HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mrs. Valentine Subject : ESL L.A. Level C Start Date(s): 9/2/15 Grade Level (s): 8 Building : HEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: “Natural Forces” Essential Questions: How do people plan for, deal with, and recover from the forces of nature? What is narrative fiction? What are volcanoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes? Why are they so destructive? How are subject pronouns used? What is cause and effect? Why are they important? How are sources cited? How do you know if you are using the correct pronoun? How can you analyze facts and opinions? What is a natural disaster? What is historical fiction? How can you give advice to someone? Why is giving good advice important? How are helping verbs used? How can you analyze setting and character? How do you write a How-To Article? Standards: CC.1.2.8.D: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints. CC.1.2.8.J: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word Phrase important to comprehension or expression. CC.1.2.8.K: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown or multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.3.8.E: Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style. CC.1.3.8.F: Analyze the influence of the words and phrases in a text including figurative and connotative meanings; and how they shape meaning and tone. CC.1.3.8.I: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 8 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies and tools. CC.1.4.8.F: Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and spelling. CC.1.4.8.T: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. CC.1.5.8.A: Engage effectively in a range or collaborative discussions, on grade level topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. CC.1.5.8.G: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on grade 8 level and content. ELP Standards: 1.4.8.A-C & 1.5.8: Create paragraphs or longer compositions using thesauri, dictionaries, or checklists. Self-assess and revise process writing using rubrics working with a partner. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will display their understanding of the new academic vocabulary from each selection within the unit, strategize how to use context clues to understand multiple meaning words, differentiate between fiction and nonfiction literature, identify and use helping verbs and subject pronouns, and analyze how to facts and opinions and setting and character. Assessment Method (check one) _X_ Rubric __X_ Checklist _X_ Unit Test __X__ Group __X__ Student Self-Assessment _X_ Other (explain) Students will also be graded on the organization of their notebooks (PDN’s and notes), and also through their portfolios. Day 1 2 Objective (s) Students will academic vocabulary: force; strategize how to visualize, related to personal experience, and use graphic organizers: Mind Map; respond to and interpret visuals; listen and take notes; and participate in a discussion. Students will use academic vocabulary: narrative; and analyze DOK LEVEL 1 2 3 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Please Do Nows Focus attention on the strategy used Critical Thinking Graphic Organizers Note-Taking Guided Practice Leveled Readers Discussion Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Focus attention on the strategy used Grouping DAILY PLAN WG SG I WG Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Read Aloud, R6-After the Earthquake in Peru Mind Map- Practice Book p. 55 Leveled Library Multi-Level Strategies Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Mind Map Idea Web- Vocabulary Routine 1 Practice Book p. 56 Formative- Idea Web Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down how to recognize genres: fiction and nonfiction and narrative writing. 3 4 5 Students will use academic vocabulary: define; and strategize how to use word parts (compound words and suffixes). Students will strategize how to activate prior knowledge; respond to and interpret visuals; listen for a purpose; and deliver ideas effectively. Students will engage in conversation; listen to a conversation; and interpret a visual image. Students will engage in conversation; and use subject pronouns. 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 6 Students will understand and use key vocabulary. 7 8 Students will strategize how to 1 Critical Thinking Graphic Organizers Note-Taking Guided Practice Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Focus attention on the strategy used Critical Thinking Graphic Organizers Note-Taking Guided Practice Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Critical Thinking Video Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Guided Practice Focus attention on the strategy used Conversation Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Focus attention on the strategy used Think-Pair-Share Critical Thinking Note-Taking Conversation Guided Practice Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Cognates Graphic Organizers Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Idea Web- Practice Book p. 57 Multi-Level Strategies Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Idea Web SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down InsideNG.com (Volcanoes) Multi-Level Strategies Practice Book p. 58 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Practice Book p. 58 Language CD 1, Track 9 Textbook p. 131 Multi-Level Strategies Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Textbook p. 132 Academic Language Frame 23 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Graphic Organizer Vocabulary Routines 6 and 9 Vocabulary Cards Practice Book p. 59-60 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Academic Language Frame 24 Formative- Practice Book p. 59-60 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door make connections. 9 10 Students will strategize how to make connections, use word parts and context clues; and plan: preview and set a purpose; analyze how to recognize the Science Article genre; use text features: diagrams; analyze text structure: Narrative; interpret and analyze visuals; make connections; read with phrasing; and engage in conversation. Students will use key vocabulary and phrasing; strategize how to make connections; analyze and interpret text; make inferences; classify; summarize; and write in response to literature. Students will use academic vocabulary: create; and analyze text structure: cause and effect. 