Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
Assessing Year: July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011
Unit: Human Resources
Related Strategic Goal:
2.1 Enhance student persistence to completion of post-secondary credential or degree.
Action Plan #: HRES-03
Action Plan Title: Fostering Federal Work Study Students
Desired Outcome: Federal Work Study students will be provided with a smooth transition and
orientation into the Motlow workforce, and follow-up contact will be made to guide them through to
completion of their job while maintaining successful academic progress.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: The department of Human Resources will provide a
thorough orientation to Federal Work Study students and introduce them to the supervisor of the unit
they are assigned to. A contact list with our department names and numbers will be given to all work
study students should they have questions, and follow-up contact will be made by the Human Resources
department to each student at mid-term and near the end of the semester.
Team Members: Human Resources Department; Student-worker Supervisors
Timeline: Review progress and evaluate at the end of each semester, May and December 2011.
Est. Cost: $500
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Evidence of Success: Beginning fall 2011, the persistence to completion rates of Federal Work Study
students will be monitored, and those in the Federal Work Study program will meet or exceed the rates
of non work study students.
Complete the following when assessing a plan
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
The initial effort for action plan HRES-03 began with a pre-assessment survey sent via email to all federal
work-study students, followed by a welcome packet sent to each student containing Motlow school
supply items and a laminated sheet with Human Resources and important campus contact numbers and
information. Several weeks into the semester, each member of the Human Resources department
made contact with approximately 5 students to check on their academic progress. At mid-terms an
“encouragement” fun pack was sent to all work-study students, and another “congratulations you made
it” fun pack was sent near finals. The assigned work supervisors were contacted to verify the student’s
completion of work requirements, and prior to the end of the semester, a post-assessment survey was
sent to the student group.
This group of federal work-study students established our baseline, and retention and completion data
will not be available for comparison until the end of Spring 2012.
Describe Needed Changes:
List of Supporting Documentation: Pre and post-assessment surveys. College contact information.
Date Last Updated: