AMC Adventure Travel Committee Meeting Meeting Start: 8:30am

AMC Annual Summit 1/25/14
AMC Adventure Travel Committee Meeting
DRAFT Minutes
Meeting Start: 8:30am
1. Welcome/Introductions (See below for a list of the attendees).
All Attendees were all present – none attended via the available remote connection
2. Approval of minutes from October 2013 meeting. Minutes approved.
3. Executive Committee Make-Up: Submitted by a Committee Member
It has been suggested that an At-Large Member be added to the Executive Committee. If such a person would be first
elected as part of the Election of Officers
Bob Bentley commented that he felt that the addition of an At-Large member to the Executive Committee would provide
a greater presentence and better r
Ralph commented only a majority vote is needed to amend the Standing Rules.
Walley Moved. Mike seconded.
Call notes may be misleading because the notes are an abbreviation. Many emails not noted. This evolved from informal
to more formal with Ralph and Colleen with the addition of Nancy then Mike. These weekly daytime working calls
are separate from the monthly "Executive Committee" calls. One of the examples of the calls is for the approval of a
second section of a trip when a trip fills quickly. The executive committee informal calls have been instrumental in getting
this process expedited and done by consensus. Much more informal than seen in the committee notes. Rarely is there any
disagreement, this is done by consensus. Any other questions on the motion?
Len didn’t understand the At-Large Language – He didn’t mind the additional of an additional member but concerned
about sub-set interested. Not certain this would improve communication.
Bob – felt that in reading the notes it seemed to him that decisions were being made by 2 staff and 2 executive committee
members. Having an additional person he believed would increase transparency.
Ralph – said a huge number of one on one calls and there are not notes on a vast number of calls.
Mike- suggests that the way we have done business has evolved over the years. Addition of the At-large member is an
example. Mike is excited about reenergizing the committee and help represent the larger body of the committee.
Merri – It is an extra voice and opinion. Not only to take on work, but an additional opinion.
T Walley – Also increasing the committee to staff ratio. Having one more
Nancy said staff doesn’t negotiate but supports the committee.
Art – Said he can’t see a downside
Merri – Said having one more able body to volunteer a definite plus
Eva – Thought that the At-large person could be the one that makes sure communication is more transparent.
Motion passes.
4. Election of Officers
Ralph brought up the standing rules is 3 year terms. Terms are up and now time for election. Previous meeting had
problems with call in communication so election was moved to today’s agenda.
T Walley – Commented that there were rumors regarding the AMC board determining the slate. T Walley said that has
not been the case. Mike and Ralph both made statements regarding their vision statements for Chair. Votes were cast by
committee members anonymously for each position. Pam Madigan (outgoing secretary) collected and counted votes for
each of the elected officers.
Candidates Mike Barry and Ralph Blumenthal both presented their vision statements.
Chair Elected – Mike Barry
Bob Bentley thanked Ralph for all his efforts.
Mike moved to thank Ralph Officially – Moved approved
Dick Cable nominated by Ralph – he declined
Steve Cohen – Nominated by Mike
Vice Chair Elected - Steve Cohen
Secretary – Merri Fox Nominated by Pam
Secretary Elected – Merri Fox
Ralph Blumenthal - Nominated by Pam
Len Weiss – Affirmed he was running for Treasurer as well
Both made statements regarding their vision.
Treasurer Elected – Ralph Blumenthal
Bob Bentley – Nominated by Art Paradice
T Walley – Nominated by Betsy Goeke
Dick Cable – Nominated by Merri Fox
All three made vision statements
Vote was a tie and the Chair asked to vote to break a tie
At-Large Member Elected- Bob Bentley
Sarah, Rami, and Jeanne attended the training in November 2013 and Cindy did so in November 2011. Both
Sarah and Rami have trips on the agenda.
Sarah Keats – recommended for approval as co-leader without any contingencies
Cindy Hilbert – Needs to complete evaluated trips satisfactorily.
Rami Haddad – Took training again this past fall – has a trip this coming weekend- approval based on that be
Jeanne Blauner – contingent upon successful completion and satisfactory evals in Feb and March trips.
All approved as co-leaders
6. Trip approvals
For 2014
Dick Cable, Rami Haddad, Bicycle Seattle & Around: Tour of Lakes and Islands, Bicycling July 5-12, $1,950.
Expedited because of need to get into the March magazine. #1436 (provisionally approved) Can be pulled if not fully
approved today. Approved #1436
For 2015
Steve Cohen, Sarah Keats, Cross-country skiing in Austria’s Olympia Region, Skiing-Cross Country, Jan-24-Feb-1
Merri questioned where they would be meeting in Innsbruck. Steve Cohen said the meeting place would be at the hotel
which is very close to the train. All groomed skiing. Suitable for bringing family members of various levels. Approved
Ginette Beaudoin, Anna Panszczyk, A High Altitude Bolivian Hiking Adventure, Jan 24-Feb 6, $3,825 T Walley
asked about acclimatization. Anna explained that measures have been taken in the itinerary. Bob asked about when
deposits required and what is the policy regarding refund for the outfitter. Anna said will cancel by August if not enough
participants to run. Bob moved to approved not with not having any non-refundable deposits prior to August. Ralph
seconded. Approved #1507
Steve Cohen, None (Carl Rosenthal), Legendary Excursion: Athens and the Peloponnesian Peninsula, Cultural,
April 17-May3 $3,575. This is a single leader trip and a number of concerns were brought up. Steve addressed these
along with a handout. Carl Rosenthal will serve as backup. Excellent local guide vetted along with backup of Antonis
Dimas. Financial risk – All payments made by Steve directly to vendor. Legal Risk – No different than any wholly AMC
supported trip. Automobile – Rental car agencies offer personal liability insurance for injury to passengers. Trip would
purchase approx. 1 million coverage. Ralph brought up past AMC trips that have used full outfitter not just an individual.
Ralph asked about vehicle insurance not being covered outside the vehicle. Much conversation ensued regarding what
would be appropriate regarding insurance. Ultimately Steve felt plans were sound and safe. Trip approved with Ralph
abstaining. Approved #1508.
Dick Cable, Janis Stahlhut, Norway: Hiking Hut-to-Hut in the Land of the Reindeer, Trekking, Aug 11-21, $2,400.
Bill Wheeler asked if there are drying rooms and Dick replied yes. This will help with participants not needing to bring
additional clothing. Ralph seconded Approved #1509.
Ron Janowitz, Linda Moraski, Trekking in Ladakh, India (Little Tibet) and Delhi Tour, Sept 7-26, $3,800. A new
trip. Two weeks of trekking and several days of acclimatizing. Pass of 17,000 on the fifth day of trek. Eva did this same
trip several years ago and used the same outfitters, she was very comfortable with the arrangements. Ralph mentioned
price distributed today in proposal slightly different. Bill Wheeler and T Walley both commented on the importance of
timing day to day treks in case of a participant getting ill. Dick Cable commented on the importance of what is brought in
your daypack because of luggage received days later. Move to approve Seconded. Approved #1510.
Ginette Beaudoin, Anna Panszczyk, Early Fall Hiking in Glacier National Park, Hiking, Sept 12-19 $1,650 Merri
moved to approve Walley seconded. Approved #1511.
Dick Cable, Janis Stahlhut, New Zealand: Off the Beaten “Track”, Trekking, Nov 7-20, $4,675
This is a multiple sport which is different from the February trip, so will attract a different clientele. This is also a
backpack. T Walley moved to approved Ralph seconded. Approved #1512
John Lisker asked about dibs list – Ralph commented it is on Snebulos. Ralph recommend John send an email that both
Nancy can list to track and list on Snebulos on dibs.
7. Trip Status: Financial Updates
For 2013 we had 29 trips only 3 cancelled. Only 3 have not completed financials. We are moderately in the black.
We now have 33 trips in 2014. 3 have cancelled. One of these became a NY chapter trip.
Big Bend trip sign ups challenging and then last minute signups. Now up to 7 and John as another prospect! This trip is in
3 weeks as well. This is off the at risk. Bob Newson’s Death Valley trip only at possibly 3 participants. Trip is last week
of April. Minimum was supposed to be 8-12. Bob is thinking about reconsidering this as a single leader trip because he’d
really like this to go. Ralph said it’s good that the vast majority of trips are going. The ability to list as waitlisted, full, and
available helpful. The at risk trip is Merri Fox Hawaii – only 3 have signed up. We are up to trip number 36 in 2014.
Low was 26 in 2010. We have more expensive trips now and therefore greater revenue. 2014 is very much in the black.
This has brought up discussion on how to handle this and possible reserve fund.
For 2015 we now have 12 trips at the January meeting and we are a quarter ahead of recent years so we are
looking even better for next year. If you are thinking of a trip, please be sure to let the AT committee know. Steve
brought up the importance of mentoring new leaders and commended Dick Cable for being a great example of providing
new leaders opportunities to co-lead.
8. Motor Vehicle Record Checking Policy Review
Bob Bentley felt let the program continue as is as see how it goes.
Bob brought up and distributed a copy of the policy and recommended we strike the 75 age limit. Made a motion to strike
out the 75 age limit. Lynne seconded. Passed.
9. Subcommittee Updates:
Ralph only heard from Andrea – Trip Review Committee. The one thing she reiterated. She would very much appreciate
having additional volunteers (they don’t have to be on the committee) help in the review process. The more those
participate that have knowledge of areas, the better the process.
Even if you can participate only for a few – let Mike know.
Leader and Co-leader Mentoring Committee – Nancy commented that she and Erica have taken the lead on this. Erica has
worked on the logistics of updated the list. Together they have really honed the list.
Ralph brought up that Leader concerns in trip evals used to follow under this subcommittee by is now more handled by
executive committee.
Much discussion ensued regarding financial reports and having a user friendly worksheet. Mike summed this up by
commenting that we move towards getting a more detailed worksheet. Ralph made comments that supported this idea as
well. Ron commented trip planning is time consuming, but budget planning process can be particularly onerous. Ron said
that a very worthwhile goal would be to improve this process. Ralph commented that there is less trouble with people
reporting and doing back up. Cindy Martell commented we table this for the executive committee. Len then said the more
complex the trip the more difficult the budget. Somewhere it’s important to measure the financial component of the trip.
The real problem is the gap when there is no consistency with the financials and the trip planned. Words describing the
trip need to mirror the financials.
10. Post Trip Review Practices; Submitted by a Committee Member
Bob Bentley is concerned that if there are issues with leaders we’re not hearing about them. Bob wants it to be opened up
a bit more so issues can be better addressed and resolved. Bob is concerned issues are not being brought to the committee
as a whole and hard to make decisions based on limited info. Merri commented that a threshold of “need to know” be
drafted and be brought back to the whole committee for consideration. Mike commented these can be delicate matters. It
was agreed that the Executive Committee will look into thresholds for safety, satisfaction, etc. and bring their
recommendations for policy back to our next meeting for consideration. Eva recommended a quarterly newsletter to
updates and sharing of experience/knowledge. Nancy also commented that making sure we do things the proper way and
having transparency is of paramount importance.
11. Officer Communications; Submitted by a Committee Member
Mike Barry asked to defer this subject until next business.
12. Marketing Update - Nancy Brought up the Availability of Luggage tags and Bandanas
Summary of Meeting and Action Items/Topics for Next Meeting
Andrea Needs Help with trip review committee
Budget worksheets will be looked at
Newsletters need help
Post trip review process
Next Meeting: AT Spring Retreat, Noble View, April 25-27, 2014. Committee meeting on Sunday am.
The trip proposal deadline is April 3.