Final Poster Project- Miss Bellucci Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Students will work individually or with a partner. Students will create a PowerPoint and present PowerPoint. Students will create a TRI-Fold. Each individual or group will have a choice of choosing anything that is in our textbook, Prentice Hall United States History. Possible examples: Person, event, battle, branch of govt., political party, vocabulary term, etc. Poster board: 1. 2. 3. 4. At least 15 relevant photos of your topic. (Color photos are expected) Title big enough to see from a distance. 8 captions under pictures describing something interesting. Colored construction paper neatly cut out and placed in the background of each photo and caption. 5. Anything on poster MUST be typed, NO handwriting on board allowed. 6. Points may be deducted or added for overall aesthetics. Poster board Rubric: Pictures Captions Neatness Distinguished (16) Includes 15 relevant pictures Proficient (13) Basic (10) Includes 14 relevant pictures Includes 13 relevant pictures Below Basic (7) Includes less than 14 relevant pictures Includes 8 Includes 7 Includes 6 Includes less relevant captions relevant captions relevant captions than 6 relevant captions Neatness is Neatness is Work looks Work is sloppy exemplary evident somewhat rushed PowerPoint: 1. Must be 12 slides including a title slide with topic and your name on it. 2. 6 slides must include a picture or animation. 3. Follow all guidelines of our professional PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoint Rubric Distinguished (12) Proficient (10) Basic (8) Accuracy 0 mistakes 1 mistake 2 mistakes Content 0 Historical errors 1 Historical errors 2 Historical errors Creativity All slides set up 1 slide set up correctly incorrectly Legibility No mistakes 1 mistake Accuracy – Information on slide is accurate 2 slides set up incorrectly 2 mistakes Below Basic (5) More than 2 mistakes 3 or more Historical errors More than 2 slides set up incorrectly 3 mistakes Content – Covered enough material to adequately explain main themes of the section. If you include most or all blue headings as a slide you will fulfill this requirement. Also, show should include 2 audio or video clips. Creativity – Think of each slide as its own piece of art. Information on the slide should be spaced out correctly, pictures may be used to fill in space or add to the beautification of the slide. Remember different layouts can be used for each specific slide to fill information in. This will be graded on the aesthetics of the slide itself. Legibility – Font is not too small or too hard to read. There should not be more than 7 lines per slide and should not be too wordy. Also, only one background should be used for the entire slideshow. Lastly, there should be no sentences connecting to each other on the same bullet point. Note: 1. 20 points will be deducted on the first day of lateness, an additional 10 point on the second day of lateness, and will not be accepted on the third day of lateness. 2. PowerPoint should be printed 6 slides per page, front and back. Name: Comments: