1.1 A magnetic circuit with a single air gap is shown in Fig. 1.24. The core dimensions are: Cross-sectional area Ac 1.8 10 3 m 2 Mean core length l c 0.6m Gap length g 2.3 10 3 m N 83 turns Core: Mean length lc , area Ac , permeability N turns Air gap g Assume that the core is of infinite permeability ( ) and neglect the effects of fringing fields at the air gap and leakage flux. (a) Calculate the reluctance of the core Rc and that of the gap R g . For a current of i 1.5 A , calculate (b) the total flux , (c) the flux linkages of the coil, and (d) the coil inductance L. Sol: 已知 (a) Ac Ag 1.8 10 3 m 2 Let Rc lc lc 0A wb μAc u r u o Ac Rg g 2.3 10 3 u o Ag 4π 10 7 1.8 10 3 1.017 10 6 A wb (b) φ NI 83 1.5 0.1224 10 3 wb 6 Rc R g Rc R g 1.017 10 (c) eN dφ dλ dt dt λ Nφ 83 0.1224 10 3 1.016 10 2 wb (d) L L N 2 μ o Ag λ NΦ N 2 φ N 2 φ N 2 N2 F g i F φR g Rg g N μ o Ag λ 1.016 10 2 0.6773 10 2 H 6.773mH i 1.5 1.2 Repeat Problem 1.1 for a finite core permeability of μ 2500 μ o . Sol (a): Ac Ag 1.8 10 3 m 2 lc lc 0.6 1.061 10 5 A wb μAc u r u o Ac 2500 4π 10 7 1.8 10 3 (解答中Rc 1.597 10 5 A 是錯誤的) wb g 2.3 10 3 Rg 1.017 10 6 A wb u o Ag 4π 10 7 1.8 10 3 Rc (b) φ NI 83 1.5 1.10844 10 4 wb 6 Rc R g Rc R g ( 1.017 0.1062 ) 10 (解答中φ 1.059 10 4 wb是錯誤的) (c) λ Nφ 83 1.10844 10 4 92 10 4 wb 0.92 10 2 wb (解答中λ 0.92 10 2 wb是錯誤的) (d) λ 0.92 10 2 L 0.613 10 2 H 6.13mH i 1.5 (解答中L 5.858mH是錯誤的) 1.3 Consider the magnetic circuit of Fig. 1.24 with the dimensions of Problem 1.1.Assuming infinite core permeability, calculate (a) the number of turns required to achieve an inductance of 12 mH and (b) the inductor current which will result in a core flux density of 1.0 T. Figure 1.24 Sol : part (a): L 因為 N L 又 i Rc 而 N i lc 0 Ac F 0 Ag F F F F lc g g Rtot Rc Rg g 0 A Ac 0 Ag 0 g N i 0 Ag 又 F Ni 所以 N N N i 0 Ag N 2 0 Ac L i i g g 可以得到 N Lg 0 Ac g 12 10 3 2.3 10 3 110 t u r n s 4 10 7 1.8 10 3 part (b): 因為習題1.1忽略了邊緣效應 Ag Ac 所以 B g Bc Ac F N i H c lc H g g 又 B H 又 所以 FNi F Bg 0 lc Bg 0 g g Bg 因此可以得到 i Bc 0 N g Bc g 1 2.3 10 3 16.6 0 N 4 10 7 110 A 1.6 The magnetic circuit of Fig. 1.25 consists of a core and a moveable plunger of width lp, each of permeability μ. The core has cross-sectional area Ac, and mean length lc, The overlap area of the two air gaps Ag is a function of the plunger position x and can be assumed to vary as x Ag Ac 1 X0 You may neglect any fringing fields at the air gap and use approximations consistent with magnetic-circuit analysis. a. Assuming that μ → ∞, derive an expression for the magnetic flux density in the air gap Bg as a function of the winding current I and as the plunger position is varied (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8X0 ). What is the corresponding flux density in the core ? b. Repeat part (a) for a finite permeability μ. Figure 1.25 Magnetic circuit for Problem 1.6. Sol : part (a): 因為 F N i 2 gH g H c l c l p 又 , B H 所以 F N i 2 gH g 因為 Bc 所以 Ag Bc Ac Ac , Hg NI 2g Bc