Hiking in Germany’s Harz National Park

Hiking in Germany’s Harz National Park
Thursday September 10 through Sunday September 20, 2009
The Trip
With its many varied mountain ranges throughout the country, Germany is an ideal
country for the mountain hiker. Of special interest is the Harz Mountain region located in
a 2000 square kilometer national park in central Germany. The almost 100 km long range
of wooded peaks reaches its highest point at the Brocken Mountain (1,141 meters;
3,743 ft).
People have been enjoying the full beauty of the Harz mountains for centuries, with its
bright mixed, and thick pine woods, its colorful mountain meadows and towering cliffs.
Bubbling streams and rivers with majestic reservoirs flow below and beckon to be
explored. Also of interest are numerous abandoned ore and silver mines with stalactite
caves. The Harz Mountains are also steeped in folklore traditions, especially connected
to witches. Witches gathering places and dance sites can be visited, with special festivals
held there. Running the length of the mountains, West to East, lies the Hexen-Stieg
(witches' way) – a bewitchingly beautiful and devilishly twisting 100-odd kilometer
footpath. Quaint small villages and towns lie along the Hexen-Stieg, providing places for
hikers to stay at and tourists to pamper themselves. This region is known for its colorful
folk customs, traditional festivals, and warm hospitality. The rich cultural environment
offers an exceptional backdrop for a hiking trip that is designed to embrace these
treasures. Saxony has its own specialty foods and beers, which invite exploration as well!
We intend to immerse ourselves in this rich culture with an inn-inn mountain trek along
the entire length of the Hexen-Stieg. www.harzinfo.de; Wikipedia - Harz
The trip is 11 days long. We’ll leave Boston (or other East Coast points) Thursday
evening. After arrival in Leipzig Friday morning, we will travel by train to our hostel in
Leipzig. There, we can relax and spend the rest of Friday and Saturday sightseeing in
Leipzig, a baroque city with a rich history in culture, the arts and its famous trade fairs.
The Leipzig Zoo is world renowned. Explore the website: www.leipzig.de.
On Sunday morning we’ll leave Leipzig by train and travel to Osterode, a jewel in the
cities of the Harz, at the western end of the Harz Hexen-Stieg.
After lunch in Osterode, we’ll hike 15 km along the Hexen-Stieg to Buntenbock and stay
there overnight. For the next 5 days we’ll continue our hike along the Hexen-Stieg,
enjoying the natural beauty, visiting points of interest, and staying in inns/hostels along
the way. The hikes will average about 12-15 miles per day through mostly moderate
terrain. We’ll summit the Brocken Mountain, our most strenuous day, visit mines and
caves on others, and ride the traditional narrow gauge railroad (Brockenbahn). To further
enhance our experience, officials of the Harz Mountain Club will be joining us for a
portion of the hike, acting as local guides/hosts. They also plan a treat for us in
Elbingerode, with a welcome dinner from the Buergermeister (mayor) of the city. Our
luggage not needed for hiking will be transported to Thale by Club members.
The beautiful Hexen-Stieg ends in Thale, where we’ll take a guided tour of the famous
Hexentanzplatz (Witches’ Dance Place). We spend the night in a local Gasthaus,
“Kleiner Ritter”. On the 19th we’ll travel by train to the beautifully restored town of
Quedlingburg for a city bus tour, and a farewell dinner, after which we’ll return to
Leipzig. On Sunday the trip ends with participants returning to the airport or extending
their personal travels.
Trip Difficulty
We rate the trip as moderate. Good physical conditioning and some recent
hiking/backpacking experience are required for this trip. During our daily hikes, well be
averaging about 12-15 miles over moderate terrain. Typical daily elevation gains will be
about 600-1000’ at the beginning of the trek as we climb the Brocken, less once we
descend the other side of it. Participants will be carrying their own personal gear, lunch,
snacks, and drinks. Pack weights are typically 15 lbs. We’ll set an easy pace, with photo
stops along the way. The group will hike together. Most of all, participants need to have a
community-based attitude, and a sense of adventure.
Explore ‘Top Trails of Germany’ Harz Hexenstieg.
Trip Cost
The price of this trip is approximately $1975 for AMC members. The non-member price:
approximately $2075, but please note that a one-year AMC membership costs only $50.
Airfare is not included in the trip price and is estimated at $800-900. A deposit of $500 is
required to secure your place; this will be returned if your application is not accepted, or
you withdraw before being accepted. Another $500 is due on the acceptance of your
application, and the balance is due on May 1, 2008. You may be considered to have
canceled if a payment is not received on time. Deposits and balance payments (payable
to the “AMC –Trip”) are subject to the cancellation and refund policy below. Request an
application form from Marianne Page, 29 Bedard Ave, Derry, NH 03038.
The trip will be run on a non-profit basis. The leaders’ expenses for the trip,
administrative costs in organizing the trip, insurance and overhead costs are included in
the overall trip costs to be shared among the participants. The trip price is approximate
and is based on a $/E rate of 1.6. Any unforeseen increases in costs will have to be
shared by all participants. Any funds remaining after all expenses are paid will be
divided among the participants in accordance with AMC rules.
The following are included in the price: all lodging (hostels, Gasthauses, and inns); all
ground transportation after arrival in Leipzig, all trail fees, all suppers and breakfasts
from supper on the first Friday through supper on the final Saturday. Not included are:
airfare, lunches, snacks and personal expenses such as alcohol and personal purchases.
