Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form /

Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Major Excursions Trip Proposal Form
The following pages contain the application to lead an AMC Major Excursion. Please complete the form with as
much detail as possible, and attach additional sheets if necessary. Also include a detailed budget/costing sheet
that clearly shows all costs associated with your planned excursion. The trip proposal form and budget are due
two weeks prior to the MEC meeting in which it will be reviewed. Deadlines will be posted on the MEC leader
website ( and sent to you on the MEC leader listserv well in advance of the
meeting. The MEC will not accept late proposals unless the chair is notified in advance with a compelling reason.
Incomplete applications will be returned to you and not reviewed until complete, so please make sure to fill in all
applicable sections.
The application was created in a Microsoft Word protected document. To fill in each section click on the check
box and/or on the grey text box and start typing. The boxes will automatically get larger as you fill in text. If you
find that you need a lot of space to explain a section, please say “see additional attachment” and attach a separate
In addition, the following are helpful during the review process, but need only be submitted after your proposal is
50 and 150 word notices for the AMC Outdoors and Please see the current rules and schedule for submitting notices for the AMC Outdoors.
Trip prospectus – without the application forms attached – in Microsoft Word or PDF format
Finally, we need to have on file at Joy Street, the following documents:
A completed confidential medical form for the leader and co-leader (after approval is given)
Copies of first aid and CPR certifications for leader and co-leader (before or after approval is given)
A completed application to be a co-leader if the co-leader is new (before proposal is submitted)
We will accept snail mail applications, but electronic forms are preferred. Please save and forward your
electronic document with the following naming convention:
Leader’s last name, trip destination, year of trip and what type of document it is (application, budget,
Outdoors listing or prospectus)
For example, Smith-New Zealand-2007-Application.doc or Smith-New Zealand-2007-Budget.xls
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Applications should be sent electronically to the MEC Chair, Stacia Zukroff, at and to They can be mailed to: Travel Programs Coordinator, 5 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02108. If
you have any questions, please contact Stacia at: 781-648-5503 or
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Trekking in Bhutan
Leader Paulette Boudrot
Kingdom of Bhutan
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Title of trip
Type of trip
check all that apply
Co-leader Marianne Page
Total # of days 19
Downhill skiing
Road biking
Nordic ski
Mountain biking
Other – please describe
Trekking tour- 8 overnight tenting with the use of horses to help caarry supplies
Max 14
Min 10
$ 4599.00-$4999.00
Does it include airfare? Yes
$ 2200.00 estimated airfare
Is this proposal for a small group trip – i.e., less than 14 participants and 2
leaders or 7 participants and 1 leader? Yes
If yes, why is a small group proposed?
If a participant fee increase of more than 15% is proposed, please explain
Number of participants
Advertised cost
Airfare range if not included
Smaller trips and leader
Leader name
Leader address
Leader email
Leader phone
Wilderness first aid training
CPR training
Prior leading experience
Trip one
Trip two
Trip three
Other related trip experience
Co-leader name
Co-leader address
Co-leader email
Paulette Boudrot
12 Great Road Stow, Mass. 01775
Home 978-897-0364
Expiration: 4/08 will recertify in 4/08
Expiration: 4/08 leader will recertify in 4/08
Please list the last three longer (5+ day) trips you have led for the AMC including
destination, type of trip, dates and number of participants. Feel free to list additional
trips you have led, particularly if they demonstrate experience related to the trip you
are proposing.
Alaska (South Central) backpacking 2007
Montana Glacier National Park 2006 (day hiking)
Alaska (Inside Passage) backpacking 2006
Presidential Range Hike co-led hut to hut 2006 and 2005
Instructor for NH Chapter winter and spring workshops at the Cardigan Lodge for five
Marianne Page
29 Bedard Ave. Derry, NH
To lead a major excursion you must have current CPR and WFA at the time of your trip (or AWFA for all backcountry
trips). If you do not have the required level of certification at the time you submit your proposal or it will expire before
the date of your trip, you will need to make arrangements to recertify in a timely manner.
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Co-leader phone
Wilderness first aid training*
CPR training*
Prior leading experience
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Home 603-432-9249
Expiration: MaryAnn is taking WFA Nov. 3 + 4 She
She will take AWFA in April at Kathy Didier's
Expiration: Sept. 2009
If you are a new co-leader you must submit an application to be a major excursions
leader or co-leader prior to submitting this application.