Ac B g Ag x Bg Bg 1 X 0 part (b): 因為 2 gH g H c lc l p NI ; Bg Ag Bc Ac 又 Bg 0 H g FNi Ag Ac 所以 ; Bc H c l c l p Bc Bg 0 2g B g l c l p Bg 2g Ag Ac Bg 0 l c l p 2g 0 最後得到 Bg Ni Ag l c l p 2 g Ac 0 Ni x 1 l c l p X 0 2g 0 0 2 g N i 0 x l c l p 1 X 0 1.8 Fig 1.24 An inductor of the form of Fig 1.24 has dimensions: Cross-sectional area Ac=3.6 cm 2 Mean core length lc=15cm N= 75 turns Assuming a core permeability of 2100 0 and neglecting the effects of leakage flux and fringing fields,calculate the air-gap length required to achieve an inductance of 6.0mH Sol: 0 N 2 Ac g L o 4 10 7 75 2 3.6 10 4 1 2 lc 15 10 4.17mm 3 6 10 2100 1.9 Fig 1.26 The magnetic circuit of fig1.26 consists of magnetic material in a stack of height h. The ings have inner radius Ri and outer radius Ro. Assume that the iron is of infinite ermeability( )and neglect the effects of magnetic and fringing. For Ri=3.4cm Ro=4.0cm h=2cm g=0.2cm calculate (a) The mean core length lc and the core cross-sectional area Ac (b) The reluctance of the core Rc and that of the gap Rg (N=65) (c) The inductance L (d) Current I required to operate at an air-gap flux density of Bg=1.35T (e) The corresponding flux linkages of the coil Sol: (a) lc 2 ( Ro Ri ) g =3.568cm Ac ( Ro Ri )h 1.2cm 2 g 0.2 10 2 7 A 1 . 33 10 0 Ac 4 10 7 1.2 10 4 wb (b) R g Rc lc 0 Ac N2 (c) L 0.317 mH Rc Rg (d) I Bg Rc Rg Ac N 33.1 A (e) NBg Ac =10.53mWb 1.10 Repeat Problem 1.9 for a core permeability of u=750uo sol : (a) l c 2 ( R0 Ri ) g 2 (4.0 3.4) 0.2 3.57cm Ac ( R0 R)h (4.0 3.4) 2 1.2cm 2 (b) g 0.2 10 2 Rg 1.33 10 7 7 4 u 0 Ac 4 10 1.2 10 A / wb 又因鐵心導磁係數 u 750u 0 所以 RC lc 3.57 10 2 3.16 10 5 7 4 uAc 750 4 10 1.2 10 (c ) N2 L 0.311mH Rc R g (d ) I B g Rc R g Ac N 33.8 A (e) NBg Ac 65 1.35 1.2 10.5 mWb A/ w 1.12 The inductor of fig.1.27 has a core of uniform circular cross-section of area Ac mean length lc and relative permeability ur and an N-turn winding. Write an expression for the inductance L. Core: mean length lc, area Ac, relative permeability ur N-turm coil g Figure 1.27 Sol: Rc + F Rg F Rc Rg 解答設 Ac Ag 是錯誤的 F N I u u0 u r u A N I u0 Ag N I u0 ur Ac F uA F 0 g F c Rg Rc g lc g lc 1 1 u0 N I Ac g lc ur 因此 L I N u0 N 2 Ac l I g c ur 另解: 另解 F N I u u0 ur u 0 Ag N I u 0 Ag N I u 0 u r Ac uA F F F c R g Rc g lc g lc Ag Ac u0 N I g lc ur 因此 L I 2 N u 0 N Ag u 0 N 2 Ac lc I g ur 1.13 The inductor of fig. 1.27 has the following dimensions: Ac 1.0cm 2 l c 15cm g 0.8mm N 480turns Neglecting leakage and fringing and assuming r 1000 the inductance. Sol: L N then i Rc R g and lc 0 r Ac N i Rc Rg g 0 Ag 0 N 2 Ac 0 N 2 Ac N2 L 30.5mH lc Ac g lc Rc Rg g r Ag r calculate 1.14 The inductor of problem 1.13 is to be operated from a 60-Hz voltage source. (a) Assuming negligible coil resistance, calculate the rms inductor voltage corresponding to a peak core flux density of 1.5 T. (b) Under this operating condition, calculate the rms current and the peak stored energy. Sol: part(a) et N