AMC Adventure Travel Trip Proposal Form /

Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
AMC Adventure Travel Trip Proposal Form
Last Revision February 2014
The following pages contain the application to lead an AMC Adventure Travel trip. Please complete the form with as much
detail as possible, and attach additional sheets if necessary. Also include a detailed budget/costing sheet that clearly shows
all costs associated with your planned excursion. The trip proposal form and budget are due three weeks prior to the AMC
Adventure Travel Committee (AMC-ATC) meeting in which it will be reviewed. Deadlines will be posted on the AMCATC leader website ( and sent to you on the AMC Adventure Travel leader listserv well in
advance of the meeting. The AMC-ATC will not accept late proposals unless the chair is notified in advance with a
compelling reason. Incomplete applications will be returned to you and not reviewed until complete, so please make sure to
fill in all applicable sections.
The proposal form was created as a Microsoft Word protected document. To fill in each section click on the check box
and/or on the grey text box and start typing. The boxes will automatically get larger as you fill in text. If you find that you
need a lot of space to explain a section, please say “see additional attachment” and attach a separate page.
In addition, the following are helpful during the review process:
Maximum 50- and 150-word notices for the AMC Outdoors and maximum 450-word notices for
Please see the current rules - and schedule for submitting notices for the
AMC Outdoors.
Trip prospectus – without the application forms attached – in Microsoft Word or PDF format
Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street, the following documents:
A completed confidential medical form for the leader and co-leader (after approval is given)
Copies of first aid and CPR certifications for leader and co-leader (before or after approval is given)
A completed application to be a leader or co-leader if the leader or co-leader is new (before proposal is submitted)
We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are strongly preferred. Please save and forward your electronic
document with the following naming convention:
Leader’s last name, trip destination, year of trip and what type of document it is (application, budget, Outdoors
listing or prospectus)
For example, Smith-New Zealand-2007-Application.doc or Smith-New Zealand-2007-Budget.xls
Trip proposals should be sent electronically to the AMC-ATC Chair, Mike Barry, at and to the
AMC Adventure Travel Programs Coordinator, Nancy Holland, at They can be mailed to: Travel
Programs Coordinator, 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108. If you have any questions, please contact Mike at or Nancy at: 617-391-6587 or at
Form Revised February 2014
Adventure Travel Trip Proposal Form, page 1 of 6
Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
Leader Joan Chambers
Co-leader Cliff Chambers
Peru and Easter Island, Chile
May 31 - June 15, 2015
Total # of days 16
Title of trip
Type of trip
check all that apply
Primary type of trip
Number of participants
(excluding leaders)
Advertised cost
Airfare range if not included
When should the trip notice be
published in AMC Outdoors?
Do you wish to have your trip
listed online before it is
published in AMC Outdoors?
Smaller trips and leader
Skiing-CrossCountry (Nordic)
Trekking (e.g., hutto-hut)
Minimum 14
Other – please describe
Select one of those checked above.
Maximum 16
$ 4650
Does it include airfare? Yes
$ 1900
Will leaders assist participants with flights? Yes
First Appearance: Month As early as possible
Last Appearance: Month May
Year 2015
Note: AMC Outdoors is only published in Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.
No If yes, please list the approximate month and year when it should
be posted on line. As early as possible
Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2
leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader? Yes
If yes, why is a small group proposed?
If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain why?
Leader name
Leader address
Leader email
Leader phone
Wilderness first aid
CPR training
Prior leading experience
Trip one
Trip two
Trip three
Other related trip
Form Revised February 2014
Joan Chambers
16 Harcourt St #5H, Boston, MA, 02116
Home 617-680-6717
Cell 617-680-6717
Expiration: 5/2015 (will recertify before the trip)
Expiration: 2/2015 (will recertify before the trip)
If this is your first Adventure Travel trip as a Leader you must be present at the AMCATC meeting at which the trip proposal is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional
trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you are
2013 02/21 to 03/10 Patagonia day hikes and Backpack : Leader
2011 07/15 to 07/30 Tour du Mont Blanc Backpack : Leader
2011 02/05 to 02/21 New Zealand Backpack : Leader
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Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
Co-leader name
Co-leader address
Co-leader email
Co-leader phone
Wilderness first aid training
CPR training*
Prior leading experience
Trip one
Trip two
Trip three
Other related trip experience
Have either of you led this trip
before or traveled to this area?
Does either the co-leader or
leader speak the local language?
Do the leader and co-leader
have a significant personal
Private trips Do either of you
lead trips that are private - not
sponsored by the AMC?
Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
Cliff Chambers
16 Harcourt St #5H, Boston, MA, 02116
Home 617-680-3735
Cell 617-680-3735
Expiration: 5/2015 (will recertify before the trip)
Expiration: 9/2015
If you are a new co-leader you must submit an application to be an Adventure Travel
leader or co-leader prior to submitting this application. Also, it is strongly
recommended that you be present at the AMC-ATC meeting at which the trip proposal
is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Please indicate if you were
the leader or co-leader.
2013 02/21 to 03/10 Patagonia day hikes and Backpack : Co-Leader
2011 07/15 to 07/30 Tour du Mont Blanc Backpack : Co-Leader
2011 02/05 to 02/21 New Zealand Backpack : Co-Leader
If yes, please describe below:
Co-leader: Yes
Leader: Yes
Not applicable:
If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or
both of you need to drop out. This is required for approval!
Marianne Page
If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private
trips together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any materials
you send out.
Please provide a description
of the trip and the activities
planned. If available, please
include or attach an itinerary.
Please describe your plans for
Meals: Please describe your
plans for providing meals. If
the budget includes any funds
for leader meals not shared
with the group please justify.
Local Transportation
Please describe your plans for
Form Revised February 2014
Start with a day and a half tour of Cuzco and then a four-day hike of the Inca Trail
including a climb up Huayna Picchu. Leave Machu Picchu for Santiago and then tour
Easter Island. There will be a three-day tour of the island and then return to Santiago
where participants will catch their return flights home. We will be accompanied by
professional outfitters and guides. The Inca Trail is well-designated, has very delineated
hiking protocol and destination points much like the hiking in New Zealand. Permits are
set for a specific time factor and are supervised by the state system as well as the guides
and porters. All guides are multi-lingual and have expertise in specific areas of
ornithology, history, or archaeology. All guides have First Aid and emergency response
training and equipment.
3-star hotels, as arranged by our outfitter. Tent camping on the Inca Trail.
All breakfasts and some lunches will be included. Dinner will be included on the Inca
Trail. All dinners not included will be coordinated by the leaders and paid for by the
All transportation will be provided by the outfitter. This includes transfers to and from
airports, tour vehicles in Peru and Easter Island. Internal air in Peru is arranged by the
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Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
local transportation
Will leaders or participants be
drivers of motor vehicles?
Permits or permissions
Does the trip require special
permits or permissions?
(required on many U.S.
federal lands and national
Special equipment
Does the trip require special
Special experience
Does the trip require special
skills on the part of the
Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
Peruvian outfitter through their partner consolidator. For the purposes of the budget, it is
assumed that the participants will pay for all airfare including internal airfare such as the
round-trip to Easter Island from Santiago. The estimated airfare of $1900 assumes a
flight schedule that originates in New York and includes all airfare. In Peru and Easter
Island, drivers must carry a special driving permit for tourist vehicles.
Will leaders be drivers?
Will volunteer participants be drivers?
If so, MVR checks will be needed. See Appendix S1.
If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them:
Provided by the outfitters in both locations
If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were not
If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you
will ensure that people know how to use it:
If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe
how you will ensure that the participant has this experience?
Hiking at high altitude requires a complete understanding of possible hazards and risks,
as well as appropriate conditioning. Screening will help in this regard as well as
adequate medical advice and possible medication. We and the outfitter have built-in
days for acclimatization for higher altitude hiking.
If yes, please describe below what you will do:
We will try to plan a gathering in some central location depending on the addresses of
the participants. In all likelihood it will be a short hike followed by a group dinner.
Pre-trip activities
Do you plan to get your group
together before the trip for an
activity or social event?
Conservation, education and
How will this AMC-AT trip meet the
mission of the AMC?
This trip meets the mission of the AMC in that it includes physical activities
respectful of the environment as well as cultural aspects in both locations. The
outfitter has a social and environmental business practices operating policy. [See
the website for this information] Materials in this regard will be part of the predeparture materials provided by Adventure Life. Adventure Life uses a supplier
on the Inca Trail that uses the best porters and contributes to sustainable travel.
This supplier has helped design some of the volunteer programs in the villages
where the porters come from and has assisted them in developing their own
tourist infrastructure (camps, alternative treks, etc.)
This section should be completed if the trip will be using a tour operator, outfitter, guide service, travel agency or
other such company or person(s) for a significant part of the trip or for the entire trip. Any person(s) or companies
that are handling a significant portion of trip funds or arrangements need to be vetted. If there is more than one
tour operator please provide this information about each such entity.
Will this trip require a tour
operator or guide service
Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire trip,
during part of or for the
please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on your own:
The very nature of the Inca Trail, trail permits, conservation efforts, etc. is best done
entire trip?
under the supervision of a responsible outfitter. The same holds true on Easter Island.
The outfitter has been found to provide hotel rentals, vehicle rentals, and guides for less
than what we could arrange. We chose this outfitter because it was used on the previous
year's trip (#1401) after extensive research. The outfitter has been in business for 13
years and takes care of 2500-3000 travelers per year.
Name of tour operator/guide dventure Life. They are members of IATA, IGTOA, IAAN, the VVV, Rainforest
Alliance, and several other travel groups.
Tour operator website
They have had no serious injuries and have been in business for 13 years. For more
Safety record
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Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
Please provide information
about their safety record.
Do they have liability
Emergency response
Please describe the outfitters’
response plan in the case of an
information on the principals of the company and background go to
Liability? Yes
Maximum amt: $ 1,000,000
Are they willing to list AMC as an
additional insured?
The outfitter has a 24-hour on-call operations staff member. Field staff carry radios and
phones. Travel insurance is recommended for evacuation. The outfitter has a policy
concerning medical care delivered during a trip, including medical equipment, Gamov
hyperbaric bags for high altitude, etc. The outfitter also provides a booklet including
health preparation tips for the areas visited.
Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip.
Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for each section
if applicable.
Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.)
Potential hazards
The usual hazards of hiking can occur. While this is a guided hike on the Inca Trail, it is
at high altitude
Clear precautions and options will be offered to all applicants and participants as well as
indications in the prospectus.
Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism
Foreign Country
Potential hazards
All participants will be cautioned to be careful of passports, currency, cameras, and other
valuable items.
Road conditions, drivers, insurance
Potential hazards
Vehicles will be mini-vans or small passenger buses depending on the size of the group.
On Easter Island, 4-wheel-drive vehicles are typically used due to the state of the roads
and access to sites. All drivers are fully insured and carry special licenses to drive tourist
Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity
Potential hazards
High altitude hiking
For those concerned with high altitude hiking, there is the option of bypassing the hike
and doing less vigorous activities but ones that are in keeping with the AMC goals and
Conditions unique to this type of trip
Potential hazards
Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Give as much detail as possible and list any special
communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS BLANK
See below,
Emergency communication
Phone contacts, language,
documentation, distance from
emergency services
Our outfitters will be equipped with a full communication system, and both AMC leaders
Emergency equipment
What sort of emergency first
will be provided with contact information at AMC in the event that one of our leaders
aid or communication
becomes incapacitated.
equipment (satellite phone,
two-way radios) do you plan
to use, if any?
All participants will be encouraged to obtain travel evacuation insurance. Additionally,
Please describe your plan for
the outfitters and leaders are trained in Wilderness First Aid. The Inca Trail is highly
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Machu Picchu and Easter Island: Incas and Isle
evacuation from the
backcountry location if
Medical care
Please describe the medical
care available in the area(s)
where you will be traveling
and list names and telephone
numbers for these facilities.
Joan Chambers/Cliff Chambers
monitored for safety of trekkers. Our outfitters will also carry emergency telephone
communication devices.
Lima, Peru: Clinica Anglo Americana - Clinic: Alfredo Salazar 350, San Isidro, Phone
616-8900. Urgent Care Center: Av. La Fontana 362, La Molina, Phone 616-8989
Cuzco, Peru: Cusco Medical Assistance. Tel:+51 84 224016+51 84 224178.Address:
Urb. El Ovalo, Av. La Paz B-1
Easter Island, Chile: Dr. G. Concha Grossi
Dr. P. Barra Hernandez.
Hanga Roa
Hospital, Easter Island, Chile Easter Island has a hospital and emergency surgery
availability. Complicated medical cases would require airlifting to Santiago, Chile
All costs will be in U.S. dollars, and our quotes are in U.S. dollars. The
Foreign currencies
For int’l trips list each foreign currency, the
agents will be paid in U.S. dollars. The current budgetary figure allows
current $US dollar exchange rate and what
for some inflation between now and the commitment date.
contingencies you have if that rate changes. If
a tour operator or agent is being used, what
currency is the agent to be paid in?
$800 per person is due to Adventure Life when we have committed to the trip
Group Trip Deposits
What deposits will be required
from you by airlines, hotels, tour
operators, etc., and when?
90 days prior
Group Trip Refunds
What is the latest date you can
cancel and still receive a full
refund of any deposits?
$1000 with application. $1500 by Oct. 1, 2014. Bal. of $2000 by Jan. 1, 2015
Participant deposits
What are the initial deposit and
your schedule of payments by
participants to you?
Full refund if the trip does not run. Individuals may cancel 90 days prior if it does not
Cancellation policy
What will be your cancellation
interfere with the trip's status.
policy for the participants?
Minimum numbers
If yes, please describe conditions:
Will you still run the trip if you
do not get the minimum number?
Reference web links:
AMC-ATC Home Page:
E-Mail Addresses:
Club House:
AMC-ATC Chair:
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