Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 Assessing Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Unit: Student Affairs Related Strategic Goal: (Quality) 3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services. Action Plan #: STUD-02 Action Plan Title: Student Affairs Professional Development Desired Outcome: 1) Training and professional development needs of the staff will be assessed and professional development will be tailored to meet those needs. 2) Ninety-five percent of participants will indicate satisfaction with professional development and training presentations as “Very good” or “Excellent”. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: Student Affair departments play a critical role in student higher education experience, contributing to self-exploration and intrapersonal growth. Recognizing continually changing student demographics and associated challenges both within and outside the classroom, student affairs personnel must remain current in terms of best practices. In order to assess professional development needs within the division, a survey will be designed and administered to all division personnel. Based on survey results, a plan of action will be developed to include a minimum of one training workshop, presentation, and/or conference attendance opportunity each semester to designated staff within the unit. Training topics will be selected from subjects such as customer service, student retention, FERPA, best practices, Financial Aid, ” How to”, etc. Participants will be asked to complete an evaluation instrument at the end of training which will be returned to the Assistant Vice President. A summary report will be developed reflecting the overall rating. Where results are less than the desired outcome, the Assistant Vice President will meet with departmental heads to identify techniques to improve staff training and professional development. Team Members: Vice President for Student Affairs; Dean of Students and Student Affair Unit Heads Timeline: June 30, 2016 Est. Cost: $ 1,000 Budgeted: Included in current budget Evidence of Success: 1) Scheduled professional development will be tailored to meet the needs of staff shown in results of professional development evaluation needs. 2) Evaluation results will show at least 95% of the respondents rated the overall training presentation as “Very good” “Excellent”. Current Status: On Schedule Describe Progress: 2014-2015: This goal was met. Dr. Melissa Irvin, Director of Retention Services at Tennessee Technological University, conducted a session titled, “Improving Student Retention”. Twenty of twenty-one participants rated the session as “Very good” or “Excellent” (95.2%) 2013-2014: This goal was met. Dr. Thomas Coaxum, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at Alabama A & M University, conducted a session titled, “Institutional Effectiveness Assessment in Student Affairs”. A second professional development session was presented by Ms. Deb Smith of Motlow College on “Increasing Productivity and Creativity by Organization”. Twenty-five of twenty-six in attendance submitted evaluations regarding Dr. Coaxum’s presentation, rating it “Very good” or “Excellent” (96.36%). All twenty-six participants submitted evaluations regarding the presentation by Ms. Smith, rating it “Very good” or “Excellent” (100%). 2012-2013: This goal was met. “You, Your Dreams, Your Journey-Both Personally and Professionally” workshop was presented by Mr. Ivan Jones and Mr. Vincent Windrow of Middle Tennessee State University. Of the twenty-four participants in attendance, all rated the presentation as “Very good” or “Excellent”. Describe Needed Changes: As part of the continual improvement process, a survey will be designed and administered to all staff within the division in order to effectively assess professional development needs. Additionally based on student feedback, results from the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE) will be analyzed and incorporated into staff development training and education. The Student Affairs Division will continue to actively seek to offer relevant professional development opportunities for personnel regarding best practices. List of Supporting Documentation: Dr. Melissa Irvin Training Evaluations; Professional Development Needs Assessment Survey Form Date Last Updated: 09/01/2015