The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Co-leader Janis Stahlhut
Leader Richard Cable
8-31-2014 to 9-11-2014
Total # of days 12
Participants leave on 8/31 arriving
in Edinburgh on 9/1 and commence
cycling the next day, 9-2.
Title of trip
Type of trip
check all that apply
Skiing-CrossCountry (Nordic)
Trekking (e.g., hutto-hut)
Number of participants
(excluding leaders)
Advertised cost
Airfare range if not included
When should the trip notice be
published in AMC Outdoors?
Do you wish to have your trip
listed online before it is
published in AMC Outdoors?
Smaller trips and leader
Minimum 12
Other – please describe golf,
horsebackriding,canoeing are options on
several of our days, particularly days 2-4.
Maximum 14
$ 3650
Does it include airfare? Yes
$ 900-1000
Will leaders assist participants with flights? Yes
First Appearance: Month May
Year 2013
Last Appearance: Month
Note: AMC Outdoors is only published in Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.
No If yes, please list the approximate month and year when it should
be posted on line. ASAP
Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2
leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader? Yes
If yes, why is a small group proposed?
If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain
Leader name
Leader address
Leader email
Leader phone
Wilderness first aid training
CPR training
Prior leading experience
Richard Cable
8 Heather Lane, Burlington, CT 06013
Home 860-673-1940
Expiration: 4-2014
Expiration: 1-2014
If this is your first Adventure Travel trip as a Leader you must be present at the AMCATC meeting at which the trip proposal is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional
To lead an Adventure Travel trip you must have current CPR and WFA certifications at the time of your trip (or AWFA
for all backcountry trips). If you do not have the required level of certification at the time you submit your proposal or it
will expire before the date of your trip, you will need to make arrangements to recertify in a timely manner and you
should describe your plans to do so in a note.
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Adventure Travel Trip Proposal Form, page 1 of 8
The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
Trip one
Trip two
Trip three
Other related trip experience
Co-leader name
Co-leader address
Co-leader email
Co-leader phone
Wilderness first aid training*
CPR training*
Prior leading experience
Trip one
Trip two
Trip three
Other related trip experience
Have either of you led this trip
before or traveled to this area?
Does either the co-leader or
leader speak the local language?
Do the leader and co-leader
have a significant personal
Private trips
Do either of you lead trips that
are private - not sponsored by
the AMC?
trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you
are proposing.
Venice Biking: 2013
Mongolia: 2012
Nepal: 2011
1st Mongolia Expedition, Sicily Biking, Yosemite Hiking
Janis Stahlhut
Putnam Avenue
1465 Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Home 203-230-9275
Expiration: 4-2014
Expiration: 11-2014
If you are a new co-leader you must submit an application to be an Adventure Travel
leader or co-leader prior to submitting this application. Also, it is strongly
recommended that you be present at the AMC-ATC meeting at which the trip proposal
is considered.
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Please indicate if you were
the leader or co-leader.
Venice Biking: 2012
Sicily Biking: 2010
two three day weekends: Cape Cod, New Hampshire, and Noble View
If yes, please describe below:
Co-leader: Yes
Leader: Yes
Not applicable:
If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or
both of you need to drop out. This is required for approval!
If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private
trips together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any materials
you send out.
Please provide a description
of the trip and the activities
planned. If available, please
include or attach an itinerary.
Day 1: Participants depart the United States.
Day 2: Participants arrive in Edinburgh. Day free to explore the city. Overnight
in Edinburgy.
Days 3-5 will include opportunities for free time which can include recreational
outings such as golf, canoeing or horseback riding ($).
DAY 3: D Transfer from Edinburgh to Pitlochry by train (2 hours). Cycle from
Pitlochry to Fortingall via Loch Tummel & Loch Rannoch. Approx 30 - 45 miles
cycling. The support vehicle will be in attendance each day for any riders
preferring not to cycle the entire route which includes one significant hill climb.
Stay at Morenish House with dinner. A superb ride along very scenic, virtually
traffic free paved back roads passing along the shores of rivers and lakes with
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
heather clad moors.
DAY 4: B/D Transfer to Fortingall (20 minutes) then cycle along Glen Lyon and
Glen Lochay to Killin or taking mountain pass road over Ben Lawers. Approx 25 35 miles cycling. Stay at Morenish House with dinner. A magnificent ride through
very scenic timeless valleys with majestic mountains and a lush, verdant
DAY 5: B/D Starting cycling directly from Morenish House, a circular ride around
the spectacular shores of Loch Tay with stops at The Crannog Centre to visit an
Iron Age lake dwelling and a view of the castle where Queen Victoria
honeymooned. Option for a short, gentle canoe trip on Loch Tay and short walk
to a spectacular waterfall. Ancient Celtic and Druidic standing stones and stone
circles can be seen and visited on this ride. Approx 35 - 40 miles cycling. Stay at
Morenish House with dinner or go out for dinner / drinks at local pub.
DAY 6: B/D Transfer to Killin (15 minutes) then cycle along very scenic 'rails to
trails' bike path through Glen Ogle then along the shores of Loch Voil passing
Rob Roy's grave then along the shores of Loch Lubnaig to Callander. A
gorgeous easy ride of approx 35 miles. Transfer back to Morenish House for
dinner and final night there including a special dinner party with local musicians.
DAY 7: B Transfer from Morenish House to Taynuilt (75 minutes) then cycle
through the sublime Glen Lonan into the bustling and picturesque harbour town
of Oban named the 'Seafood Capital of Scotland' for lunch and option for whisky
distillery tour. Ferry to Isle of Mull (45 minutes) then opportunity for visit to Duart
Castle on Mull followed by a fabulous mostly downhill ride to Lochbuie with its
ancient Moy Castle and stone circle. Transfer from Lochbuie to Mull's
spectacular west coast road with further easy cycling along this dramatic coastal
road with stunning ocean views overlooking numerous small islands and almost
surreal rock formations. Approx 30 - 35 miles mostly easy cycling. Overnight stay
at Glenforsa Hotel, Salen or Carnaburg Guest House in Tobermory or onto Isle
of Iona.
DAY 8: B/L 'Free day' on the sacred, serene and spectacularly beautiful Isle of
Iona with optional boat trip to the Isle of Staffa and Fingal's Cave or walking
around this beautiful small island with its ancient history and uniquely significant
place in Scottish cultural life. Leave Iona in late afternoon and return to Mull with
cycle ride along Mull's stunning west coast road staying in Tobermory this night
or at Cranaburg Guest House or other self-catering lodging. Approx 15 - 20 miles
cycling. Dinner option in local harbourside inn.
DAY 9: B/L Leave Tobermory by ferry to Kilchoan (30 minutes) on Scotland's
mainland on the remote Ardnamurchan Peninsula, the most westerly point of
mainland Britain. Cycle along the spectacular shoreline of Loch Sunart to Salen
the to Acharacle and Tioram Castle. Cycle along coastal road towards Glenuig &
Lochailort. Approx cycling distance 30 - 35 miles. Transfer to Loch Shiel Hotel in
DAY 10: B Train journey (optional $) from to Mallaig along this very scenic
railway line now known as 'The Harry Potter Line', traversing the iconic
Glenfinnan Viaduct featured in the Harry Potter movie. Ferry from Mallaig to Isle
of Skye (30 minutes). Following transfer, cycle along Sleat Peninsula on Isle of
Skye followed by cycle ride and short ferry ride to Glenelg. Visit to ancient
Glenelg Brochs (amazing and mysterious Bronze Age dwellings) followed by
spectacular cycling through classic Highland scenery to Lochcarron. Approx 35
miles cycling. Visits to Eilean Donan Castle and Plockton possible if time permits
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
followed by transfer to Fort Augustus. First of two overnight stays at Morag's
Lodge or Stravaiger's Lodge in Fort Augustus with dinner.
DAY 11: B/L/D Transfer from Fort Augustus along the shores of Loch Ness to
visit Urquhart Castle on the shores of Loch Ness. Optional short boat trip on
Loch Ness from Urguart Castle towards Inverness then transfer to Dores (with
optional visit to Inverness, the capital of The Highlands, for shopping and
sightseeing). Cycling resumes at Dores along the quiet and scenic road along
the shores of Loch Ness to Fort Augustus. Approx 25 miles cycling. Overnight
stay with dinner together in Fort Augustus.
DAY 12: B/L/D Cycle from Fort Augustus to Banavie (near Fort William) along
the Caledonian Canal, Loch Oich and Loch Lochay. This lovely and easy final
day's ride offers fabulous views of Scotland's highest mountain, Ben Nevis, whilst
also providing excellent shoreline views of Loch Oich and Loch Lochay. Once we
arrive in Fort William there will be a chance to look around this small West
Highland town before beginning the transfer back to Edinburgh (3 hours )by road
via Glencoe and Rannoch Moor. Arriving back in Edinburgh in the early evening
in time for dinner and evening sightseeing in Edinburgh. Trip ends after dinner,
overnight accommodations or travel should be arranged on own.
Please describe your plans for
Please describe your plans for
providing meals
Local Transportation
Please describe your plans for
local transportation
Permits or permissions
Does the trip require special
permits or permissions?
(required on many U.S.
federal lands and national
Country Inn and small hotels
6 dinners, 4 packed lunches, and all breakfasts. Other meals will be on our own.
This is a guided trip and transportation will be provided. We will transfer from
Edinburgh to Pitlochry by either train or vehicle. Vehicle transfer will be from the
airport. A transfer cost of 20-30 British Pounds will be paid by each participant.
If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them:
If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were not
relied on our outfitter
If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you
will ensure that people know how to use it:
Special equipment
Does the trip require special
Special experience
If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe
Does the trip require special
how you will ensure that the participant has this experience?
skills on the part of the
The ability to ride a bike. We will be screening all applicants.
Pre-trip activities
If yes, please describe below what you will do:
Do you plan to get your group A 35 mile bike ride in the Berkshires will be held two or three months prior
together before the trip for an
activity or social event?
Scotland is a country steeped in history and tradition. Multiple cultural
Conservation, education and
sites will be visited on this trip . See itinerary for specifics.
How will this AMC-AT trip meet the
mission of the AMC?
Will this trip require a tour
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
operator or guide service
during part, or the entire
Name of tour operator/guide
Tour operator website
Safety record
Please provide information
about their safety record.
Do they have liability
Emergency response
Please describe the outfitters’
response plan in the case of an
Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire trip,
please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on your own:
Our tour operator will provide our support vehicle, bike rental and repair services,
hotel accomodations, guide service, routes and maps, etc. This trip is
customized to meet specific criteria and cost factors.
Scottish Cycling Safaris: Peter Butterworth, owner
The outfitter has had no accidents nor fatalities.
Liability? Yes
Maximum amt: $ 2,000,000
Are they willing to list AMC as an
additional insured?
The outfitter uses cell phones and walkie talkies to be in communication. There
is a support vehicle available at all times. Major hospitals are in all locations of
Scotland. They are listed below.
Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip.
Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for each section
if applicable.
Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.)
Potential hazards
We could anticipate rain and typical road conditions
Participants will be asked to have rain gear. Road biking carries an inherent risk
of injury due to falls or collision. The roads we will be using are paved but will
have little car traffic. The trip leaders are WFA and CPR certified and will be
carrying basic first aid kits and communications gear (cell phones, 2-way radios).
In addition, our biking tour guide will be always at hand with constant
communication contact with their headquarters in case of emergency. Our tour
guides are also fully first aid and CPR certified. Safety talks will precede each
day’s ride, with the outfitters describing fully the road conditions that can be
anticipated for the day and a review of emergency procedures in accordance
with the outfitters’ established protocol
Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism
Foreign Country
Potential hazards
No political coneerns.
Road conditions, drivers, insurance
Potential hazards
We will be biking on the opposite side of the road which will require caution at
Participants will be required to obey the Scottish rules of the road and must wear helmets
at all times while on a bike.
Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity
Potential hazards
Not training sufficiently
Particpants will be screened. All participants must be able to ride 30-50 miles
daily.The level of riding is intermediate and through trip description and
screening, we should be able to ascertain that the level of fitness is appropriate.
It is more important for us to ascertain that our applicants are experienced with
riding on roadways. Europeans, by and large, are more accustomed to sharing
the road with cyclists, as long as the cyclists are consciously following the "rules
of the road." We have chosen September because the weather is nice and it the
beginning of the non-tourist season in Scotland.
Conditions unique to this type of trip
Potential hazards
As stated: Biking on the opposite side of the road.