Have either of you led this trip
before or traveled to this
Does either the co-leader or
leader speak the local
Do the leader and co-leader
have a significant personal
Private trips
Do either of you lead trips that
are private - not sponsored by
the AMC?
If yes, please describe below:
Executive summary
Please provide a brief
description of the trip and the
activities planned.
Our group will travel from Logan International Airport to JFK in NY and then on to
Bangkok, Thailand. We will spend one night in Bangkok and take an early morning
flight to Paro, Bhutan where we will be picked up by our tour company.( We must fly to
Bhutan as a group per Bhutanese law.)We will spend the next few days touring
museums, monastaries and market places. We will spend the next 9 days on a treking
tour through the country using pack horses to carry our gear. We will have English
speaking guides fully trained and lisenced. Our tour company will provide tents,
cooking supplies, etc.
2 nights in hotel-Bangkok
6 (approx) nights hotel in both Paro or Thimpu
8 (approx) nights in tents
Total of 15 days in Bhutan, plus 2 nights in Bangkok (stop over during travel)
Two person per tent and per hotel room
Travel days will depend on the best flight arragements possible.
. While in Bhutan all of our meals are provided/arranged by our tour company. In the
first days there will be restaurants/cafaterias and on the trek our guides will prepare our
meals at campsite. This company has been trained in hygeine regarding food
preparations. They will also provide two litres of water per day during cultural tours and
provide boiled water on trek. Meals in Bangkok will be in restaurants.
Co-leader: Yes
Leader: Yes
Not applicable:
If yes, please list who has agreed to be your back-up in case one or
both of you need to drop out. This is required for approval!
If yes, please note that you cannot advertise AMC and private trips
together unless there is a clear distinction between the two in any marketing
materials you send out.
Please describe your plan for
Please describe your plan for
providing meals
Permits or permissions
Does the trip require special
permits or permissions?
(required on many U.S.
federal lands and national
Special equipment
Does the trip require special
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If yes, please describe below what you will need to do to obtain them:
All tourists entering Bhutan must use a tour company such as Lingkor. Our outfitter
includes all fees, food, outfitting expenses and accomodations.
If no, please describe the process you went through to find out that they were not
If yes, please describe below what type of equipment and how you
will ensure that people know how to use it:
Participants will need to have a day pack, hiking boots, sleeping bag (20 degree) and
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Special experience
Does the trip require special
skills on the part of the
Pre-trip activities
Do you plan to get your group
together before the trip for an
activity or social event?
Conservation, education and
How will this major excursion
meet the mission of the AMC?
Oct. 8-26, 2008
appropriate clothing for this type of trip to keep them warm and dry (safe from
hypothermia). A full gear/clothing list will be sent out to them prior to the trip. The tents,
cook stoves, ground pads, etc. will be provide by our outfitter.
If yes, please describe below what type of experience? Also describe
how you will ensure that the participant has this experience?
Participants must be in good physical condition. They must, at least three months prior to
the trip, have a regular cardio exercise program at least three time per week and or a
regular hiking schedule to be fit for this trek. This is a moderately strenuous trip.
If yes, please describe below what you will do:
We will have a pre trip meeting/hike for those that live close enough to participate.
As usual, we will practice Leave No Trace and Carry In Carry Out.
This trip will be a cultural and educational experience, a land far different than our own.
We will have the chance to meet the local people, visit art museums, textile museum,
local market place, monastaries and have a night with dignitaries and folk dancers.
Will this trip require a tour
operator or guide service
during part, or the entire
Name of tour operator/guide
Tour operator website
Safety record
Please provide information
about their safety record.
Do they have liability
Emergency response
Please describe the outfitters’
response plan in the case of an
Please describe their services. If you are using a tour operator for the entire trip,
please describe why you will be using them rather than doing this trip on your own:
We will be using a tour company for the entire trip while in Bhutan. This is regulated by
Bhutanese law. We will use the same company that the two AMC trips to Bhutan are
using this fall. I am waiting for those trips to return so I can decide on the exact itinary
based on the leaders feed back. Price will not change as long as I keep the same # of
Lingkor Tours and Treks
P.O. Box 202
Thimpu, Bhutan
Company has been in business since 1990. In that time they have not had any deaths or
injuries. They have managed to maintain this reputation because they do not force their
clients to continue trekking even after seeing signs of high altitude sickness. Their guides
are trained to observe group members if they have any symptoms of high altitude
sickness, such as headache, nauseau, vomitting, etc. They advise clients to drink as much
fluid as possible. As soon as a guide finds that a member of the group has three signs of
altitude sickness symptoms, they bring them down to lower level before it becomes
worse. In order to be lisenced as a guide they have three months of training. They are
trained in emergency evacuation. Our guides will be carrying first aid kits. They do
speak English. In addition, Paul Davis (leader of 10/07 trip) has spoken with the Sierra
Club regarding the reputation of this company.
Liability? Yes
Maximum amt: $
Are they willing to list AMC as an
additional insured?
In the case of an emergency guides (altitude sickness, etc.) will bring us back down from
elevation. See above.
Insurance is not available in Bhutan for our group.
Hospital facities are listed below.
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Oct. 8-26, 2008
Please assess the risks and hazards of your trip. Carefully consider each area of risk and how it may affect your trip.
Devise a plan to prevent each hazard and to respond to it if it becomes necessary. Please be very specific for each section
if applicable.
Trail conditions, river crossings, weather, wildlife (bears, snakes, etc.)
Potential hazards
Lingkor is a Bhutanese outfitter who specializes in high altitude treks.
They have been running such trips since 1990 and have been used extensively by the
Sierra Club (now their sole outfitter). They have extensive training in emergency
measures and high altitude trekking. If necessary, evacuation is possible by foot or
helicopter. The itinerary conforms to the latest recommendations for maximum daily
altitude gain. All participants will be strongly encouraged to receive appropriate medical
vaccinations and advice (and bring the recommended medications).
The weather is expected to be highly variable, with winter conditions
possible. Participants will be required to bring equipment that is appropriate for winter
hiking. This includes the possibilities of snow and ice. Hiking may be over glaciers.
Mitigating factors include skilled local guides, portage of most gear (participants will
only need to carry personal daily equipment), and so on.
Rugged terrain The Himalayan terrain is rugged. Altitude can make hiking more
strenuous (due to lower oxygen levels). However, trails are well used over centuries.
Altitude is a consideration. We plan to have days prior to the trek to acclimatize the best
possible. Each participant will be sent a gear/ clothing list. We will be prepared for cold
and wet weather and will carry what we need to keep us safe from hypothermia.
Our guides are trained to recognize signs of high altitude sickness symptoms and what
they should do regarding this. Anyone having trouble due to altitude sickness,
hypothermeria or other wise will be brought down to lower elevations for recovery.
Political concerns, crime, language translation, terrorism
Foreign Country
Potential hazards
Participants will be advised on the "do's and don't's" while in Bhutan. Coutesy, ask if you
can take someone's photo, appropriate clothing (woman-no halter tops, thin blouses, etc)
Respect for the cultural differences will be sent out in a mailing.. Over all Bhutan is a
safe country to visit. There is some petty crime. Participants will be forwarned. There
are many different languages spoken in Bhutan although English is taught in schools.
The leader is qualified as an advanced wilderness first aider. In addition, the trip has
been constructed to minimize risks, such as providing layover days for altitude
acclimatization. Even so, emergencies could arise, such as one or more participants have
altitude sickness or the group becoming stranded due to heavy snowfall. If an
emergency does arise, the leaders and Lingkor guides will discuss the situation. If
evacuation is required, Lingkor can contact Bhutan’s Tourism Department, who can
request that the Indian Air Force send a rescue helicopter. This may take a couple of
days to arrange, often depending on the weather conditions. Lingkor brings additional
food to permit the group to be stranded for many days. For medical difficulties, the
usual approach is to send the afflicted person to a lower altitude, either on a stretcher or
on horse-back. Lingkor provides such resources for use in emergencies.
If medical emergencies arise, a decision will be made whether to evacuate or treat onsite. All participants will be required to carry personal medication. In addition, the
leaders will carry additional group medication. If evacuation is necessary, this may be
done either on foot (possibly with the assistance of the outfitter, pack animals, and/or
litters) or by helicopter. The leaders will bring a satellite phone in order to facilitate
contacting outside support.
Note: Bhutanese governmental regulations require that all trips to Bhutan be arranged
(directly or indirectly) with a local operator.
Water is another consideration while in a foreign country. We will be provided two
quarts per day of potable water while doing day excursions and we will be provided
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Potential hazards
Oct. 8-26, 2008
boiled water while on the trekking part of this trip.
Road conditions, drivers, insurance
We will travel in a van owned and operated by our outfitter. They know the roads and
rules of. There are, however, in any undeveloped country risks while driving their roads.
