Motlow State Community College Program Student Learning Outcomes Use of Assessment Results Spring Semester 2015 Program Title: General Education, University Parallel Major Course: SPCH 1010 Expected Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Develop a clear purpose statement for a speech. Use an effective organizational pattern and transitions in a speech. Organize the main points of a topic for a speech. Develop an effective introduction and use it in a speech. Develop an effective conclusion and use it in a speech. Use appropriate language in a speech. Recognize and incorporate effective oral techniques in speaking including diction, syntax, usage, grammar and mechanics. 8. Communicate nonverbally through gestures, eye contact and body movement in a prepared speech. 9. Research a topic and incorporate and correctly cite the evidence in a speech. Performance measure: Embedded assessment of the persuasive speech assignment Effectiveness Standard: At least 70% of students will meet or exceed the expected outcomes as defined by the Communication faculty based on TBR Student Learning Outcomes for Oral Communication. Assessment Results: CRITERIA Clear Purpose Effective Introduction Main Points Well Organized Effective Conclusion Main Points Elaborated Exceeds # 201 Exceeds % 75% Meet s # 60 100 37% 152 Meet s % 23 Does Not Meet # 6 Does Not Meet % 2% TOTAL Percentag e of Students who Exceed or Meet 98% 57% 15 6% 94% Was Effectiven ess Standard Met? Yes Yes Yes 134 50% 102 39% 31 12% 88% Yes 96 36% 133 50% 38 14% 86% 136 51% 95 36% 36 13% 87% Yes Clearly Useful Evidence Cited Appropriate Language Effective Oral Delivery Effective NonVerbal Delivery Yes 99 37% 110 42% 58 22% 78% 163 61% 96 36% 8 3% 97% 84 31% 152 57% 31 12% 88% Yes Yes Yes 62 23% 153 57% 52 19% 81% Use of Assessment Results: Following the previous time the course was assessed, a curriculum handbook was created for faculty teaching speech. Based on the results, all SLO’s fell within the effectiveness standards for the persuasive speech. Students made improvements in 6 of the 9 SLO’s assessed; however, a decrease in performance from fall 14 to spring 15 was noted in three of the SLO’s. On August 26, 2015 a meeting was held with the Department Chair of Humanities, the Academic Assessment Specialist, and a Speech faculty representative to examine data and discuss potential changes in the curriculum and the ongoing process of creating the new assessment tool. It was decided that the faculty should focus on the “Useful Evidence Cited” criteria on the rubric. It was also decided that a mid-semester departmental meeting will occur to address changes in the rubric and instruction. The mid semester meeting will also provide a time where the department chair will meet with faculty to get their perception on the effectiveness of the curriculum handbook. Due to the fact the students have been meeting the effectiveness standards, it was decided to increase effectiveness standard from 70 to 80 percent. A time line for changes are listed below: Action Plan Departmental Professional Development Meeting Implementation of the Curriculum Handbook A random sampling of speech course sections will be assessed in spring 2016 Review and Update Rubric Person (s) Responsible Department Chair, Faculty, and Academic Assessment Specialist Department Chair Deadline October 23, 2015 Department Chair, Faculty, Academic Assessment Specialist, and Director of Research, Planning, and Communication Department Chair, Faculty January 2016 Fall 2015 October 2015