Appalachian Mountain Club July 10 – July 21, 2013

Appalachian Mountain Club
Norway - Hiking from the Mountains to the Sea
July 10 – July 21, 2013
Hello! I am delighted that you are interested in this exciting trip! Please read the information
carefully, and then contact me if you have specific questions about this trip: Carl Rosenthal 603447-1858; . For general questions about the AMC’s Adventure Travel
Program, email .
We will be flying to Oslo, Norway and then, after spending the night there, we will take a bus to
began an eight day, seven night hut to hut tour. This tour is considered one of the “gems”
offered by the Norway Trekking Association. Indeed, it is the favorite tour of our guide. There
is a great variety of magnificent scenery; starting at the high mountain plateau (where we have a
good chance of seeing wild reindeer herds), continuing through the western part and passing
several waterfalls on the way down to the Hardanger fjord. The authentic Utne Hotel by the fjord
gives the tour an historic ending. If you are ready for spectacular, but long hikes, this will be a
fantastic trip for you. After the tour, we return to Oslo to spend two nights and see the city's
You should enjoy traveling and be comfortable traveling in areas which are unfamiliar to you.
You should recognize that you may find yourself in closer quarters or be less comfortable than
you are used to at home. You should make it a priority to help others on the trip and contribute
to their having a great time. If you do that, I guarantee that you will have a great time.
This trip is designed for experienced hikers. You must be able to hike for up to 7 hours a day,
not counting breaks, at a moderate pace, with moderate elevation gains, while carrying enough
equipment to keep you safe in the event of bad weather or injury. Please see the gear list below.
My number one trip priority will be to see that you have a wonderful experience on the trip and
return home safely.
I hope to make this trip as cost effective as possible. Because we will have the services of a full
time English speaking guide, I will be the only leader. You are welcome to use frequent flyer
miles or make your own flight arrangements, possibly arriving earlier or staying on later then the
Wed pm, Jul 10
Fly to Oslo, Norway
Thu, Jul 11
Arrive in Oslo, obtain some Krones, the Norwegian currency, sightsee in the afternoon and
spend the night at a centrally located hotel in Oslo.
Fri, Jul 12 Oslo - Stigstuv
Buffet breakfast at hotel. Take food for lunch. Our guide will meet us in the hotel. Departure
will be from Oslo Central Station with buses at 08:22. Meet up at Oslo Central station at the top
of the entrance for platform 19, - 20 minutes before departure. Bus from Oslo to Hønefoss, and
train from Hønefoss to Geilo, arrival 11:42, bus to Halne, arrival 12:35. Hike southwards to the
Stigstuv Lodge (4,109 ft.), 4 hours of hiking. Easy, slight rolling terrain, crossing several small
brooks. About halfway, we turn due south and, after a small climb, we follow the ridge down to
Stigstuv. Stigstuv is a full service private cabin (dinner served and showers available).
Sat, Jul 13 Stigstuv - Sandhaug
Hike southwest passing several lakes to the Sandhaug Lodge (4125 ft.), 5 hours of hiking. First
through a bog area, relatively flat, then down to Lake Tinnholen. We cross the bridge at the
western end, and then head due south along very easy paths toward Hellehalsen, a nice place for
lunch with a view. Then continue on southwards to Sandhaug, sandy/boggy paths, very easy
terrain. Sandhaug is a fully serviced DNT cabin (dinner served and showers available).
Sun, Jul 14 Sandhaug - Litlos
Passing the Besså Lodge along several small lakes to the Litlos Lodge (3894 ft.), where we stay
for two nights, 8 hours of hiking. First we go around Lake Normannslågen, the largest lake on
Hardangervidda. Passing Besså cabin after about 2.5 mi. Then along rolling hills and lots of
small lakes and brooks until we hit the more rugged hills closer to Litlos. Litlos is a full service
DNT cabin (dinner served and showers available).
Mon, July 15 Litlos
Extra night in Litlos. Hike out of the lodge or a resting day. There are several interesting areas in
the surroundings of Litlos. The area is famous for its flora.
Tue, July 16 Litlos - Torehytten
Hike northwest passing the highest summit on the Hardangervidda Plateau, Hårteigen (5577 ft.).
