Exercise 9 1. 教育部因人事及預算之故,有意自今年七月起減少公立大學經費的補助。 2. 雖然我們並不願意承認,電視或雜誌上的廣告對我們的影響,比我們所感受

Exercise 9
1. 教育部因人事及預算之故,有意自今年七月起減少公立大學經費的補助。
2. 雖然我們並不願意承認,電視或雜誌上的廣告對我們的影響,比我們所感受
3. 廣告通常稱頌產品的優點,而隱瞞其缺點。
4. 大部份員工認為電子監視設備不但造成不必要的壓力,也侵犯大眾的隱私。
5. 即使生產者宣稱改造過基因的產品和用傳統方式栽種出來的食物沒有太大差
別,有些人還是想知道科學家是如何改變 DNA,也想知道有那些問題產生。
6. 瓊斯一家人剛買了一戶舊公寓,他們自己動手把沾了污漬的壁紙和地毯弄
7. 那棟一百層樓高的摩天大樓就座落在台北市的中心,它的高度實在很高,從
8. 廣告不但誤導消費者去買他們不需要也買不起的的東西,還混淆他們對現實
9. 那個初執教鞭的老師不知道到底該對學生嚴格一點還是寬容一點。
10. 喬安娜四處破壞約翰的名譽,除非她當眾到歉,否則約翰是不可能原諒她的。
11. 每回媒體報導樂透彩的消息,購買彩券試試手氣的人就會多一些。
12. 我的教授十分贊同那份研究報告的幾點結論,我反倒是很質疑那些說法。
13. 如果誠如犯罪學家所倡議的,在電視上播出死刑的畫面,你認為死刑的阻嚇
14. 湯姆能文善武,真是個不可多得的人才。政府應該好好重用才是。
15. 世界衛生組織和我國的衛生署剛開始都沒有很注意非典型肺炎會爆發流行。
16. 倘若有人願意居中協調,中東和平就有可能有轉機。
17. 那個暴君非常無情,無情到可以殺掉對他忠心耿耿的部屬。
18. 那位駕駛喝得醉醺醺的,所以警察把他帶回警局做筆錄。
19. 儘管他爸爸說破了嘴皮,喬伊斯還是不肯改變心意。
20. 即使現在有新的醫學科技,如果濫用的話,並不見得就會給婦女和嬰兒帶來
Exercise 9
1. 教育部因人事及預算之故,有意自今年七月起減少公立大學經費的補助。
Since there are limits on personnel and budget, the Department of Education
intends to cut down on the subsidies for national universities from this July on.
2. 雖然我們並不願意承認,電視或雜誌上的廣告對我們的影響,比我們所感受
Although we are not willing to admit, TV commercials and ads in magazines have
greater influence on us than we feel.
3. 廣告通常稱頌產品的優點,而隱瞞其缺點。
Advertising usually praises the advantages of products and hides their
4. 大部份員工認為電子監視設備不但造成不必要的壓力,也侵犯大眾的隱私。
Most employees regard that electronic surveillance not only cause unnecessary
pressure but also invade the public’s privacy. However, bosses think that the
new surveillance system is useful in checking the employees’ performance.
5. 即使生產者宣稱改造過基因的產品和用傳統方式栽種出來的食物沒有太大差
別,有些人還是想知道科學家是如何改變 DNA,也想知道有那些問題產生。
Even though producers claim that genetically modified products do not differ
from the food grown in traditional ways. Nevertheless, some still would like to
know how scientists modify DNA and what problems they might bring about.
6. 瓊斯一家人剛買了一戶舊公寓,他們自己動手把沾了污漬的壁紙和地毯弄
The Jones just bought an old apartment. They removed stained wallpaper and
carpets by themselves so that they could save and return some money to the
7. 那棟一百層樓高的摩天大樓就座落在台北市的中心,它的高度實在很高,從
The one-story tall sky-scraper is located in the center of Taipei City.
tall, so it can be seen from all directions.
It is really
8. 廣告不但誤導消費者去買他們不需要也買不起的的東西,還混淆他們對現實
Commercials mislead consumers to buy what is neither unnecessary nor
affordable, but also confuses their recognition with reality.
9. 那個初執教鞭的老師不知道到底該對學生嚴格一點還是寬容一點。
The inexperienced teacher does not know whether to be strict or lenient to
10. 喬安娜四處破壞約翰的名譽,除非她當眾到歉,否則約翰是不可能原諒她的。
Joanna spread rumors against John’s fame. Unless she apologizes to him in
public, John will never forgive her.
11. 每回媒體報導樂透彩的消息,購買彩券試試手氣的人就會多一些。
Whenever the media reports the news of lottery, more people will buy lottery
tickets to try their luck.
12. 我的教授十分贊同那份研究報告的幾點結論,我反倒是很質疑那些說法。
My professor fully agreed with the study’s conclusions, but I questioned them.
If capital punishments were shown on television as some criminologists have
advocated, do you think the deterrent effect of the death penalty would be
14. 湯姆能文善武,真是個不可多得的人才。政府應該好好重用才是。
Good at writing as well as martial art, Tom is really a rare genius. Our government
should make good use of him.
15. 世界衛生組織和我國的衛生署剛開始都沒有很注意非典型肺炎會爆發流行。
Initially neither WHO nor DOH paid sufficient attention to the outbreak of SARS
16. 倘若有人願意居中協調,中東和平就有可能有轉機。
Provided that anyone would like to negotiate among nations, there will be chances
for peace in the Middle East.
17. 那個暴君非常無情,無情到可以殺掉對他忠心耿耿的部屬。
The tyrant is so ruthless that he can kill loyal subjects.
18. 那位駕駛喝得醉醺醺的,所以警察把他帶回警局做筆錄。
Since the driver was drunk, the police detained him for
19. 儘管他爸爸說破了嘴皮,喬伊斯還是不肯改變心意。
Joyce simply wouldn’t change his mind, despite his father tried all means to
persuade him.
20. 即使現在有心的醫學科技,如果濫用的話,並不見得就會給婦女和嬰兒帶來
Even though there are new medical technologies, they do not necessarily result in
many benefits for women and babies, if abused.