Impression- an image you present to others or others present to you First impression- an instant opinion or image Stereotype- an idea or image formed in advance about all members of a group Maturity- making wise decisions, acting responsibly, and practicing self control Empathy- the ability to put yourself in another person’s place Communication-the process of sending and receiving messages Conversation- the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and feelings Body Language- facial expressions, arm and hand gestures, and body stance Nonverbal communication-messages sent without any words Gossip- talking about other people and their personal lives 1. Making a good impression is being honest, being yourself. Trying to impress someone is when you are fake, you do what you think the other person wants you to do. 2. Having good manners is being respectful and thinking about how your behavior affects others. 3. Maturity is making wise decisions, acting responsibly, and practicing self-control. 4. Stereotypes are formed before you meet someone and your first impression would be based on the stereotype you have. 5. Empathy can be shown by giving an example of how you respect a person’s viewpoint or feelings. 6. Body language is arm and hand gestures, facial expressions, and body stance. 7. Good conversation is when you let others speak and you listen to their ideas. 8. Hearing, Interpreting, Evaluating and Responding are the Four Active LIstening Skills. 9. 5 qualities to get along with people are : consideration, communication, understanding, reliability, and friendliness 10. I have a __________________ attitude ( positive or negative) I can make my attitude more positive by :