Camp Store Form Tri-County Junior 4-H Camp August 10-12, 2016 Each day campers will have the opportunity to visit the camp store to purchase snacks, memorabilia, and clothing. To prevent the temptation for over-spending and stomachaches, campers are limited to purchasing a maximum of 2-3 consumable items each day. Costs range from $1.00 (candy and beverages) to $15-$35 for camp apparel. Campers must turn in the store form and money (cash only) during check-in. Any unused money will be returned at check-out. Money will be kept in individual envelopes by camper name and made available only during store visit time. Please DO NOT send snacks with your camper. Food in cabins can attracted unwanted guests. PLEASE NOTE: This form and store money (cash) are to be brought with you to camp on check-in day, August 10. I WOULD LIKE TO OPEN A STORE ACCOUNT FOR THE FOLLOWING CAMPER: Camper’s Name: ___________________________________ Session: ______Tri-County Junior 4-H Camp I would like to open their account with: ___$10.00 ____$15.00 ____$20.00 ___$30.00 _ $40.00 $____(other) Bring CASH only. NO checks please. Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Your camper’s unspent money will be given back in cash only and returned to parents during camper check-out. If you do not wish for _______________________________(camper’s name) to participate in the Camp Store, please sign here. ________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian)