Major Excursions Action Log – (As of 4/19/08) Item 5. Description Follow-up with the review of Prospectus’ prior to the marketing of the trip – No one has been assigned at this point but we may want to have core group established to focus on reviewing prospectuses. Status Open Assigned To TBD Date Assigned 1/27/07 7. ME Liaison Role. – Stacia will follow up with Leaders on interest Open Stacia 4/21/07 15. Develop spreadsheet of leaders who do not have a Citizens account – This activity will be worked on to reconcile all accounts. Open Mary 10/14/07 19. Strategic Goal Planning – Include this exercise on the agenda for Annual Meeting for 2008. Review all projects that are happening and prioritize what is important for the program. Ongoing Stacia/Darcy 10/14/07 Date Completed 10/14/07 – Stacia has confirmed that a policy is set to have prospectus in a month before ads run in the “Outdoors”. Some leaders are not posting prospectus because they want to know how is interested in trip. ME still needs a copy for the committee and new leader reference. Prospectus’ will be archived on web site. Process still needs to be established to review Prospectus’. Erika volunteered to assist. 4/19/08 – Move to Marketing Sub Committee Task. 4/19/08 – Move either Marketing and/or Leadership committees based on committee structure. 1/26/08 – In progress. Letters have been sent to leaders to reconcile the information. 4/19/08 – 80% complete. A discussion needs to be held at the summer meeting regarding bank account policies. 1/26/08 – Table for future discussion when Stacia is present. 29. Cancellation Process – Ralph requested that we discuss a formal process for trip cancellations. Cancelling a trip too soon is a risk. Open Stacia 1/26/08 30. 2009 Trip Ideas – Solicit leaders for their ideas on 2009 trips to aid in financial planning. Chair Transition Task Force – Work on the Chair transition process. Open Darcy 1/26/08 Open T. Walley 1/26/08 32. Leader Retreat/Summer Meeting ’08 Task Force – Establish program for retreat. Open Darcy/Stacia 1/26/08 36. Retreat - Activity Recommendation for Nobel View – Contatct Rob Robertson, Nobel View Chair for suggestions on activites Retreat – Add CPR Training to the agenda Mountain Ranch in the Heart of the Rockies – Review prospectus for appropriate listing on altitude and activities so it is marketed appropriately Mountain Ranch in the Heart of the Rockies – Update application and budget Colorado – Cross country – Revisit group status and confirm there are no issues. Morocco Trek & Sites – Follow up with outfitter insurance information. Engleberg Switzerland – Confirm Ginette’s commitment on paying for airfare. MEC Sub-Committee – MEC members to select committee they are interested in working on as the Chair or committee member Open Mike 4/19/08 Open Open RSC 4/19/08 4/19/08 31. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Open 4/19/08 Open 4/19/08 Open 4/19/08 Open 4/19/08 Open MEC Members 4/19/08 1/26/08 – Erika updated that this is being worked on by Stacia. This topic will be added to the April agenda. 1/26/08 – Darcy will send email. 1/26/08 – T. Wally will work with Darcy to coordinate the first meeting. 1/26/08 – Darcy will work with Stacy on a date. Lynn, Mike and Merri have volunteered to participate on the task force. 4/19/08 – Email Stacia interests. CLOSED TASK LOG 1. Trip numbers will be updated in the Fall Minutes to be consistent with the actual trips - Stacia did not know if this was assigned to anyone. Most importantly, is that Ralph and Bob have correct numbers in their files. Darcy and Ralph will validate the numbers on file. 2. 3. 4. 9. 10. 6. Darcy to distribute the survey results based on a survey initiated by the board regarding outdoor recreation activities – this was added to the minutes. Roger will locate the survey results and distribute them. Solicit Leaders for bank account information - Records on leader bank accounts are poor and Darcy will address this as a project when she returns from maternity leave. Erika asked if the AMC Controller needs to sign all accounts. Darcy stated that the signature process needs to be reviewed and updated. All signature cards will be reviewed along with an inventory of who has accounts and at which banks. Create procedure for using the Citizens account to assist leaders - Darcy stated the Citizens Bank has set up a process to address AMC needs and they are close to having a good system. Darcy is recommending that the Citizens process be reviewed with James Tad, AMC Controller. MEC Program expense fee and capping - Stacia will notify all leaders of the change. Day Hiking in the Swiss Alps – Contingently Approved (0820) - Review budget figures in Excel Spreadsheet and clarify free leader cost. – Ralph will confirm with Paul. ME Database in progress and targeted for June/July Beta test. Stacia will provide updates on the progress. – In Progress Preliminary test database was received this week. They are working on having the database accessible to the committee as read only access. Darcy will review and determine if the true testing can be completed. Closed Darcy/Ralph 1/27/07 10/14/07 - Darcy and Ralph are in agreement. Someone will need to check the relevant minutes. The key trips are 0726: Schempp Tetons/Yellowston 0727 Boudrot Wild Alaska 0728 Schempp Canadian Rockies 10/14/07 – Ralph did get document from Ralph. Closed Darcy 1/27/07 Closed Darcy 1/27/07 10/14/07 – All Citizens accounts have been identified. New action item #15 opened for all other accounts. Closed Darcy 1/27/07 10/14/07 - Darcy has been made a super user with Citizens Bank ME Accounts to help address and fix issues. Closed Stacia 7/22/07 Closed Ralph 7/22/07 8/1/07 - Done: Handbook has also been updated 8/1/07 - Done; we agreed on a revised budget and price Closed Darcy 4/21/07 1/26/08 – Database was reviewed at the fall meeting and is operational. Passwords have been distributed to Ralph and Stacia. 10/14/07 – Brochure is complete. Priority set to get them distributed to the locations including the huts. 1/26/08 – Brochure has been distributed 10/14/07 – Dave Langley will be contacted to validate permits and Whitney slots. 1/26/08 – All issues resolved. 1/26/08 – Distributed to leaders. 8. Marketing Brochure - Review brochure and get comments to Stacia with cc: to Darcy. Closed ME Committee Members 7/22/07 11. California’s Sierra Mountains – Contingently Approved (0821) - Confirm permit requirements. Closed Erika 7/22/07 12. AMC Outdoors: How You Can Contribute – Erika recommended that this be sent to Darcy so that it can be circulated. Heather will send to Darcy. hfHolidays Travel Ad – Further follow-up is needed to address home exchange ads for trips Adventure Travel Advertising – Can this be reviewed with Darcy prior to any commitment so that everything is approved through the committee? Email Update – Trish Niece’s email has been changed to Distribution updates need to be made. ME Staff Tasks – Committee would like to understand the Operational and Strategic tasks and time being spent to assist with prioritization and workload. Ad Calendar – Dates will be established for “Outdoors” ads and distributed to the Marketing Task Force for review. Closed Heather/Darcy 10/14/07 Closed Darcy 10/14/07 1/26/08 – Darcy completed. Closed Darcy 10/14/07 1/26/08 – Darcy completed. Closed Stacia/Darcy 10/14/07 1/26/08 – Update made. Closed Darcy 10/14/07 1/26/08 – Darcy distributed job description and task Closed Stacia/Darcy 10/14/07 Washington Service Trip (Mt Rainer) –Solicit Leaders for potential interest to partner with AMC North Country Trails Volunteer Programs for next summer (July). Wrangell/St. Elias – Insurance needs to be verified and check needs to be received. Glacier National Park Hikes – Communicate name changes to both trip leaders. Stacia will include this in the submission letter. Olympic National Park’s Trips – Overlap of trip is confusing and committee would like clarification on the itinerary which impacts where people are and when and can leaders manage the Closed Darcy/Alan 10/14/07 1/26/08 - Add ran in Jan/Feb and a future one to run in July/Aug 1/26/08 – All issues resolved. Closed Darcy/Ralph 10/14/07 Closed Stacia 10/14/07 Closed Darcy/Ralph 10/14/07 13. 14. 16. 17. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 18. group effectively. There are permitting issues for large groups and permit needs to be addressed. There is a concern that from the leaders perspective that this will not be logistically difficult. Darcy will follow up with phone call to address issues. The Sawtooths – Trish will communicate the flat tire issues to the leaders. Trekking in Bhutan – Committee is requiring co-leader. Budget will need to be revisited. Dates need to be finalized. An African Dream – Participant numbers and advertising range needs to be communicated. Erika will follow-up with Darcy, Stacia and Ralph. ME Staff Roles – Provide information to Leaders to explain role and how they can assist, directly and in-directly. Closed Trish 10/14/07 Closed Erika 10/14/07 Closed Erika 10/14/07 Closed Darcy 10/14/07 28. Additional Medical Form Review – Determine the best solution for accommodating ME with the appropriate information that will meet all liability rules. Closed Darcy 1/26/08 33. Trail Work in Mt. Rainer National Park – Backup technical guide needs to be assigned and budget to be revised. Closed Ralph 1/26/08 34. Pack and Paddle Patagonia’s Torres Del Paine National Park – Budget needs to be revised back on exchange rates. Snowshoe Adventure in Glacier NP & Mission Valley, MT committed backup leader to be assigned, pricing verified and Glaciers refund policy confirmed Closed Ralph 1/26/08 Closed Ralph 1/26/08 35. 1/26/08 - 1/26/08 – Darcy distributed the roles and responsibilities of the Travel Programs Coordinator. Send condensed list to leader list for information. 1/26/08 – Darcy to work with Aaron. T.Walley, Merri fox and Lynn Zimmerman volunteered to assist. 1/26/08 - Alex (trails dept) said he would be Ali's backup technical person. 4/19/08 – Assigned