d t dt and t B peak A cos t et NB peak A cos t E 2fNABpeak 2 19.2Vrms part(b) I rms Vrms 1.67 Arms L W peak 0.5L( 2 I rms ) 2 8.5mJ 1.16 A square voltage wave having a fundamental frequency of 60Hz and equal positive and negative half cycles of amplitude E is applied to a 1000-turn winding surrounding a closed iron core of 1.25×10 3 m 2 cross section. a. Sketch the voltage, the winding flux linkage , and the core flux as a function of time b. Find the maximum permissible value of E if the maximum flux density is not exceed 1.15T 一電壓方波的頻率為 60Hz,正負振幅大小為 E,使用在線圈為 100 閘截面積為 1.25 10 3 cm 2 的鐵心上 <A>.畫出電壓曲線的週期以及 的波形曲線 E T = 1/60 t Φ=BA= 1.25 10 3 cm 2 ×1.15 λ=NΦ=1.4375 <B>找出最大的電壓假設 Bpeak=1.15T Emax=4fNAcBpeak=4×60×1000×1.25m×1.15=345V 1.17 An inductor is to be designed using a magnetic core of the form of that of fig1.29.The core is of unif orm cross-sectional area Ac=5.0cm 2 and of mean length lc=25cm. a. Calculate the air-gap length g and the number of turn N such that the inductance is 1.4mH and so that inductor can operate at peak currents of 6A without saturating. Assume that saturation occurs when the peak flux density in the core exceeds 1.7Tand that, below saturation ,the core has permeability μ=3200μ0 For an inductor current of 6A,use Eq3.21 to calculate (i) the magnetic stored energy in the air gap and (ii) the magnetic stored energy in the core. Show that the total magnetic stored energy is given by Eq1.47 A.閘數的計算 N NI 0 lc LI 99turns 空隙長度的計算 g 0 AcBsat Bsat B.從 3.21 來進行計算 Wgap Wtot=Wgap+Wcore=0.252J 和 1.47 比較 W=L/2*I2=0.252J AcgB 2 sat AclcB 2 sat 0.207 J Wcore 0.045 J 2 0 2 1.19 A proposed energy storage mechanism consists of an N-turn coil wound around a large nonmagnetic(u=u0) toroidal form as shown in Fig.1.30.As can be seen from the figure, the toroidal form has circular cross section of radius a and torridal radius r, measured to the center of the cross section. The geometry of this device is such that the magnetic field can be considered to be zero everywhere outside the toroid. Under the assumption that a << r, the H field inside the toroid can be considered to be directed around the toroid and of uniform magnitude H Ni 2r For coil with N = 1000 truns, r = 10 m, and a = 0.45 m: a. Calculate the coil inductance L. b. The coil is to be charged to a magnetic flux density of 1.75 T. Calculate the total stored magnetic energy in the torus when this flux density is achieved. c. If the coil is to be charged at a uniform rate(i.e.,di/dt = constant), calculate the terminal voltage required to achieve the required flux density in 30 sec. Assume the coil resistance to be negligible. Figure 1.30 Toroidal winding for Problem 1.19. Sol: (a): L L (b): u 0 Ag N 2 g u oa 2 N 2 12.7 mH 2r Core volume Vcore (2r )a 2 40.0 m 3 . 