Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Assessing Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Unit: Student Affairs - Vice President Related Strategic Goal: 3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services. Action Plan #: SAVP-01 Action Plan Title: Student Affairs Staff Training Desired Outcome: At least 85% of the respondents to the training evaluation will rate the overall presentation as “Good” or a higher. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The Vice President for Student Affairs will select and schedule at a minimum one training session for the staff in the Student Affairs. The training topic will be selected from subjects such as customer service, FERPA,” How to” training, etc. An evaluation instrument will be distributed to participants. Completed evaluations will be returned to the Vice President. A summary report will be compiled and studied to determine the overall rating. Where results are less than the desired outcome, the Vice President will meet with department heads to brainstorm ways to improve the staff training. Team Members: Vice President for Student Affairs and Unit Heads Timeline: June, 2015 Est. Cost: $ 1,000 Budgeted: Included in current budget Evidence of Success: Evaluation results will show at least 85% of the respondents will rate the overall training presentation as “Good” or higher. Complete the following when assessing a plan Current Status: On Schedule Describe Progress: 9/7/12 Planned training for use of Excel in the workplace. Identified the training topics of entering data, editing a worksheet, functions, basic formatting, multiple workbooks, special formatting, working with data. 9/14/12 In working with my assistant vp, we could not find an appropriate time during the fall term without numerous conflicts for the training of staff. 10/17/12 Determined that fall term would not work for training. After discussion with my assistant vp, I decided to defer training to the spring term. 1/16/13 After discussing with my assistant vp, I decided to drop the Excel training for the time being. We wanted something more about the individual worker. 1/28/13 My assistant vp will identify an on ground training session with an external speaker. 4/1/13 Training scheduled for April 12, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 4/2/13 Training location confirmed for MT 105 A&B. 4/12/13 Student Affairs Training -- "You, Your Dreams, Your Journey - Both Personally and Professionally" with Mr. Vincent Windrow, Director of Intercultural and Diversity Affairs from MTSU. 4/18/13 Received training evaluations from attendees. 5/10/13 Compiled results form 4/12/13 training with Mr. Windrow. All twenty-four in attendance submitted evaluations. 100% rated the presentation very good or excellent. The desired outcome was achieved. We will continue our training efforts during 2013-14. 7/15/13 Discussed ideas for training with Assistant VP. Assistant VP to get feedback for direct reports on how to change training for 2013-14. 8/23/13 Update from Assistant VP. Proposed a Student Affairs retreat that would incorporate at least one training session. After discussing, I approved the retreat. I suggested that the retreat be at or near the end of the term. Assistant VP to get back with me during October with the retreat date and tentative speaker plans. 10/15/13 Retreat is planned for Friday, December 6, 2013. The location will be at the Fayetteville Center. Searching for speaker on the topic of “Institutional Effectiveness Assessment in Student Affairs”. AVP to give me an update in November. 11/4/2013 Speaker set. Dr. Thomas Coazum, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at Alabama A&M University will conduct a session on “Institutional Effectiveness Assessment in Student Affairs”. Another session by Ms. Debra Smith will be on “Increasing Productivity and Creativity by Organization”. 12/6/13 All offices closed and all 26 Student Affairs staff participating in the retreat at the Fayetteville Center. 1/14/2014 Received training evaluations from attendees. 2/19/2014 Compiled results from 12/6/13 training with Dr. Coaxum. Twenty-five of the twenty-six in attendance submitted evaluations. 100% rated the presentation very good or excellent. 2/25/2014 Compiled results from 12/6/13 training with Ms. Smith. All twenty-six in attendance submitted evaluations. 96.15% rated the presentation good or excellent. Fall 2013-Spring 2014 [Enter assessment data and use of assessment data here.] Evaluation of Training Topic “Institutional Effectiveness Assessment in Student Affairs” Institutional Effectiveness Assessment in Student Affairs 18 Excellent, 16 16 14 12 10 Very Good, 8 8 6 4 2 Good, 1 Fair, 0 Poor, 0 Fair Poor 0 Excellent Very Good Good Twenty-five of the twenty-six in attendance submitted evaluations. 100% rated the presentation very good or excellent. Evaluation of Training Topic “Increasing Productivity and Creativity by Organization” Increasing Productivity and Creativity by Organization 16 Excellent, 15 14 12 10 Very Good, 8 8 6 4 Good, 2 2 Fair, 1 Poor, 0 0 Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor All twenty-six in attendance submitted evaluations. 96.15% rated the presentation good or excellent. Describe Needed Changes: [Update with needed changes for 2014-2015. The desired outcome was achieved. We will continue our training efforts during 2014-15. List of Supporting Documentation: [List supporting documents and email them along with your updated IE Plans.] 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluations – Dr. Coaxum Evaluations Summary – Dr. Coaxum Evaluations – Ms. Smith Evaluations Summary – Ms. Smith Date Last Updated: 6/9/2014