Participants will have the option of buying lunches at eateries along the trail or buying
lunch supplies at local shops.
The leaders will assist participants in making their flight arrangements, determining
possible options, and assuring that the group will arrive in Leipzig as close to the same
time as possible.
Personal Trip Extension
The AMC trip formally terminates on Sunday September 20th. However, some
participants may choose to extend their visit in Europe. They can make their own
personal plans starting from Leipzig that morning or from the Leipzig airport.
Participants should notify the leaders of their plans so the leaders can make appropriate
arrangements for each participant.
[Marianne is planning a post-trip visit to Dresden Germany. See her for details if
interested in joining her.]
Trip Size
The group size will be limited to 16, including the leaders. Minimum age for the trip is 21
yrs old. The leaders reserve the right to select a smaller group. Once the trip is full,
prospective participants may be accepted to a wait list. The deposit for waitlisted
participants is $500. If an accepted participant cancels, the leaders will look first to the
wait list for an additional participant. The $500 wait list deposit will be refunded to
prospective participants not offered a space on the trip.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Refunds to participants canceling from the trip will be based on our ability to recruit
replacements and/or adjust expenses. Cancellation refunds probably won’t be returned
until after the trip has been completed. Cancellations are considered effective when a
leader receives notification.
Date of cancellation
–> May 31
From June 1 – July 15
From July 16 – Sept 10
Cancellation Fee
Trip Insurance:
Trip insurance is highly recommended, since job requirements, illness, accidents or a
death in the family can interfere with your travel plans. We will provide information on
how to obtain trip insurance through the AMC.
We’ll use public transportation to get around Leipzig. In the mountains, we’ll use trains,
and busses.
A complete list of required clothing and equipment is included. Weather conditions are
unpredictable and can be quite varied, so participants need to be prepared for cool, rain,
and bright warm sun. Participants should have previously used their equipment and be
sure of its fit and functionality. Renting equipment is not an option on this trip.
Weather – Trails are clearly marked and can be easily followed even in inclement
conditions. But there is some risk that weather conditions will be severe enough or some
other factor might force us to alter our original plans. Our intent in these situations will
be to involve participants in discussing alternative plans and, as best we can, continue
with our hiking adventure in a safe mode. Participants need to maintain some flexibility
in these situations. Final decisions will rest with the leaders.
Sickness/Injury – Although remote, sickness or injury may occur, and this will necessitate
leaving the trip. Obviously, we will help sufferers to safety and medical attention in
every way possible. But a departure of this nature constitutes leaving the trip. Because
most trip expenses will have already been expended and are non-refundable,
reimbursement may not be possible. Personal, transportation and medical expenses, not
covered by Evacuation Insurance, will need to be borne by the participant.
Phil Mecagni has been a member of the AMC since 1983. He took Winter
Mountaineering training in 1997, Leadership training in 1998, and Major Excursion
training in 2000. He is an active hiking, biking and skiing trip leader, with extensive
backcountry experience in both the US and Europe. Most recently, he led last year’s
hiking trip to Bavaria.
Marianne Page is for this excursion most importantly, a Native of Germany, born in
Saxony. She is a New Hampshire Chapter trip Leader and is currently certified in SOLO
Advance Wilderness First Aid and CPR and AED. She has co lead the Glacier National
Park Major Excursion in July of 2008, and leads the excursion in August 2009. Marianne
has hiked the White Mountains for the past 15 years, and has completed her NH 48 in 3
seasons and winter, NE 100 in 3 seasons. She was an enthusiastic participant in Major
Excursions to Hawaii, the Canadian Rockies, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, and in Glacier
NP. She organized her own trip with friends to Peru, hiking the Inca Trail and visiting
Lake Titicaca in 2007.
This excursion to the Harz Mountains is why she became a Major Excursions Leader, and
is looking forward to sharing her enthusiasm for this fabled region with you!
Pre-Trip Meeting
Trip participants should plan to attend a pre-trip hike and meeting in order to go over trip
details, expectations and meet other trip participants. This meeting will be organized
during the late spring / early summer. Location TBD.
Additional Information
Phil Mecagni can be reached at pmecagni@hotmail.com or by phone 508-435-5172.
Marianne Page can be reached at mariannepage@comcast.net or by phone 603-432-9249.
Clothing and Equipment List
Harz Hiking 2009
Trip participants are expected to furnish their own personal equipment and clothing. Keep in
mind that we’ll probably encounter a varied climate; cool, rain, bright warm sun. The following is
a list of the basics.
Clothing list
Sturdy hiking boots
Sock combinations that work for you: poly liner and wool outer sock
Various weights of non-cotton shirts/pants/shorts
Non-cotton undergarments
Lightweight fleece/sweater
Outer shell jacket (water resistant) with hood
Outer shell pants (water resistant
Lightweight gloves
Lightweight wool or fleece hat
Lightweight sun hat
Sunglasses with UV protection
Overnight backpack (3000cu”)
Sleep sack (bring or rent linens when needed in hostel)
Tevas / flip flops
2 water bottles (liter size) or bladder
Spare glasses, contacts
Sun screen (30spf)
Lip balm with UV protection
Personal Gear
Passport (make a copy of first page)
Credit Card, (travelers checks), cash card and cash.
Personal toiletries
Ear plugs
Travel towel
Camera and film/memory cards
Health insurance card