HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Danielle Mariano Subject : ELA Start Date(s): 11/11/2014 Grade Level (s): 4 Building : HTEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: How Can You Show Your Community Spirit? Essential Questions: How can you make new friends feel welcome? Standards: SL.4.1b, SL.4.2, SL.4.1c, RI.4.10, RI.4.4, RI.4.7, RI.4.2 RL.4.2 RL.4.3, RL.4.1 RL.4.10, RL.4.5, RL.4.4, RL.3.1, RL.4.6, RL.4.5, RL.4.9, RF.4.4b, RF.4.3a, RF.4.4c, RF.4.4a L.4.5c, L.4.3b, L.4.2d, L.4.4a, L.4.5c, L.4.6, L3.1a ,L.3.1c, L.3.1.b, L.3.4a, W.4.3a, W.4.3b, W.4.3d, W.4.2.B, W.4.10, W.4.4 L.4.5a, L.5.2a, L.3.4c, L.4.2a, L.4.3C, L.3.2d, L.4.4a, L.4.4b, Summative Unit Assessment : Theme Unit Test Summative Assessment Objective Students will be assessed on their understanding of key instructional content from the focus unit. The results of this assessment will provide a status of current achievement in relation to student progress through the CCSS-aligned curriculum. The results of this assessment can be used to guide instruction, aid in making leveling and grouping decisions, and determine areas in which reteaching or remediation is needed. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ___x_ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Day Objective (s) DOK LEVEL Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) UNIT THREE WEEK 1 1 Student will: -identify similes and metaphors -create similes and metaphors -identify the various elements of poetry -write for various purposes -spell grade appropriate words correctly, consulting a reference as needed 1 2 -identify the two things being compared in similes and metaphors -finish similes and metaphors with nouns and/or verbs. -label parts of the poem -find the theme, meter, mood, numbers of stanzas and lines, and rhyme scheme of poems -respond to a prompt using the TRACES writing method W McGraw-Hill: -spelling practice book -weekly skills test Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, S -writing journal -Document camera/projector -poetry, drama, and prose packet from “Teachers Pay Teachers” Student Self - Assessment- group discussion about poems Summative-Weekly skills test Student will: -correctly combine subjects and predicates of sentences. -writing for various purposes 1 2 -grammar quiz on combining sentences -respond to a prompt using the TRACES writing method --find the theme, meter, mood, numbers of stanzas and lines, and rhyme scheme of poems W S 2 Student will: -identify and create figurative language terms such as onomatopoeia -write for various purposes 1 2 -combine predicates in sentences -complete various activities with onomatopoeia -respond to a prompt using the TRACES writing method W S McGraw-Hill: -weekly skills test Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion -student journals -document camera and projector -packet from “Teachers Pay Teachers” on Poetry, Drama, and Prose Summative-Weekly Skills test, Grammar quiz on combining sentneces McGraw-Hill: -onomatopoeia worksheets from various websites Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, thumbs up/down, Student Self-Assessment: think alouds, group and peer discussion about poems Summative3 Student Self –discussion of answers to questions Student will: -identify alliteration -create alliteration -write a poem using alliteration 1 2 -show a power point presentation on alliteration -present and complete various worksheets with alliteration -complete a poem using words that follow a pattern of alliteration W S -various worksheet from the internet on alliteration -power point on alliteration from Teachers Pay Teachers Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, small group work on alliteration sheets Summative- 4 Student Self - Assessmentindividual or small group discussion 5 Student will -use grade level academic and domain specific words and phrases in discussions and sentences -write routinely over a shorter time frame for a range of purposes -demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by identifying words with similar and opposite meanings -identify action verbs -create poems using alliteration Students will: -correct grammar in paragraphs -recall various reading skills -write form various purposes 6 1 2 1 2 -Build background knowledge on the essential question “How can you make new friends feel welcome?” by showing a video -learn new vocabulary words by using the vocabulary routine (show the picture of the word, say the word, read the definition, give an example of the word in a sentence, ask a question about the word) - vocabulary squares (word, synonym, picture and sentence, antonym) -label action verbs in a sentence -continue creating poems using alliteration -correct grammar in paragraphs by choosing the correct multiple choice answer -begin working on a Weekly Skills test-multiple choice and TRACES writing process W S McGraw-Hill: -textbook -reading writing workshop book -vocab squares -website -grammar practice book Formative- Observations, questioning, discussion, Summative- -Alliteration poem template Student Self - Assessmentindividual or small group discussion W McGraw-Hill -Weekly Skills Assessment S Formative- Observations Summative-Weekly skills test -grammar correction packet Student Self - 7 -write for various purposes --spell grade appropriate words correctly -identify verbs as past, present, or future -creating and typing alliteration poems -identify the author’s point of view -write a short fantasy story using elements of fantasy -shared and close read of “The Librarian” -notes and discussion on point of view -model how to use Microsoft Word -publish alliteration poems on Microsoft Word -identify past, present and future tense of verbs in sentences W -using alliteration to create poems -write for various purposes -identify verbs as past, present, or future -identify author’s point of view -begin completing a process analysis on a selected task -continue working with verb tense -shared read of “Chester Cricket” -discussion of point of view -responding to questions with discussion and writing with point of view W S McGraw-Hill -textbook -grammar workbook Formative- Observations, questioning, Summative-spelling test -document camera and projector -writing journals S 8 McGraw-Hill -textbook -grammar workbook -writing notebook -vocab squares -writing notebook -Weekly skills test Student Self - Assessment- small group discussion / partner discussion, check classmates’ answers on board Formative-observations, questioning, Summative- Weekly skills test Student Self-Assessment—self check of classmates’ answers on board -document camera and projector -process analysis packet -writing journals Student will: -identify various elements of figurative language and recognize how it is used -write for various purposes --complete practice sessions on Figurative Meanings on the study island computer program -continue completing a weekly skills test and complete the TRACES writing process with a prompt. -continue prewriting and drafting a process analysis essay McGraw Hill: -Weekly skills test W 9 10 -computers -study island -process analysis packet -writing journals Formative-observations, Summative-Study island practice sessions and teacher created assessment -Selection test from McGraw Hill Student Self-practice sessions self check on study island W