因此 B2 W Vc o r( e ) 4.87 J 2u 0 (c):因為 T = 30 sec, di ( 2rB ) /( u 0 N ) 2.92 10 3 dt T di v L 37 V dt A / sec 1.20 Figure 1.31 shows an inductor would on a laminated iron core of rectangular cross section. Assume that the permeability of iron is infinite. Neglect magnetic leakage and fringing in the two air gaps(total gap length = g). The N-turn winding is insulated copper wire whose resistivity is ρΩ・m. Assume that the fraction fw of the winding space is available for copper; the rest of the space is used for insulation. a. Calculate the cross-sectional area and volume of copper in the winding space. b. Write an expression for the flux density B in the inductor in the terms of the current density Jcu in the copper winding. c. Write an expression for the copper current density Jcu in terms of the coil current I, the number of turns N, and the coil geometry. d. Derive an expression for the electric power dissipation in the coil in terms of the current density Jcu. e. Derive an expression for the magnetic stored energy in the inductor in terms of the applied current density Jcu. f. From parts(d) and (e) derive an expression for L/R time constant of the inductor. Note that this expression is independent of the number of turn in the coil and does not change as the inductance and coil resistance are changed by varying the number of turns. Figure 1.31 Iron-core inductor for Problem 1.20 Sol: (a): Acu f w ab; (b): B u0 ( (c): Jcu J cu Acu ) g NI Acu Volcu 2ab( w h 2a) (d): Pdiss Volcu ( J cu2 ) (e): Wmag Vol gap ( (f): 1 ( ) LI 2 Wmag 2Wmag u 0 whAcu2 L 2 1 1 R Pdiss gVolcu 2 ( ) RI ( ) Pdiss 2 2 B2 B2 ) gwh( ) 2u 0 2u 0 1.21 The inductor of Fig. 1.31 has the following dimensions: a=h=w=1.5cm b=2cm g=0.2cm The winding factor (i.e., the fraction of the total winding area occupied by conductor) is f w =0.55. The resustivity of copper is 1.73 10 8 m . When the coil is operated with a constant dc applied voltage of 35V, the air-gap flux density is measured to be 1.4T. Find the power dissipated in the coil current, number of turn, coil resistance, inductance, time constant, and wire size to the nearest standard size,(Hint : Wire size can be found from the expression Awire AWG 36 4.312 ln 8 1.267 10 Where AWG is the wire size, expressed in terms of the American Wire Gauge, and Awrie is the conductor cross-sectional area measured in m 2 .) Sol: Acu f wab 0.55 1.5 2 1.65cm2 Volcu 2abw h 2a 2 1.5 21.5 1.5 2 1.5 36cm3 a. Pdiss 2Wmag B 2 gVolcu gVolcu 2 gwh 2 0 whAcu2 20 0 whAcu 1.42 1.73 1010 36 2 0.2 1.5 1.5 113.57W 7 7 2 8 10 4 10 1.5 1.5 1.65 b. I Pdiss 113.57 3.24 A V 35 c. J cu NI Acu N Pdiss 113.57 1350 Volcu 1.73 1010 36 J cu Acu 1350 1.65 687.5 687匝 I 3.24 d. R Pdiss 113.57 10.82 I2 3.242 L 6.18m sec R e. f. 