Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Unit: Information Technology & Administrative Services Related Strategic Goal: 3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services. Action Plan #: ITCH-02 Action Plan Title: Identification of Future Mobile Applications Desired Outcome: Identification of educational and administrative mobile applications needed by the college. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: Attend TBR’s Mobile Learning Day, other seminars, and talk to other TBR institutions to assess the need and availability of mobile apps. Where possible, partner with other schools to share apps and employ third parties to develop common apps. Engage college academic and administrative offices to identify and prioritize apps. Team Members: IT and Academic Technologies personnel. Timeline: June 30, 2014 Est. Cost: $0 Budgeted: Choose an item. Evidence of Success: Apps are identified, prioritized, and submitted to appropriate IT units for development and implementation. Complete the following when assessing a plan Current Status: On Schedule Describe Progress: 2013-14 We continued to talk to vendors to get information on products. We talked to other schools within TBR to assess satisfaction with products that they are/were using. We are currently evaluating a product that IT will present to Executive staff for consideration during the next few weeks. 2012-13 Two vendors presented their mobile apps to MSCC staff in 2012-13. The first did not meet the college’s needs or timeline. The second appears to meet both and was tentatively selected. The business office is in process of reviewing their contract. We have also been in touch with other TBR schools and the main office to learn more about mobile apps they are using or acquiring. Various apps are in use by the TBR schools and there is not a standard mobile app that is used system-wide. 2011-12 Have met with vendors and looked at various methods for providing mobile apps. Describe Needed Changes: [Update with needed changes for 2014-2015.] List of Supporting Documentation: [List supporting documents and email them along with your updated IE Plans.] Date Last Updated: 6/15/2014