HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Denicola Subject : SCI Start Date(s): Grade Level (s): 6 Building :MK Unit Plan Unit Title: Earth, Moon and Sun ch 12 and The Solar System ch 13 Essential Questions: What is rotation? What is revolution? How does the Earth move? What is a moon? What are the phases of the moon? What is a solar / lunar eclipse? How does the moon affect tides? What is gravity’s role in the solar system? What planets are in our solar system? What are the characteristics of the inner planets? What are the characteristics of the outer planets? What is a star, comet, meteor, and constellation? What equipment is used to explore the universe? What are some significant accomplishments in astronomy? What are some space programs? Standards: CC.3.5.6-8.A Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts. CC.3.5.6-8.D Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific content. CC.3.5.6-8.G Integrate quantitive information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually. Summative Unit Assessment : Chapter test Summative Assessment Objective Students will be able to describe patterns of earth’s movements in relation to the moon and sun causing phases, tides, and eclipses; describe gravity as the force the governs the movement of the solar system; and compare and contrast characteristics of celestial bodies. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) Students will identify the sun as the largest member of the solar system. DOK LEVEL 1,2,3,4 1 Activities / Teaching Strategies Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Grouping Daily Pan I,S,W Materials / Resources Text Notebook Workbook Notes Teacher created materials Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- Observation Oral questions Ticket out Thumbs up/down Summative- quiz/test Student Self - Assessment-key rubrics Students will recognize the sun provides needed energy for life on Earth. 1 2 Students will understand the movement of constellations is due to rotation. 3 3 Students will describe the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during eclipses. 2 4 Students will define tides as daily changes in ocean level at shorelines. 5 FormativeRead aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- FormativeRead aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture 4 SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- FormativeSummative- Student Self - AssessmentFormative- Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Summative- Student Self - Assessment- 6 Students will explain tides are mainly caused by Moon’s gravity. 1 FormativeSummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Day 7 Objective (s) Students will know that all bodies in the solar system elliptically orbit the sun held by its gravitational force. Students will recognize that the inner planets are similar to earth. DOK LEVEL 1 3 Students will describe factors of star magnitude. 2 4 10 Students will describe how stars can be classified. 11 1 Assessment of Objective (s) SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- FormativeRead aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture 9 Materials / Resources FormativeRead aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture 8 Students will describe comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. Activities / Teaching Strategies Grouping DAILY PLAN SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- FormativeRead aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Summative- Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture Formative- Student Self - Assessment- FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment- Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Students will describe the life cycle of a star. 12 3 Read aloud Independent work Teacher/student discussion Guided practice Teacher inquiry question and answer Active lecture FormativeSummative- Student Self - Assessment-