Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
Unit: Administrative Computing Services
Related Strategic Goal: 2.1 Enhance student persistence to completion of post-secondary credential or
Action Plan #: ADSV-05
Action Plan Title: Local software system development for the purpose of student retention
Desired Outcome: Achieve at least 90% respondent satisfaction on a survey provided to each
department supervisor at the conclusion of the system development by the Administrative Computing
Services unit.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The Administrative Computing Services staff will work
closely with each college department that utilizes BANNER to identify software needs that will enhance
and compliment BANNER functionality (with a focus on student retention). They will design and develop
interface systems that will utilize the data within BANNER and while providing additional data and
functionality not provided by BANNER alone, thus allowing the college department to focus on improved
service to the students, faculty and staff. Possible areas of development may include:
Advisement and Counseling Services
Nursing Applicant Evaluation
Facilities Reservation for Special Events
Adjunct Faculty Course Assignment
Extended Services Course Registration
Parking Decal and Ticketing System
Wait Line Management
Early Alert System
Student Complaint System
Student Behavior Incident Reporting System
Employee Training Reporting System
Team Members: Administrative Computing Services unit staff members
Timeline: Evaluate annually by December 1.
Est. Cost: $0
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: A survey measuring the respondent satisfaction of locally developed software
systems will receive a 90% satisfaction rate.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
The overall respondent satisfaction, as reflected by survey at the end of each development, is greater
than 90%. This meets the desired outcome expected for the action plan.
Describe Needed Changes: No change is needed.
List of Supporting Documentation: The “Survey of Software System/Web Form Development” results
are available for viewing at:
Date Last Updated: 6/15/2014