Upcoming Dates:

March Newsletter
Ms. Vino
Upcoming Dates:
March is a very busy and exciting
time in Kindergarten. We will talk about Dr.
Seuss, Leprechauns, Ireland and Spring.
Yes, I did say Spring. Spring officially starts
March 20th.
Monday, March 1 – Tuesday, March 2 Scholastic Book Fair IN SCHOOL 6 P.M.-8 P.M.
Friday, March 11 - Scholastic Book order due
Thursday, March 24 – Snow Make-up Day
Friday, March 25 - Spring Break party
Please note that all four kindergarten
teachers will be away Monday, February 29
and Tuesday, March 1, for a kindergarten
conference in Harrisburg. Substitute
teachers will be covering the each class.
We have reached 270+ Pride Tickets,
bringing us to our 9th Pride Party!!! Students
will have a treat and watch a movie to
celebrate this great accomplishment! Please
congratulate your child on an AMAZING
If you have any questions, please feel
free to e-mail me at kvino704@hasdk12.org
or send in a note in your child’s backpack.
Thank you.
Ms. Vino
Friday, March 25 - Monday, March 28
Spring Break/Easter Holiday -- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, March 29 Return to school
Items to practice at home:
 Letter and sound identification
 Rhyming
 Practice all high frequency
/sight words and word family
 Counting to100 and beyond
 Writing and identifying
numbers from 0-30
 Writing first and last name on