We minumize our risk by our 9 day trek
Flight Delays:
Flights to and from Bhutan must use Druk Air (Bhutan’s national
airline), which only has 2 airplanes. These planes fly only when visibility is good. As
such, it is possible that flights can be delayed for multiple days (flights only occur 3-4
times weekly). During October, delays are very uncommon, so most flights occur as
planned, with a single delay at most. Note that if evacuation flights are difficult, it may
be possible to evacuate to India overland.e guides will bring anyone down. We will be
traveling with horses..
Potential hazards
Potential hazards
Level of fitness, screening concerns, experience with equipment or activity
Leader will send to participant a confidential medical form and application (taylored to
this trip). Participants will be carefully screened for fittness, gear (clothing, boots, rain
gear, etc.) They will be asked to provide a reference of a trip leader that they hike with
on a regular basis if possible..
Conditions unique to this type of trip
Please describe your plans for dealing with emergencies. Use as much detail as possible, and list any special
communications equipment you may need to ensure the safety of your participants. DO NOT LEAVE THIS SECTION
Once we are on the trek we will be 2-3 days from a hospital. Our guides do speak
Emergency communication
Phone contacts, language,
English. We will carry a satellite phone.
documentation, distance from
emergency services
The only communication is through wirelss equipment that are carried with army
Emergency equipment
What sort of emergency first
personel. Outfitter recommends we carry satellite phone.
aid or communication
equipment (satellite phone,
two-way radios) do you plan
to use, if any?
The leaders will carry a satellite phone to permit contact with rescue services from
Please describe your plan for
remote locations. However, the guides are familiar with utilizing the support staff for
evacuation from the
self-evacuations. The leaders plan to carry copies of each participant’s important
backcountry location if
documents (passport, visas, emergency contact information, insurance information and
so on).
If possible, medical situations will be handled on-site. If a participant needs to be
evacuated, this may or may not necessitate the entire group evacuate. If a participant is
evacuated individually, one of the leaders will accompany the evacuation party (provided
by the outfitter). If delays result from an emergency, the itinerary will be modified
accordingly. The leaders’ decisions will be final.
Medical Care
Medical care in Bhutan is well below western standards. If necessary, evacuation will be
conducted to Thailand (and possibly onwards to the US), which has world-class medical
facilities. Since the trip flies to Bhutan from Thailand, flight arrangements should be
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Trekking in Bhutan
Paulette Boudrot/Marianne Page
Medical care
Please describe the medical
care available in the area(s)
where you will be traveling
and list names and telephone
numbers for these facilities.
Oct. 8-26, 2008
eased. Thimphu (the capital) has some medical facilities. Elsewhere, the medical
facilities will be poor at best, if they even exist. At times (such as during the 9-day trek),
it may take multiple days to evacuate a participant to medical facilities (thus the
consideration of satellite phone, see emergency communication above).
Paro Hospital is known as the district hospital. Here you will find doctors with
qualifications of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (5 year undergradutate degree)
Para Hospital has x-ray and small lab.
Thimpu is a referal hopital with medical specialist, surgeons, dentists, gynecologist,
peditrician, radiologists, physical therapists, ENT specialist, and other. They have x-ray,
MRI equipment, a lab and surgical operating room.
What deposits will be required
by airlines, hotels, tour
operators, etc., and when?
What is the latest date you can
cancel and still receive a full
Participant deposit
What are the initial deposit
and your schedule of
It is required at the time of booking that you pay your flight from Bangkok to Paro,
Bhutan. ($772.00) This is non-refundable (as any flight booked is non-refundable).
Leader will book flights BOS/JFK and ThaiAir as soon as we fill (watching for best
rates) April $2500.00 June balance for Lingkor Outfitter $2600.00
If your plane tickets have been purchased then you own them. If we can fill your spot
with someone from the wait list you will get back all but plane $ and $50.00 fee.
$1500.00 deposit required as soon as application is accepted
$2700.00 April 1
$2599.00 May 28
$6799.00 total for group size of 14 participants
$1500.00 deposit required as soon as application is accepted
$2800.00 April 1
$2899.00 May 28
$7199.00 total for group size of 10 participants
Cancellation policy
What will your cancellation
policy be for the participants?
Minimum numbers
Will you still run the trip if you
do not get the minimum
See above.
If yes, please describe conditions:
Reference web links:
MEC Home Page:
Club House:
E-Mail Addresses:
Club House:
MEC Chair:
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