
Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut

Title of trip




Type of trip check all that apply


Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy


Richard Cable

Puglia, Italy

Oct. 4-12, 2014


Janis Stahlhut

Total # of days


Backpacking Bicycling-Mountain Bicycling-Road







Primary type of trip

Number of participants

(excluding leaders)

Advertised cost

Airfare range if not included

When should the trip notice be published in AMC Outdoors?

Do you wish to have your trip listed online before it is published in AMC Outdoors?

Smaller trips and leader subsidization


Country (Nordic)

Trekking (e.g., hutto-hut)




$ 2225



Does it include airfare? Yes

Will leaders assist participants with flights? Yes No

Last Appearance: Month





Select one of those checked above.



First Appearance: Month




Year 2014



Other – please describe

Note: AMC Outdoors is only published in Jan., March, May, July, Sept., Nov.

Yes No If yes, please list the approximate month and year when it should be posted on line. as soon as approved by committee.

Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2 leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader?

Yes No

If yes, why is a small group proposed?

If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain why?

Leader name

Leader address

Leader email

Leader phone

Wilderness first aid training

CPR training

Prior leading experience


Richard Cable

8 Heather Lane, Burlington, CT 06013 r.cable@sbcglobal.net

Home 860-673-1940 Work

WFA AWFA WFR Expiration: 3-2014

Cell 860-778-6414

Trip one

Trip two

Trip three

Other related trip

CPR BLS Expiration: 1-2014

If this is your first Adventure Travel trip as a Leader you must be present at the AMC-

ATC meeting at which the trip proposal is considered.

Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you are


Venice Biking 2012

Mongolia 2009 and 2011

Nepal Hiking 2011

Sicily Biking; Yosemite Hiking. Upcoming: Camino biking and Provence biking.

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut


Co-leader name

Co-leader address

Co-leader email

Co-leader phone jstahlhut1@aol.com




Wilderness first aid training WFA AWFA WFR Expiration:


CPR training*

Janis Stahlhut

1465 East Putnam Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT 06870

CPR BLS Expiration:




Prior leading experience If you are a new co-leader you must submit an application to be an Adventure Travel leader or co-leader prior to submitting this application. Also, it is strongly recommended that you be present at the AMC-ATC meeting at which the trip proposal is considered.

Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Please indicate if you were the leader or co-leader.

Trip one

Trip two

Venice Biking

Sicily Biking

Trip three

Several three day AMC trips.

Other related trip experience


Have either of you led this trip

before or traveled to this area?


Does either the co-leader or

leader speak the local language?


Do the leader and co-leader have a significant personal


Private trips Do either of you lead trips that are private - not

sponsored by the AMC?

Yes No If yes, please describe below:

Co-leader: Yes

Leader: Yes

Not applicable:



Yes No If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or both of you need to drop out. This is required for approval!

Yes No If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private trips together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any materials you send out.


Please provide a description of the trip and the activities planned. If available, please include or attach an itinerary.


This is a lower level intermediate road biking trip. Participants have the option of flyng into Bari or Rome and then taking a train to our beginning location, Matera. The itinerary is as follows:

Day 1: Depart the USA

Day 2: Matera.

Arrival. For millennia, inhabitants of this region have carved dwellings directly into ravines and gullies made of tuff (or tufa), a characteristic honey-coloured soft stone.

These housesare called “Sassi” and are today a World Heritage site.

Day 3: Matera-Alberobello (70 km).

You cycle to the famous trulli of Alberobello and Locorotondo. Trulli were generally constructed as dwellings or storehouses. Alberobello is situated upon two hills, onceseparated by a riverbed. On the eastern hill is the new town, with modern architecturalfeatures. On the western hill, the trulli are lined up in an urban conglomeration, subdividedinto two districts: Monti and Aia Piccola, both

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut


Please describe your plans for accommodation(s)

Meals: Please describe your plans for providing meals. If the budget includes any funds for leader meals not shared with the group please justify.

National Monuments from 1930, and today

World Heritage sites.

Day 4: Alberobello-Ostuni (40 km).

You cycle through the countryside to Ostuni, which is reputed as an architectural jewel, and is commonly referred to as “the White Town” for its white walls and its typically white- painted architecture.

Day 5: Ostuni-Lecce-Gallipoli (Bus transfer + 60 km by bike).

A bus transfer brings you to Lecce. After a few Kilometers through this amazing baroque town, you go deep into “salentinian countryside”, before approaching the Ionian coast and your daily destination, Gallipoli.

Day 6: Gallipoli-Santa Maria di Leuca (50 km).

Cycling further along the coast you will reach Santa Maria di Leuca. The name

SantaMaria di Leuca was given by the ancient Greek sailors who came from the

East. They sawthis place lightened by the sun and therefore called it “leukos”, meaning white. Santa Mariadi Leuca is a famous seaside resort and a fishing area.

Day 7 Santa Maria di Leuca-Otranto (55 km).

Today you will cycle northwards along the Adriatic coast to Otranto, the most eastern pointof Italy where you can visit the beautiful Cathedral and the great

Aragonese Castle.

Day 8: Otranto-Lecce (50 km).

Riding along the Alimini Lakes and their unique Mediterranean bush you will enter Lecce.

Thanks to its Baroque style, it has earned the nickname of Florence of the South.

You willcome to appreciate the rich sculpted motives done in the 17th- century with the tender stone from Lecce. The old town enclosed by what is left of the ancient walls, bears theimpression of that exuberant period.

Day 9: Lecce.


3/4 star hotels.

Breakfast and dinner is included and will be provided by each hotel. Lunch will be on our own. As is previous trips, we will individually contribute euros, will buy lunch provisions, and we will picnic lunch each day.

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut

Local Transportation

Please describe your plans for local transportation

Permits or permissions

Does the trip require special permits or permissions?

(required on many U.S. federal lands and national parks)

Special equipment

Does the trip require special equipment?

Special experience

Does the trip require special skills on the part of the participant?

Pre-trip activities

Do you plan to get your group together before the trip for an activity or social event? train transfer from the Bari Airport to Matera or from Rome airport to Matera.

One bus and bike transfer on Day 5.

Yes No

If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them:

If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were not required:

Yes No If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you will ensure that people know how to use it: helmets are required

Yes No If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe how you will ensure that the participant has this experience? intermediate level road biking experience.

Yes No If yes, please describe below what you will do: bike event with dinner to follow at the leader's home.

Conservation, education and recreation

How will this AMC-AT trip meet the mission of the AMC?


The very nature of this trip focuses on conversation, education, and recreation. We will be learning about the history, artistry, and culture of



Will this trip require a tour Yes No operator or guide service during part, or the entire trip?

Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire trip, please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on your own:

We will have guide services for our day to day biking routes and the history of the villages and town we will pass through and stay in.

Girolibero Tour operator by Cooperative Zeppelin

Name of tour operator/guide service

Tour operator website

Safety record

Please provide information about their safety record. info@zeppelin.it www.qeppelin.it www.girolibero.it

This information is on file from a previous trip to Sicily (2009), Bike & Boat

Venice (2012)., and Toujour Provence (2013).


Do they have liability insurance?

Emergency response

Please describe the outfitters’ response plan in the case of an emergency.

Liability? Yes No Maximum amt: $

Are they willing to list AMC as an Yes No additional insured?

Transportation to local hospitals at Matera, Ostuni, and Lecce. Guide will have a cell phone in case of emergencies. Leader will carry a cell phone with international coverage.


Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip.

Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for each section if applicable.


Potential hazards


Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.)

The usual hazards of biking will exist.

Road biking carries an inherent risk of injury due to falls or collision. The roads we will be using are paved and often shared with car traffic. The trip leaders are

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut

Foreign Country

Potential hazards



Potential hazards



Potential hazards



Potential hazards


WFA and CPR certified and will be carrying basic first aid kits and communications gear (cell phones, 2-way radios). In addition, our biking tour guide will be always at hand with constant communication contact with the boat and their headquarters in case of emergency. Our tour guides are also fully first aid and CPR certified. Safety talks will precede each day’s ride, with the outfitters describing fully the road conditions that can be anticipated for the day and a review of emergency procedures in accordance with the outfitters’ established protocol

Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism language/translation; no other political concerns or hazards are anticipated

Italian is of course the language. Though neither leader speaks the language fluently, our bike tour guide will be capable of comunicating with the "locals". All o Italy is a popular touring country, and it can be expected that many local inhabitants, merchants, and especially emergency facilities, will be able to communicate in English if necessary. Our outfitters are fully fluent in English and our daily bike guide will be with us at all times to ensure that communications are not problematic.

Road conditions, drivers, insurance

We will not be driving.

Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity

Appropriate level of fitness and riding experience for day road biking

The level of riding is low-intermediate and through trip description and screening, we should be able to ascertain that the level of fitness is appropriate. It is more important for us to ascertain that our applicants are experienced with riding on roadways shared by motorists. Europeans, by and large, are more accustomed to sharing the road with cyclists, as long as the cyclists are consciously following the "rules of the road." We have chosen October as our time of year because the temperatures are mild so we do not anticipate any issues with heat or heavy weather


Conditions unique to this type of trip

This trip does not invoke any "high risk" activities and will take place in a populated region of the country.

Daily reviews of road safety and techniques (hand/voice signals, rules of the road, etc.) will keep us mindful of riding safely to each destination while enjoying the culture and beauty of the region.


Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Give as much detail as possible and list any special communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS BLANK

Emergency communication

Phone contacts, language, documentation, distance from emergency services

The leader and co-leader will be carrying cell phones and two way radios; additionally, we will have phone contact at each hotel. Our guide will speak both

English and Italian. We are less than one to two hours to medical services of hospital status. Both leaders use AT&T international service when traveling abroad which offers a wide area of coverage in European countries. The area of

Italy in which we will travel is not remote, so cell coverage is expected to be fairly abundant. However, leaders will also be equipped with 2-way radios based on point to point technology (e.g., "22 GMRS channels offer a range of up to 35 miles (per manufacturer); range is based on an unobstructed line of sight between you and another radio operator in good weather" with additional

"repeater" technology in the event that cell phones enter a "dead zone". In addition, our outfitter is equipped with communications gear that is specific to

Italy as they maintain a base of operation in Italy. At no time will we be more than a few hours vehicle ride from a medical facility. Italy is a country where finding an English speaking person is never an extreme difficulty. Participants will carry passports and emergency medical documents at all times. Leaders will be

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut

Emergency equipment

What sort of emergency first aid or communication equipment (satellite phone, two-way radios) do you plan to use, if any?


Please describe your plan for evacuation from the backcountry location if applicable?

Medical care

Please describe the medical care available in the area(s) where you will be traveling and list names and telephone numbers for these facilities. equipped with waiver, emergency contact, and medical condition documents required for submission by all participants.

Both the leader and co-leader, as well as the bike guide, will be carrying first aid and tool kits and two way radios as well as cell phones and radios..

We do not anticipate the need to evaculate, but in such an extreme situation, our outfitters' evacuation plan will be used to move participants to safety. We will always be in radio contact with our guide and support vehicle, and we will not be in backcountry.

Azienda Saniteria Locale Di Matera. C.da Cattedra Ambulante. Matera+39 0835 253111

Associazione La Mostra Famiglia. Via Dei Colli, 5/7.Ostuni.+39 0831 349111

Citta di Lecce Hospital. Str. Prov. Per Arnesano Km. 4, 48100 Lecce, LE.+39 0832



Foreign currencies

For int’l trips list each foreign currency, the current $US dollar exchange rate and what contingencies you have if that rate changes. If a tour operator or agent is being used, what currency is the agent to be paid in?

Group Trip Deposits

The cost of the trip from the outfitter is 1015 euros per person.

This is an all inclusive price that includes hotels, breakfast and dinner, guide, support van, and bike rental. With an exchange rate of 1.35 [as suggested by Ralph on a previous European trip] gives us a per person cost of $1370. A 1.5% transfer rate by TD

Bank is approximately $20 per participant. Total: $1390.00.

20% deposit 10 months prior.

What deposits will be required from you by airlines, hotels, tour operators, etc., and when?

Group Trip Refunds

What is the latest date you can cancel and still receive a full refund of any deposits?

Participant deposits

What are the initial deposit and your schedule of payments by participants to you?

90 days prior

$750 with application;$750 on March 1, 2014; balance due June 1, 2014

Cancellation policy

What will be your cancellation policy for the participants?

Minimum numbers

Will you still run the trip if you do not get the minimum number?

Full refund if the trip does not run. Once a trip has been confirmed to run with a sufficient number of partcipants, no refund will be available unless another suitable participant can be confirmed. Once that participant is confirmed and monies deposited, a refund will be issued. Refunds will only be refunded to the extent that the cost of the trip for other participants is not affected. Participants are responsible for their own airline tickets. Most domestic airlines no longer give refunds for cancellations; instead, they issue coupons for a future trip with an administrative charge of $100.00 and an expiration date. Trip cancellation insurance is advised and policy information is supplied to all participants.


Yes No If yes, please describe conditions:

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Puglia: Biking the Heel of Italy Richard Cable / Janis Stahlhut

Reference web links:

AMC-ATC Home Page: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/


Deadlines: http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/application/ http://snebulos.mit.edu/orgs/amc/committee/proposals/

E-Mail Addresses:

Club House:

AMC-ATC Chair: nholland@outdoors.org


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