE
Executive Director