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 4 11 12 13 14 Students will use academic vocabulary: define; strategize how to use word parts (compound words); use the research process; use technology to create final products; and deliver an informational presentation. Students will use academic vocabulary: force; strategize how to survey, skim, and scan for information; use organizational/text features; use research questions; deliver an informational presentation; and use visual aids. Students will engage in 1 2 3 1 2 3 Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Conversation Focus attention on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Graphic Organizer Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Think-Pair-Share Discussion Graphic Organizer Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Discussion Presentation Rubric Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Discussion Presentation Rubric Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs CD 1, Track 10 Online Coach Multi-Level Strategies Fluency Routines Cooperative Learning Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Textbook p. 145 (Vocabulary Review) Practice Book p. 61 Fact Web Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Cause-and –Effect Chain Academic Language Frame 25 Practice Book p. 62 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Vocabulary Review PowerPoint Visual Presentation Rubric Practice Book p. 63 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs FormativeVisual Presentation Rubric Research Skills Research Presentation Rubric Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Language Acquisition Rubric SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Cause-and-Effect Chain Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Research Presentation Rubric Summative- Student Self – AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Language Acquisition conversation; write smooth sentences; and use subject pronouns. 15 16 17 18 Students will understand key vocabulary; comprehend story details; and strategize how to use grammar skills. Students will display their understanding of key vocabulary; comprehend the story and its details; and display grammar skills. Students will activate prior knowledge; respond to and interpret visuals; and deliver ideas effectively. Students will ask and answer questions; listen to a dialogue; and interpret a visual image. Students will use correct subject pronouns. 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 19 20 Students will ask and answer questions and discuss natural forces. 1 2 Critical Thinking Focus attention on the strategy used Guided Practice Conversation Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Think-Pair-Share Review Technology Tools Literacy Centers Assessment Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Video Build Background Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Critical Thinking Conversation Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Chart Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Graphic Organizer Note-Taking WG SG I Practice Book p. 64 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Rubric Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG PowerPoint Presentation Study Guide Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Selection 1 Assessment Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Video- Hurricanes insideNG.com Practice Book p. 65 Multi-Level Strategies Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Language CD 1, Track 10 Dialogue Multi-Level Teaching Strategies Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Subject/Subject Pronouns Chart Textbook p. 152 Practice Book Language Transfer Transparency 30 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Idea Web Academic Language Frame 26 Rosetta Stone Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self – Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Study Guide Summative- Selection 1 Assessment Student Self - Assessment Formative- Practice Book p.65 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Idea Web Summative- Critical Thinking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Students will understand and use key vocabulary. 1 21 Students will strategize how to make connections. 3 22 23 24 25 Students will strategize how to make connection, use word parts and relate words; plan: preview, set a purpose, and predict; recognize the journal genre; use text features: dates; analyze text structure: Narrative Nonfiction; interpret and analyze visuals; use key vocabulary; select a strategy; read with expression; ask and answer questions; and compare across cultures: proverbs. Students will use key vocabulary; read with fluency; strategize how to make connections; analyze and interpret text; paraphrase; draw conclusions; summarize; and write in response to literature. Students will use academic vocabulary: discuss; analyze facts and opinion; and engage in discussion. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Graphic Organizer Cognates Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Varied Reading Focus attention on the strategy used Cooperative Learning Graphic Organizer Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Listening Graphic Organizer Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Discussion Focus attention on the strategy used Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools I Writing Prompts Reading Logs Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Vocabulary Routines 3 & 9 My Vocabulary Charts Practice Book pgs. 66-67 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- My Vocabulary Charts Academic Language Frame 27 Textbook p. 155 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket out the Door Online Coach Maps Multi-Level Strategies Choral Reading Reading Fluency CD, Track 8 Out-of-School Literacy Inside-Outside Circle Chart Home-School Connection Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs CD 1, Tracks 11-13 Sequence Chain Vocabulary Review Practice Book p. 68 Paraphrase Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Academic Language Frame 28 Textbook p. 168 Practice Book p. 69 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Chart Summative- Student Self – AssessmentThumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Literacy Centers 26 27 Students will use academic vocabulary: locate, narrative; strategize how to use word parts (suffixes); and perform a narrative presentation. Students will use academic vocabulary: explanation; analyze text features; analyze and evaluate effects of media; and compare media point of view. Students will ask and answer questions; write clear sentences; and use correct subject pronouns. 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 28 29 30 31 Students will understand key vocabulary; comprehend story details; and strategize how to use grammar skills. Students will display their understanding of key vocabulary; comprehend the story and its details; and display grammar skills. Students will strategize how to activate prior knowledge; respond to and interpret visuals; and deliver ideas effectively. 1 3 4 1 3 Please Do Nows Rubric Focus attention on the strategy used Research Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Rubric Focus attention on the strategy used Research Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Rubric Focus attention on the strategy used Research Guided Practice Critical Thinking Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Think-Pair-Share Review Technology Tools Literacy Centers Assessment Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Video Build Background WG SG I Retelling a Story Rubric Textbook p. 169 Practice Book p. 70 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Retelling a Story Rubric Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Discussion Rubric Textbook p. 170 Fishbowl Grouping Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Discussion Rubric Language Acquisition Rubric Ask and answer questions Textbook p. 171 Practice Book p. 71 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Language Acquisition Rubric PowerPoint Presentation Study Guide Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Selection 2 Assessment Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Video- Earthquakes insideNG.com Practice Book p. 72 Multi-Level Strategies Rosetta Stone Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self – Assessment- How well do I understand this strips. Formative- Study Guide Summative- Selection 2 Assessment Student Self - Assessment Formative- Practice Book p. 72 Summative- Technology Tools Literacy Centers Students will give advice; and listen to a rap. 1 32 Students will give advice; and use helping verbs. 33 Students will understand and use key vocabulary. 1 2 1 34 Students will strategize how to make connections. 3 35 36 37 Students will strategize how to make connections, use word parts and context clues, and select a strategy; plan: preview, set a purpose, and predict; recognize the Historical Fiction genre; analyze text elements: characters and setting and text features: dialogue; interpret and analyze visuals; use key vocabulary; read with intonation; give advice; and recognize and appreciate aspects of world culture: honoring ancestors. Students will use key vocabulary; read with intonation; strategize how to make connections; analyze 1 2 3 4 1 2 Please Do Nows Note-Taking Modeling Listening Guided Practice Role-Play Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Guided Practice Cognates Graphic Organizers Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Graphic Organizers Cooperative Learning Critical Thinking Guided Practice Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Listening Critical Thinking Writing Prompts Reading Logs WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Language CD 1, Track 11 Multi-Level Strategies Role-Play Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Language Transfer Transparency 9 Textbook p. 174 Academic Language Frame 29 Technology Tools Literacy Centers Vocabulary Routines 6 & 9 My Vocabulary Charts Practice Book pgs. 73-74 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Academic Language Frame 30 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Textbook p. 174 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- My Vocabulary Charts SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative-Ticket Out the Door SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I WG SG Online Coach Choral Reading Multi-Level Strategies Character Description Chart Reading Fluency CD, Track 9 Fluency Routines T-Chart Numbered Heads Out of School Literacy Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs CD 1, Tracks 14-15 Vocabulary Review Practice Book p. 7 Formative- Charts Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- and interpret text: make inferences; make comparisons; summarize; and write in response to literature. 38 39 Students will understand key vocabulary; comprehend story details; and strategize how to use grammar skills. Students will display their understanding of key vocabulary; comprehend the story and its details; and display grammar skills Students will use academic vocabulary: element; and analyze setting, character, character traits and motives. 3 4 1 3 4 1 3 40 Students will use academic vocabulary: discuss, explanation; strategize how to use word parts (suffixes; 1 3 41 Students will use academic vocabulary: respond; and use organizational features of print resources: glossary; index. 1 42 Students will give advice and use helping verbs. 43 1 2 Note-Taking Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Think-Pair-Share Review Technology Tools Literacy Centers Assessment Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Graphic Organizers Guided Practice Modeling Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Graphic Organizers Guided Practice Research Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Guided Practice Research Rubric Discussion Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I WG SG I Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs PowerPoint Presentation Study Guide Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Selection 3 Assessment Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Academic Language Frame 31 Character Chart Practice Book p. 76 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Study Guide Summative- Selection 3 Assessment Student Self - Assessment Formative- Character Chart Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Academic Language Frame 32 Research How-to Article Practice Book p. 77 Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Discussion Rubric Research Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Discussion Rubric Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG Language Acquisition Rubric Practice Book p. 78 Rosetta Stone Formative- Language Acquisition Rubric Students will use academic vocabulary: force; and compare across texts: how information is presented. 1 3 44 Students will analyze narrative writing; strategize how to make connection; and participate in a discussion; dramatize. 2 3 4 45 Students will understand key vocabulary; comprehend story details; and strategize how to use grammar skills. 1 3 46 47 Students will display their understanding of key vocabulary; comprehend the story and its details; and display grammar skills 4 Guided Practice Rubric Models Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Guided Practice Comparison Choral Reading Think-Pair-Share Graphic Organizer Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Note-Taking Critical Thinking Guided Practice Book Talk Conversation Letter Focus on the strategy used Technology Tools Literacy Centers Please Do Nows Critical Thinking Note-Taking Think-Pair-Share Review Technology Tools Literacy Centers Assessment Technology Tools Literacy Centers I WG SG I Writing Prompts Reading Logs Think-Pair-Share Comparison Chart Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Comparison Chart Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I Conversation Starters Narrative Writing Book Talk Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- tudent Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down WG SG I WG SG I PowerPoint Presentation Study Guide Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Unit 3 Assessment Rosetta Stone Writing Prompts Reading Logs Formative- Ticket Out the Door Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Formative- Study Guide Summative- Unit 3 Assessment Student Self - Assessment