HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Mary Jo Zola Subject : 8th - LA Start Date(s): 5/5/14 Grade Level (s): Building : Valley Unit Plan Unit Title: The Diary of Anne Frank This unit will focus on exploring drama as a genre through reading, study and discussion of The Diary of Anne Frank. They will also learn the language of and unique characteristics of reading drama as a literary form, author’s style in character development, theme and mood and understand cause and effect in plot development and decision-making. Essential Questions: What background information links historical cause with effects? What is the importance of stage directions? How do the characters change during Act 1? What is irony? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) 8.1, 8.3, 8.4 Summative Unit Assessment : Act 1 and Act 2 Essay and Comprehension Test The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice and correct use of the conventions of written Standard American English. Summative Assessment Objective Students will- answer comprehension and short answer questions based on Act 1 and Act 2 of The Diary of Anne Frank Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __*__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day 1 Objective (s) Students will- read/perform The Diary Of Anne Frank and analyze questions with complete sentences. DOK LEVEL 3/4 Activities / Teaching Strategies Students will act/perform dialogue from Act 2 Students will respond in their to diary #7 Grouping DAILY PLAN W/S Materials / Resources Textbook Diary Study guide Assessment of Objective (s) FormativeStudents will answer questions in their study guide Summative- Diary #7 Student Self - Assessment- 2 Students will- read/perform The Diary Of Anne Frank and analyze questions with complete sentences. 3/4 Students will listen to Act 2 scene 2 on CD. They will identify changes in the characters. w/s Textbook Diary Study guide cd Formative-Students will answer questions SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 3 Students will- read/perform The Diary Of Anne Frank and analyze questions with complete sentences. 3/4 Students will act/perform Act 2 Scene 3. Students will identify and explain internal and external character motivation. w/s Textbook Diary Study guide Internal/external Formative-Act 2 Voc Test SummativeStudent Self - Assessmentworksheet 4 Students will- read/perform The Diary Of Anne Frank and analyze questions with complete sentencess. 3/4 Students will listen to Act 2 Scene 4. Students will analyze cause and effect relationships in literary works w/s Textbook Diary Study guide CD Cause/effect chart Formative-Study guide questions Summative- Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- read/perform The Diary Of Anne Frank and analyze questions with complete sentence 3/4 Students will act/perform Act 2 Scene 5 w/s Textbook Diary Study guide Formative-Study Guide questions Summative- 5 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will-review Act 2 6 3/4 Students will work in partners to review the The Diary Of Anne Frank to prepare for their final test Textbook Diary Study guide Formative-Review questions Summative- Act 2 Test Student Self - Assessment- Teacher Name : Building : Subject : Start Date(s): Grade Level (s): DAILY PLAN Unit Plan Unit Title: an educational unit title summarizes content across several lessons that establishes and reinforces certain skills and essential knowledge for grade levels and content areas. Examples - Building Complete Sentences Essential Questions: Essential questions are concept in the form of questions. Questions suggest inquiry. Essential questions are organizers and set the focus for the lesson or unit. Essential questions are initiators of creative and critical thinking. Essential questions are conceptual commitments focusing on key concepts implicit in the curriculum Examples - What must a scientist do in order to research something? What is the role of geometry in advertising, architecture, or fabric design? Do stories need a beginning, middle, and end? Why? How do people express themselves through art today? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will- Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Objective (s) Students will- 1 DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies Grouping Day Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- SummativeStudent Self - AssessmentStudents will- FormativeSummative- 2 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- FormativeSummative- 3 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- FormativeSummative- 4 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- FormativeSummative- 5 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will- FormativeSummative- 6 Student Self - Assessment-