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
Conversation and caution.
Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Give as much detail as possible and list any special
communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS BLANK
The leader and co-leader will be carrying cell phones and two way radios;
Emergency communication
Phone contacts, language,
additionally, we will have phone contact at each hotel. We are less than one half
hour to one hour to medical services of hospital status. Both leaders use AT&T
documentation, distance from
international service when traveling abroad which offers a wide area of coverage
emergency services
in European countries. The area of Scotland in which we will travel is not
remote, but cell coverage can be spotty. However, leaders will also be equipped
with 2-way radios based on point to point technology (e.g., "22 GMRS channels
offer a range of up to 35 miles (per manufacturer); range is based on an
unobstructed line of sight between you and another radio operator in good
weather" with additional "repeater" technology in the event that cell phones enter
a "dead zone". In addition, our outfitter is equipped with communications gear
that is specific to Scotland as they maintain a base of operations in Edinburgh. At
no time will we be more than an hour vehicle ride from a medical facility.
Participants will carry passports and emergency medical documents at all times.
Leaders will be equipped with waiver, emergency contact, and medical condition
documents required for submission by all participants.
We plan on using two way radios and cell phones.
Emergency equipment
What sort of emergency first
aid or communication
equipment (satellite phone,
two-way radios) do you plan
to use, if any?
not applicable
Please describe your plan for
evacuation from the
backcountry location if
Medical care
Please describe the medical
Western General Hospital
care available in the area(s)
Crewe Road South, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, United Kingdom
where you will be traveling
+44 131 537 1000
and list names and telephone
numbers for these facilities.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
51, Little France Crescent, Old Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH16 4SA,
United Kingdom
+44 131 536 1000
Spire Murrayfield Hospital, Edinburgh
Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh EH12 6UD, United Kingdom
+44 334 0363
Tayside University Hospitals Nhs Trust
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
Perth Royal Infirmary Taymount, Taymount Terrace, Perth PH1 1NX, United
+44 1738 623311 ·
Aberfeldy Cottage Hospital
Old Crieff Road, Aberfeldy, Perthshire PH15 2DH, United Kingdom
+44 1887 820314
Lorn & Islands Hospital
Glengallan Road, Oban PA34 4HH, United Kingdom
+44 1631 567500
Dunaros Community Hospital
Isle of Mull
PA72 6JF
+44 1680 300392
Belford Hospital
.Belford Rd
Fort William
PH33 6BS,
+44 1397 702481
The trip has been priced in US dollars. There could be some
Foreign currencies
For int’l trips list each foreign currency, the
inflation cost increases, but these have been anticipated by the
outfitter. If here is a cost increase, it will be anticipated well
current $US dollar exchange rate and what
before the trip, and each applicant will be so notified. Because
contingencies you have if that rate changes. If
this is pretty much an all inclusive trip except for four dinners and
a tour operator or agent is being used, what
some lunches, I have set a contingency rate of 5%
currency is the agent to be paid in?
10% six months prior
Group Trip Deposits
What deposits will be required
from you by airlines, hotels, tour
operators, etc., and when?
90 days prior
Group Trip Refunds
What is the latest date you can
cancel and still receive a full
refund of any deposits?
$1000 with application; $1000 Jan. 15, 2014; $1000 March 15, 2014; and,
Participant deposits
$575 May 15, 2014
What are the initial deposit and
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The Spirt of Scotland - Biking the Highlands and Islands
Richard Cable/Janis Stahlhut
your schedule of payments by
participants to you?
Cancellation policy
What will be your cancellation
policy for the participants?
Minimum numbers
Will you still run the trip if you
do not get the minimum number?
Reference web links:
AMC-ATC Home Page:
E-Mail Addresses:
Club House:
AMC-ATC Chair:
Form Revised November 2012
Cancellations will receive a refund to the extent that it does not affect the trip status.
Cancellations affecting trip status may result in forfeiture of all or part monies paid.
Full refund will be made if the trip is cancelled by the AMC or the trip leaders due to
insufficient participation (minimum 12 trip participants in addition to leaders). Trip
cancellation due to natural disasters, acts of God, or any situation deemed too
dangerous to depart will result in refunds minus any forfeited deposits and payments
made and retained by vendors according to their stated terms.
If yes, please describe conditions:
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