HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : L. Welsh Subject : Science Start Date(s): 11/11/14 Building : MMEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Ecosystems Essential Questions: What are the nonliving parts of the ecosystem? What effect do nonliving parts of the ecosystem have on living parts? What is the difference between a consumer and a producer? How do living things help each other meet their needs? Standards: CC.8.5: Reading Informational Text: CC.8.6 Students write for different purposes and audiences S4.B.1.1.1 Identify life processes of living things S4. B. 3.1.1 Describe the living and nonliving components of a local ecosystem S4.B.3.1.2 Describe interactions between living and nonliving components of a local ecosystem Summative Unit Assessment : Chapter Quiz and Test Notebook Summative Assessment Objective Students will-be able to describe the life cycles of some plants and animals. They will also be able to explain why offspring tend to look like their parent. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __x__ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment __x__ Other (explain) Draw diagrams of cycles. Grade Level(s): 4 Day Objective (s) Students will-be able to define voc. from Lesson 1. DOK LEVEL Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies 1 W,I Materials / Resources Science textbook Notebook Students will use the glossary to find the meaning of words. 1 Assessment of Objective (s) FormativeClass discussion Teacher observation SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Students will-be able to describe the life cycle of flowering plants. 1 Students will read and discuss Lesson 1.They will draw and label a diagram of a plants life cycle. 2 I Science textbook Notebooks diagrams FormativeSummative- review questions Student Self - Assessment- Students will-be able to compare the life cycles of different plants. 2 Students will reread the lesson with a partner and summarize important concepts. Notes will be taken in the Science notebook. 3 S Science Textbook Notebook Whiteboard, projector,diagrams FormativeSummative- Read summaries Student Self - Assessment- Students will-define voc. from Lesson 2. 1 Students will define the words using the glossary. W, Textbook Notebook FormativeSummative- 4 Student Self - Assessment-checking with paartner Students will-l be able to compare/contrast the 2 types of metamorphosis. 2 Students will write paragraphs and use a Venn diagram to compare/contrast metamorphosis. S,W Science textbook Notebook Formative-class discussion Summative- 5 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will-summarize the important points and info. On Lesson 2. 2 Students will write paragraphs summarizing the notes from Lesson 2. Formative-read paragraphs Summative- 6 Student Self - Assessment-