Chapter 5 Political Parties Section 1 Parties and what they do A political party is a group of persons who seek to control government by winning elections and holding office. The two major parties in USA politics are the Republican Party… and Democratic party. Parties can be principleoriented, issue-oriented, or election-oriented. The American parties are election-oriented. In the US, the Parties are not made up of people who agree on every issue…each party is a broadly based coalition. A Coalition is a union of many person of diverse interests Our parties tend to reduce and moderate political conflict by forcing groups to agree to compromise solutions What Do Parties Do? Parties perform 5 major functions: 1.Nominate:name candidates for office. 2.Watchdog: party out of power polices party in office. 2. Informer-Stimulator: get the public involved 3. “Seal of Approval”: backs candidates 4. Governmental: operate on a partisan basis Partisan basis:Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause Bi-Partisan basis: support both parties.