Student Journal For Name:


Student Journal




Leadership Information

1. How would you define “leadership”?














2. Use the following organizer to visually compare and contrast

“Good Team Characteristics” “Good Leader Characteristics”

Team Leader


Think about someone you consider to be a good leader in your community. Describe what leadership traits that person exhibits in the community. (You might consider their involvement in the community as well as their character) .














Leadership Panel

1. Complete the following KWL (Know, Want, Learn) Chart in reference to leadership information and our community panel.

What do I KNOW about Leadership?

What do I WANT TO

KNOW about leadership?

What did I LEARN about leadership from the community panel?

2. Leadership Panel – Graphic Organizer.

Use this organizer during the panel discussion to help you collect key information, such as: What do they do? Who do they lead?

When do they lead others? Where do they use their leadership skills? Why do they assume leadership roles?

Speaker #1



Speaker #2





Speaker #3



Speaker #4



Leadership Attitude

1. Make a list of skills you’re able to share in working with others.








2. Use the following “T” Chart to debate the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of being assertive in a group.

Pros to Being Assertive Cons to Being Assertive


1. Use the following organizer to explain the life skill of “good communication”.

Definition Picture or Symbol




Non-Examples / Non-

Characteristics Characteristics

2. What is something new you learned today about communication skills and/or action planning? How can you use this in your life?















What kind of communication barriers do you experience with your friends? What is one thing you can do to improve this communication with others?














Action Planning

Share three reasons why having an action plan is important in carrying out your group’s leadership project?














Decision Making


Write about a situation in which you made a decision based on your values. For what reasons was it a good decision or a poor decision?














2. How does group decision making rely on good leadership skills?













Stress Management

Write or draw about a situation that you observed or experienced when an aspect of providing leadership was stressful. Describe or show how that stress might be managed.

















