Motlow State Community College Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness Planning Year: July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 Assessing Year: July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Unit: Student & Campus Relations Related Strategic Goal: 2.1 Enhance student persistence to completion of post-secondary credential or degree. Action Plan #: STCR-01 Action Plan Title: Motlow Participant Partnership Program (MP3) Desired Outcome: Motlow College will launch its first full academic year (August 2011-May 2012) MP3 Program. Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The college will assess this program. To strengthen its commitment to this end, the institution will earmark dollars to continue and expand the program to include students and mentors from the Motlow College Fayetteville Center. The 2011-2012 plan and relative activities follow: Time line for Motlow Participant Partnership Program (MP3) July, 2011 Coordinator will be selected and program goals explained Coordinator will begin application process and plan calendar of events (arrange speakers, locations, topics, etc) August, 2011 Establish partnerships (mentors, academic coaches, and guest speakers) Distribute and collect applications and select participants for the program Select control group for tracking purposes Kick-off reception September, 2011 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants October, 2011 Host monthly meeting Survey participants Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants November, 2011 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants December, 2011 Comparative analysis of participants in program Survey participants Analyze grades and course completion of participants January, 2012 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants February, 2012 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants March, 2012 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Survey participants Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants April, 2012 Host monthly meeting Provide weekly academic coaching Distribute and collect progress reports Analyze and discuss progress reports with participants May, 2012 Comparative analysis of participants in program Evaluation of surveys completed by participants to measure success of the first year program Tally the number of students who completed the program Analyze grades and course completion Success banquet Team Members: Team members are: Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, Director of Student and Campus Relations, Director of Disability Services and Testing, Athletic Director and Head Men’s Basketball Coach, and Coordinator of Disability Services and Testing Timeline: July 1, 2011-June 20, 2012 Est. Cost: $4,000 Budgeted: Funding other than budget Evidence of Success: Project benchmarks will begin with each participant being paired with a mentor within two weeks of the project beginning. Additionally, every three weeks, each participant will receive progress reports to be completed by their instructors which will be submitted to the MP3 coordinator. The progress reports monitor academic deficiencies/progress. Academic coaching will be based on the results of the progress reports. Other key benchmarks will be academic progress toward remaining as a full time student in good academic standing at the end of each semester. Several assessment measures will be used to evaluate the MP3 program. Among them are grades and completion of courses attempted, the number of students who return each semester and the number of students who graduate and/or transfer yearly. A control group will be selected of non-participating eligible students. Cumulative GPA’s, course completion rates and retention rates will be compared between the control group and the MP3 participants. Tracking will continue beyond the first year. Ultimately, MSCC will increase retention percentages of the underrepresented population on the Moore County campus by two percent. Participants will be surveyed at the mid-point and end of each semester to determine if their needs are being met. Program modifications will be made as needed based on participant feedback. The responsibilities of MP3 will be shared between student and campus relations, disability services, and student success units. With the cooperative support of all three units, students will have a broader base of support from the greater community as well as from within the college. The directors will collaborate on strategies to identify and reduce barriers, increase the number of program participants and improve retention and graduation rates among participants. One of the benefits of a community college is the broad-based community support it receives. MP3 will become a “college/community partnership” program. The college will seek business and community professionals to serve as volunteer mentors and academic coaches to an identified group of students by helping them achieve their goals and establishing new goals. The success of MP3 will help create a supportive environment for underrepresented students at Motlow College. (What evidence will be provided that progress is being made? What are benchmarks of success?) Complete the following when assessing a plan Current Status: Choose an item. Describe Progress: (What were the results of your actions? Include date reported.) Describe Needed Changes: (If desired outcome was not achieved, what changes will you make to achieve it?) List of Supporting Documentation: (Submit when reporting progress.) Date Last Updated: