G e r m

• Minister of Propaganda
• "If you tell a lie, tell a big one."
• Worked with the SS and
• Albert Speer
• War production czar
• See, hear, read only what the Nazi party wanted you to.
“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea
so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can
never escape from it." Goebbels
• Films
• The Jews
• Greatness of Hitler
• Way of life for a true Nazi
• Horror of Versailles
• Arranged for the sale of cheap radios
• Hitler would make speeches
• Night time displays at Nuremberg
Anything that could hold a picture!
• Flyers, posters
Go after the kids!
Hitler Youth
10 to 18 year olds
Separate organizations for boys and girls
Prepare the boys for military service
For girls-motherhood
• Teachers complained
• boys and girls were so tired from attending evening meetings
of the Hitler Youth, that they could barely stay awake the next
day at school.
• By 1938, attendance at Hitler Youth meetings was so poor barely 25%
• 1939 law making attendance compulsory
Oath of a 10 year old Hitler Youth
• In the presence of this blood banner, which represents our
Fuhrer, I swear to devote all my energies and my strength to the
savior of my country, Adolph Hitler.
• I am willing and ready to give up my life for him, so help me
Jews are the reason for your misery!
• 1933-Jews are banned from government jobs
• 1935-Nuremberg laws
• Banned marriages between Aryans and Jews
• Jews and non-Jews were also banned from having sexual
relations with non-Jews
• The citizenship rights of Jews was removed
• Over 100 Jews were killed and 20,000 arrested in the Night of Broken
Glass or Crystal Night
• Jews were ordered to pay one billion Reichsmarks to clear up the damage.
• Less than one percent of the total German population of about 62
million people.
• “Virus“
• 1941 made to wear the Star of David on their clothes.