根據查表可知,Wire size=23AWG 1.22 The magnetic circuit of Fig. 1.32 has two windings and two air gaps. The core can be assumed to be of infinite permeability. The core dimensions are indicated in the figure. a. Assuming coil 1 to be carrying a current I1 and the current in coil 2 to be zero, calculate (i) the magnetic flux density in each of the air gaps, (ii) the flux linkage of winding 1, and (iii) the flux linkage of winding 2. b. Repeat part (a), assuming zero current in winding 1 and a current I 2 in winding 2. c. Repeat part (a), assuming the current in winding 1 to be I1 and the current in winding 2 to be I 2 .2 d. Find the self-inductances of windings 1 and 2 and the mutual inductance between the windings. Sol: a. Assuming coil 1 current I1 and coil 2 current I2=0A . (i.)求各氣隙之磁通密度 B F0 A A g F A N i B1 1 0 1 0 1 1 A1 g1 g1 B ; B2 F2 0 A2 0 N 2i2 A2 g 2 g2 (ii.)求 winding 1 之磁交鏈 N N PS.為時變中之 1 N11;1 N1i1 g g ; R1 1 ; R2 2 R1R2 0 A1 0 A2 R1 R2 R1R2 gg 02 A1 A2 g1 g 2 21 2 R1 R2 0 A1 A2 0 A2 g1 A1 g 2 0 A2 g1 A1 g 2 1 A A N12i10 A2 g1 A1 g 2 0 N12i1 1 2 g1 g 2 g1 g 2 (iii.) 求 winding 2 之磁交鏈 2 N 22 ;2 B2 A2 A 2 0 N1 N 2i1 2 g2 b. Assuming zero current in winding 1 and winding 2 current is I2 . (i.) 求各氣隙之磁通密度 B F A Ni B1 0; B2 2 0 2 0 2 2 A2 g 2 g2 (ii.)求 winding 1 之磁交鏈 1 N1`2 ;2 B2 A2 ; B2 0 N 2i2 g2 ;2 0 N 2i2 A2 g2 A 1 0 N1 N 2i2 2 g2 (iii.) 求 winding 2 之磁交鏈 A2 g2 2 N 22 0 N 2i2 c. Assuming the current in winding 1 is I1 and winding 2 is I2 . (i.) 求各氣隙之磁通密度 B B1 B2 A1 A2 F10 A1 0 N1i1 A1 g1 g1 0 N1i1 g2 0 N 2i2 g2 (ii.)求 winding 1 之磁交鏈 1 N1 B1 A1 B2 A2 N1 1 2 A A A 1 0 N12i1 1 2 0 N1 N 2i2 2 g1 g 2 g2 (iii.) 求 winding 2 之磁交鏈 A2 A 0 N 22i2 2 g2 g2 2 N 2 B2 A2 0 N1N 2i2 d. Find the self-inductances of winding 1 and 2 and mutual –inductances. A1 A2 A i1 0 N1 N 2 2 i2 g1 g 2 g2 1 N1 L11i1 L12i2 0 N12 A2 A i1 0 N 22 2 i2 g2 g2 2 N 2 L21i1 L21i2 0 N1 N 2 A A A A L11 0 N12 1 2 ; L22 0 N 22 2 ; L12 L21 0 N1 N 2 2 g1 g 2 g2 g2 1.23 The symmetric magnetic circuits of Fig.1.33 has three windings.Windings A and B each have N turns and are wound on the two bottom legs of the core.The core dimensions are indicated in the figure.a. Find the self-inductances of each of the windings. b. Find the mutual inductances between the three pairs of windings. c. Find the voltage induced in winding 1 by time-varying current i A (t ) and iB (t ) in windings A and B. Show that this voltage can be use to measure the imbalance between two sinusoidal current of the same frequency. Sol: 先求出各區段的磁組 RA lA l l g R1 1 R2 2 Rg Ac Ac Ac Ag 帶入 1.30 式(兩個 RA 並聯) L11 N2 R1 Rg R R2 A 2 N 2 Ac l1 l2 lA 2 R1 R2 R g N2 1 l g (l1 l2 A ) Ac 2 0 g 0 1 g (l1 l 2 ) Ac 0 R A // R1 R2 Rg Ac lA L AA g l1 l2 l A (l1 l2 0 g 0 Ac (l1 l2 l A ) g 0 ) N2 LBB R A ( R A // R1 R2 Rg ) N 2 Ac (l A l1 l2 l A (l A l1 l2 Ac g 0 g 0 ) ) l A (l1 l2 l A l1 l2 g 0 ) g N Ac 0 g lA l A 2(l1 l2 ) 2 0 LAB LBA N 2 ( R1 R2 Rg ) RA ( RA 2( R1 R2 Rg )) l1 l2 g N Ac 0 g lA l A 2(l1 l2 ) 2 0 因為兩繞組的磁通方向不一樣故 L1A L A1 LB1 L1B NN1Ac l A 2(l1 l2 g 0 NN1 R A 2( R1 R2 Rg ) ) 依 1.41 公式,考慮繞組 A,B 對繞組一的互感 e d d d d Li ( LA1iA LB1iB ) ( LA1iA LA1iB ) LA1 (iA iB ) dt dt dt dt 1.28 The coils of the magnetic circuit shown in Fig. 1.36 are connected in series so that the mmf’s of paths A and B both tend to set up flux in the center leg C in the same direction. The coils are wound with equal turns, N1 = N 2 =100. The dimensions are: Cross-section area of A and B legs=7 cm Cross-section area of C legs=14 cm 2 2 Length of A path = 17 cm Length of B path = 17 cm Length of C path = 5.5 cm Air gap = 0.4 cm The material is M-5 grade, 0.0012-in steel, with a stacking factor of 0.94.Neglect fringing and leakage. a. How many amperes are required to produce a flux density of 1.2T in the air gap? b. Under the condition of path (a), how many joules of energy are stored in the magnetic field in the air gap? c. Calculate the inductance. Sol: 由圖 1.10 所示,M-5 要產生 1.2T 需要磁場強度為 H m 14( A ) M 所以所需的磁通密度為 H g B 0 1.2 9.54 105 ( A ) 7 M 4 10 依照 F Ni Hl 的公式求出電流 I Hl 14 (17 5.5 0.4) 10 2 9.54 105 0.4 10 2 38.2 N 100 在乘上堆疊因數 0.94 38.2 0.94 35.9( A) 依公式 1.47 式整理得 W 2 2L ( N ) N2 2 R 2 g 2 B 2 Ag 0 Ag 2 gAg B 2 2 0 3.21( J ) 其磁交鏈為 N NAg B 100 7 104 1.2 0.084(wb) 故電感值為 L I 0.084 35.9 2.34(mH ) 1.33 Using the magnetization characteristics for neodymium-iron-boron given infig1 find the point of maximum-energy product and corresponding flux density and magnetic field intensity . Using these values .repeat EX1.10 with the alnico 5 magnet replaced by a neodymium-iron-boron magnet. By what factor does this reduce the magnet volume required to achieve the desired air-gap flux density? Sol: 從圖 1 可以得知 B = 0.63 T and H = -470 kA/m. so maximum energy is 2.9. 105 J / m 3 Am =Ag(Bg/Bm) = 2*[0.8/0.63] cm 2 = 2.54 cm 2 lm = -g(Hg/Hm)= g ( Bg / 0 Hm) = 0.2(0.8 / 0 (4.7 *105 )) = 0.27 cm Thus the volume is 2.54×0.25 = 0.688 which is a reduction by a factor of 5.09/0.688 = 7.4. samarium-cobalt Maximum energy B=0.63T B=0.47T H=-470 kA/m H=-360 kA/m Fig.1 Magnetization curves for common is permanent-magnet materials 1.34 Figure2 shows the magnetic circuit for a permanent-magnet loudspeaker the voice coil (not shown)is in the form of a circular cylindrical coil which fits in the air gap .a samarium-cobalt magnet is used to create the air-gap dc magnetic field which interacts with the voice coil currents to produce the motion of the voice coil . the designer has determined that the air gap must have radius R=1.8cm.length g=0.1cm , and height g=0.1cm , and height h=0.9cm . assuming that the yoke and pole piece are of infinite magnetic permeability ( ),find the magnet hm and the magnet radius R m that wall result in an air-gap magnetic flux density of 1.2 T and require the smallest magnet volume.(Hint : Refer to EX1.10 and to Fig.1.19 to find the point of maximum energy product for samarium cobalt.) Sol: From Fig. 1, the maximum energy product for samarium-cobalt occurs at B = 0.47 T and H = -360 kA/m the maximum energy product is 1.69 *105 ( J / m3 ) we want Bg = 1.2 T, Bm = 0.47 T and Hm = −360 kA/m. hm = −g (Hg / Hm) = −g (Bg /μ0*Hm) = 2.65 mm Am = Ag (Bg / Bm) = 2πRh(Bg/Bm) = 26.0 (R=1.8cm and h=0.9cm) So smallest magnet volume Rm Am / 2.87cm Fig.2 Magnetic circuit for the loudspeaker of problem