Motlow State Community College

Motlow State Community College
Action Plan & Outcome Assessment Report for Institutional Effectiveness
Planning Year: July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016
Unit: McMinnville Site
Related Strategic Goal:
3.1 Monitor and improve the effectiveness of educational programs and services.
Action Plan #: MMCT-05
Action Plan Title: Co-Curricular Engagement
Desired Outcome: The McMinnville Center will develop and pilot two to three co-curricular activities
per academic year to improve student engagement.
Description of Action Plan and Related Activities: Research consistently demonstrates the
importance of co-curricular engagement in student success and retention. Additionally, the increased
emphasis on assessing student learning outcomes in order to satisfy external groups such as
governing boards and accreditation agencies supports the development of engaged learning practices
within higher education institutions.
In the past, academic learning and student development have often been viewed as separate
independent processes. However, studies in this area indicate the importance of a holistic approach
incorporating learning both within and outside the classroom environment. Academic course content
and curriculum instruction are combined with external student-based activities encouraging broadbased peer and staff interaction, guiding the student toward intended academic learning outcomes.
Supporting this effort, the McMinnville Center will develop and implement two to three co-curricular
activities per academic year working in conjunction with center faculty and staff.
Year One (Planning/Pilot Year) –
A calendar of McMinnville Center student events will be developed by the Assistant Director
of Student Services and the Center Director.
The calendar of events will be shared by e-mail with all faculty teaching at least one class at
the McMinnville Center.
An e-mail will be sent to all McMinnville Center faculty and staff announcing plans to explore
co-curricular assessment and the ways student engagement inside and outside the classroom
can be positively impacted. Possible ways the student events can be coordinated with
classroom learning outcomes will be spotlighted in the e-mail. A request to pilot will be
attached to the e-mail.
Two events each semester will be identified as potential assessed activities.
The identified activity will supplement learning outcomes in two or more classes taught at the
McMinnville Center in a given semester.
A pilot assessment tool will be developed and administered.
A drawing will be held for those who complete and submit the assessment tool. The name
drawn will be awarded an item purchased through the McMinnville Center operating fund
A team of McMinnville Center staff and faculty who participate in the co-curricular activity
will meet at the close of each semester to determine if the activities chosen that semester
were appropriate and if student engagement was improved.
Team Members: McMinnville Center Staff and Faculty
Timeline: Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 will be used to identify one or two student events
Est. Cost: $ 300 ($150 per semester)
Budgeted: Included in current budget
Complete the following after implementation of the action plan.
Current Status: On Schedule
Describe Progress:
Describe Needed Changes:
List of Supporting Documentation:
Date Last Updated: 7/15/2015