HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : L. Welsh Subject : Science Start Date(s): 9/22/14 Grade Lev(s): 4 Building : MMEMS Unit Plan Unit Title: Human Body Systems : Compare and Contrast several body systems. Essential Questions: What organs make of each system? How do body systems work together? What are the nutrients that make up foods? How does each system work? Standards: PA Core Standards CC.8.5: Reading Informational Text: Students read, understand, and respond to informational text- with emphasis on comprehension, making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence. CC.8.6: Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear and focused text to Convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content. S4.B.1.1.1 Identify life processes of living things. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) Students will- be able to compare and contrast different body systems .They will explain how each works, and what part nutrients play in the body systems. ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ___x_ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment __x__ Other (explain) Label body systems Voc. study Day Objective (s) Students will be able to define vocabulary words from Lesson 1.. DOK LEVEL Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies 1 W,I Materials / Resources Science textbook Notebooks Students will use the glossary to find the meaning of voc. words. 1 Assessment of Objective (s) FormativeClass discussion SummativeStudent Self - Assessment Students will be able to identify parts of the digestive system. 1 Read and discuss Lesson 1. Students will answer questions at the end of the lesson. 2 I Science textbook Notebooks Graphic organizer Formative-Review questions SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 3 Students will be able to summarize the important information and complete notes on main concepts in the lesson. 2 Students will reread the lesson with a partner and summarize the important concepts. Students will take notes in their notebook. S Science Textbook Notebooks White board or overhead projector Formative- read summaries SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Students will be able name and explain the parts of the digestive system. 2 Students will draw and label a diagram of the digestive system. W Overhead projector Formative-cross section diagrams Summative- 4 Student Self - AssessmentStudents will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of the digestive system. 5 2 Students answer questions pertaining to their diagrams. I Science textbook Formative-check questions on the board Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Students will be able to define voc. in Lesson 2. 1 Students will use the glossary to find definitions to Lesson 2 voc. W,I Science Textbook Notebooks White board Formative-class discussion Summative- 6 Student Self - Assessment- Day Objective (s) 7 Students will explain the differences between organs in the respiratory system and those in the circulatory system. DOK LEVEL 1 Grouping DAILY PLAN Activities / Teaching Strategies Students will write a paragraph or their own sentences using the word they defined in Lesson 2 to show they can differentiate between organs of the respiratory and circulatory systems. S Materials / Resources Science Textbook Notebook Assessment of Objective (s) Formative-class discussion SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 8 Students will be able to compare and contrast the two systems in Lesson 2. 1 Science Textbook Read and discuss Lesson 2. Students will answer questions at the end of the lesson. Formative-class discussion W SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- 9 Students will be able to summarize the important information and complete notes on main concepts in the lesson. 2 Students will reread the lesson with a partner and summarize the important concepts. Students will take notes in their notebook. S Science Textbook Notebook Formative-read summaries SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Students will define voc. in Lesson 3. 1 Students will use the glossary to find vocabulary words and write the definition and their own sentence using the terms in Lesson 3. I Science Textbook Notebook Formative-class discussion Summative- 10 Student Self - Assessment- 11 Students will be able to explain the difference between the skeletal system and muscular system. 1 Read and discuss Lesson 2. Students will answer questions at the end of the lesson. W Science Textbook Notebook Formative- go over questions orally Summative- Voc. quiz Student Self - Assessment- 12 Students will--be able to summarize the important information and complete notes on main concepts in the lesson S Students will reread the lesson with a partner and summarize the important concepts. Students will take notes in their notebook. Students will complete a study guide. Social Studies Textbook Notebook FormativeSummative- Chapter Test Student Self - Assessment-