Easy terrain and more lakes and brooks. We stop at Hårteigen for those who want to climb to the
top. Airy, but not difficult. Spectacular view from the top. On to the Torehytten Cabin (4389 ft.),
5 1/2 hours of hiking. Torehytten is a DNT self help cabin. We’ll make our own dinner and no
showers available.
Wed, July 17 Torehytten - Stavali
Continue northwest in more hilly terrain to Stavali (3,379 ft.), 7 hours of hiking. First, it is steep
uphill from Torehytten, then across large flats with spectacular views toward the western
mountains. Easy paths. About halfway, we follow the ancient trek across Hardangervidda from
the west coast to central Norway. We’ll pass several old mountain farms. Then north across a
mountain pass and down to Stavali. Stavali is an old mountain farm still in use. It is a self help
cabin, where we’ll make our own dinner or purchase a prepared meal at extra cost. No showers.
Thu, July 18 Stavali - Utne
Hike down to the spectacular Husedalen valley. Typical Norwegian scenery with four great
waterfalls. We end up in Kinsarvik by the Hardanger fjord, 6 hours of hiking. Go by ferry to
Utne 17:30, arrival 18:00. Accommodation in the historic Utne hotel, established in 1720.
Fri, July 19 Return to Oslo
Departure by ferry from Utne 09:30 to Kvanndal, by bus to Voss, arrival 10:50. Train from Voss
11:39 to Hønefoss, and bus to Oslo Central St., arrival 17:12.
Sat, Jul 20
Spend the day seeing the highlights of Oslo, Norway's beautiful capital city. Some
recommended sights are the sculptures of Vigeland Park, the Munch Museum, the magnificent
City Hall, the Kon-Tiki Museum, the Oslo Fjord and boat tours, Bygdy Peninsula, Akershus
Castle and Fortress, the Royal Palace and Karl Johans Gate.
Sun, Jul 21
Spend the morning sightseeing in Oslo. Fly back to the U.S.A.
Group size
A minimum of 12 and a maximum of 18, including the leader. A waiting list will be established
if more than 17 people apply for the excursion. The trip is priced for 15 participants. If there are
less than 15 participants, the price will increase. I fully expect that the trip will fill up.
However, if there are less than 15 participants and the price increases to more than you want to
spend, just ask to dropout and your deposit will be returned.
Expectations/Experience Level for Participants
In order to participate in this excursion, you must consider and agree to the following:
Group Dynamics: You must participate as part of a group and abide by the leader's decisions.
You must work towards the group having a good time, be prepared to help your fellow hikers
and spend time with other participants on the trip. In doing so, you will enjoy the trip to the
Group Safety: Group safety will be our Number 1 priority.
The Tour includes 2 nights at the Thon Spectrum Hotel in Oslo, 4 nights at a full service lodge, 2
nights at a self service hut and one night at the Utne Hotel. One night at the Thon Spectrum Oslo
hotel after the tour. At the self service huts, we must cook our own meals from food already at
the huts. Showers are not avalable.
All meals are provided on the tour. The food is plentiful and delicious. While in Oslo, the hotel
provides a wonderful breakfast buffet. The other meals in Oslo are not included.
Leader’s Qualifications
Trip Leader – Carl Rosenthal
Carl has been a member of the AMC since 1984 and has led numerous day and weekend hiking
trips. He began leading Major Excursions in 2000. He has led or co-led Major Excursions to the
Sierras in California (3), Glacier National Park, the American Southwest (3), Washington state
(2), Alaska(2), Big Bend and Guadalupe Peaks (2), New Mexico (3), Ecuador, Peru (3),
Colorado (3), Death Valley (2), Patagonia, the Dolomites and Bulgaria. He is a Past Chair of the
Connecticut Chapter and is presently a hike leader for the New Hampshire Chapter. He has
completed the SOLO basic First Aid Course and the Heart Saver CPR Course. He has been a
hike leader at August Camp and an instructor at the AMC-ADK Winter School. He was a
participant in Major Excursions to Austria and parts of the former Soviet Union. Mr. Rosenthal
has hiked the 115 Northeast 4,000 footers in winter and has stood on the highest points in the
contiguous 48 states.
Email address
58 Overlook Drive, Center Conway, NH 03813
The approximate cost for the trip is $2,145. The cost will cover the following items:
1 All Accommodations
2 Meals as specified above.
3 Bus transport at the beginning of the tour and bus, rail and boat transport at the end of the tour
4 Services of an English speaking guide throughout the tour
5 Membership in the Norway Trekking Association (required)
6 The cost of exchanging money to pay for the above
7 A contingency in case the value of the dollar decreases. In the event, that between now and
when things are paid for, the value of the dollar does not decrease very much or stays the same or
increases, you will receive a refund.
8 Insurance against loss in case of emergency evacuation
Not included:
1 Airfare to Oslo, Norway - estimated at $1,000. The leader will provide assistance in
purchasing airfares at the most advantageous price. From Boston, I expect the least expensive
fare and best flight schedule will on Icelandair. From the NYC area, the least expensive and best
flight schedule will probably be flying non-stop to Oslo from Newark on SAS.
2 Three dinners and one or two lunches in Oslo.
3 Transportation from the airport to downtown Oslo and return.
The cost for the trip is based on quotes received in June, 2012. The final cost of the trip will be
adjusted in accordance with the best arrangements we can make with the airlines and any savings
we might enjoy or increases we might have to endure.
Please be aware that you are subsidizing some of the leader’s costs, but not all of them.
How to Proceed
If you would like to go on this trip, complete the application below and mail it and a check for
$800 made out to the Appalachian Mountain Club to:
Carl Rosenthal, 58 Overlook Drive, Center Conway, NH 03813
The balance of $1,345 is due by April 10, 2013.
When registration is complete, the trip leader will send all participants the names, addresses and
phone numbers of those going on the trip. I prefer to use email as the primary source of
The cancellation policy is based on the simple precept that your cancellation shall not raise the
cost of the trip to any of the participants or the leader. Therefore, if you cancel, your refund will
be all that you have paid, less expenses already incurred and future expenses which cannot be
avoided. If you cancel and the trip still fully books, then your fees will be refunded in full with
the exception that, after airline tickets have been purchased, you own the tickets and that part of
the fee cannot be refunded. If you cancel and you cannot be replaced within 3 days prior to the
tour, your entire fee could be lost, within two weeks prior to the tour, somewhat over half your
fee could be lost, within 30 days prior to the tour about one quarter of your fee could be lost,
more than 30 days prior to the tour about 20 % of your fee could be lost.
At six weeks prior to the trip you should consult your physician to see what, if any, vaccinations
are recommended prior for travel to Western Europe.
Here is a list of suggestions for what to bring to have a good time on the trip.
synthetic underwear
wool or synthetic socks
wind jacket/anorak or all-weather jacket
mountain pants
shirt or light sweater of wool or fleece
sturdy, comfortable, waterproof boots
backpack or large daypack
In pack or pockets
rain jacket (if your jacket isn't all-weather)
rain pants (if your pants aren't all-weather)
scarf/neckband or balaclava
sweater/jacket, wool or fleece
synthetic long underwear
sleeping sheet or bag mandatory, can be rented for ~$10/hut - pillow & blankets provided
first aid kit
indoor footwear
extra underwear (bottoms, shirt, socks)
small amount of laundry detergent to wash underwear, dry in the drying rooms
extra indoor pants (optional)
ear plugs
toilet paper
suntan lotion
insect repellent
lunch box or bag
thermos or water bottle
emergency rations
money (showers are available at the full service huts and hotels for small extra cost)
DNT membership card
Total weight: 15 - 26 pounds
Optional recommendations:
Extra shoelace
Swim suit
Reading material, deck of playing cards for breaks in the action
I recommend hiking with a pole or poles, but if you don’t like them, that’s fine.
Application can be found below.
Application for Major Excursion to
Norway - Hiking from the Mountains to the Sea
Please print everything legibly
Name: ___________________________________ AMC Member ? ________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________
Phones: Daytime: ________________________ Evening: ________________________
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy): ___________ Gender: _________________ Smoker? ______
Email Address: ___________________________________
Health or disabilities: (Please note any medical or physical restrictions) ______________
Name, address, and phone number of person to contact in case of emergency:
Have you done mountain hiking previously? When and how often?
Please print a brief summary of your recent hiking /backpacking experience on the back of this
How would you describe your physical condition and stamina? ____________________
Please print a description of how you maintain your physical condition on the back of this
application. For example, I run 5 miles four times a week.
Have you gone on other AMC Major Excursions? _____ If so, who were the
If this trip is filled, do you wish to be placed on a waiting list? _____________________