COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT DIVISION OF FINE ARTS COURSE SYLLABUS Spring 2010 COURSE NUMBER: ARTS 1311 COURSE TITLE: 2-D Design SECTION: P02 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to two-dimensional visual organization dealing with basic elements and principles of design. Exploration of black and white, color and a variety of media. Prepares students for composition in painting, drawing, and other two-dimensional art courses. CREDIT HOURS: PREREQUISITE: 3 None LECTURE HOURS: 2 LAB HOURS: 4 CO-REQUISITE: None College Repeat Policy: A student may repeat this course only once after receiving a grade, including “W”. COURSE DELIVERY METHOD: Lecture/Lab. The various teaching methods used will be: lectures, slides, video, media presentations and field trips. Design problems will be assigned which teach the language of visual communication and the design skills needed by the artist. The student will solve the series of hands-on design problems with the aid of the teacher. Demonstration of both technique and media will help each student to accomplish the problem. Actual artworks will be presented as examples of possible ways to solve the assignments. Group critiques will involve everyone in the critical thinking that goes into solving design problems. INSTRUCTOR’S INFORMATION: Professor: Carter Scaggs Office Number: A249 Office Hours: MW 1:00-3:30 p.m. (SCC-A249) TTH 4:00-4:30 p.m. (PRC-L131) Contact Information: Phone: 972.881.5867, e-mail: Emergencies: Fine Arts Division Office: 972.881.5107 CLASS INFORMATION: This class meets TTH 1:00-3:50 p.m. in Room L-131 at PRC. TEXTBOOK: Launching the Imagination: 2D Design. Stewart. McGraw-Hill, 2002 Design: Elements, Principles and Color Theory, Reece, 2009 Both texts are recommended. SUPPLIES: Listed on attached sheet. Asel’s Art Supply in Plano will offer an all-in-one kit at a discount. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the elements and principles of design. 2. Demonstrate creative problem-solving skills. 3. Demonstrate the ability to execute two-dimensional design compositions. 4. Critically evaluate one’s own artwork and the work of others. 5. Translate an idea into two-dimensional form using identified cognitive and technical skills. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Read all textbook assignments 2. Participate in individual and class critiques. 3. Complete all exercises and composition assignments. 4. Attend all scheduled classes. 5. Complete all tests. 6. Develop technical and artistic skills using a variety of two-dimensional media. METHOD OF EVALUATION: Each of the 12 class assignments will be graded and returned with an evaluation sheet which points out strengths and weaknesses of the assignment. Assignments will be critiqued individually and the class will participate in group critiques to see how others solved the same design problems. At any time during the semester an assignment may be re-submitted if it has been re-worked; if there is improvement, the grade will be changed in the grade book. In this way the final grade will reflect what has been actually learned during the semester. ASSIGNMENT OF GRADES: A = Successfully completed the assigned exercise or finished composition. B = Completed the assignment, but lacking in some area such as compositional balance , etc. C = Completed the assignment, but lacking in several areas. D = Unsuccessful in completing the project. F = Failed to attempt the assignment. The percentages used for determining the final grade are: Project Avg.: Written paper: Final exam: 80 % (maximum 800 points) 10 % (maximum 100 points) 10 % (maximum 100 points) Final grades will be computed using a 1000 pt. scale as follows: A = 1000-900 B = 899-800 C = 799-700 D = 699-600 F = 599-0 NOTE: All unexcused late work will receive an automatic deduction of one letter grade. Course work will not be accepted more than seven (7) calendar days after the original due date. The successful completion of class work will be undermined by TARDIES and ABSENCES. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance is mandatory because: a. Observing the demonstrations is crucial to understanding the assignments. b. Students who produce their art projects during scheduled classes have the opportunity for individual help from the professor. c. Working during scheduled classes provides the discipline needed to complete the assignments on time. d. Class attendance is directly correlated with successful achievement in college. NOTE: More than 3 unexcused absences may result in a lower course grade. More than 6 unexcused absences will result in a performance grade of “F”. Please contact the instructor within 24 hours of an unexcused absence to determine whether the absence is excusable and if any missed assignment can be made up. Please contact the instructor in advance if you know you will be absent at any time during the semester. See the current Collin Registration Guide for the last day to withdraw. Withdrawal procedure: If you are having trouble with this class or believe that you must drop, please contact me. If you are unable to complete this course, it is your responsibility to initiate the drop procedures. You must go to the Registrar’s Office and complete the appropriate paperwork. If you stop attending and do not formally withdraw, you will receive a final grade of “F”. Attendance dates to remember: MLK Holiday-Monday, January 18th (Campuses closed) LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW with a “W”-Friday, March 12th Spring Break-Monday, March 15 – Sunday, March 21 (campuses closed) FINAL EXAM DATE-Section P02: Tuesday, May 11, 1:00-3:00 p.m. RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS: please refer to the current Collin Student Handbook ADA STATEMENT: It is the policy of Collin County Community College to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. This college will adhere to all applicable Federal, State laws, regulations and guidelines with respect to providing reasonable accommodations as required to afford equal educational opportunity. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the ACCESS Office (G-200) or 881-5898, (V/TDD-881-5950) in a timely manner if he/she desires to arrange for accommodations. ACADEMIC ETHICS: The college may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to statements, acts, or omissions related to application for enrollment, the ward of a degree, and/or the submission of one’s own work of material that is not one’s own. Scholastic dishonesty may involve one or more of the following acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and falsifying academic records. Cheating is the willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advanced, copying computer files, copying internet material, using someone else’s work for assignments as if it were one’s own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill the requirements of a course. Plagiarism is the use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own without giving credit to the source, including, but not limited to, failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Collusion is intentionally aiding or attempting to aid another in an act of scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to, providing a paper or project to another student; providing an inappropriate level of assistance; communicating answers to a classmate during an examination; removing tests or answer sheets from a test site, and allowing a classmate to copy answers. TENTATIVE COURSE CALENDAR Week: 1. Introduction and beginning exercises. 2. Line- character & types. 3. Line-division of ground. 4. Line- space & rhythm. 5. Shape-character & types. 6. Shape-division of the ground. 7. Shape-figure/ground relationships. 8. Shape and form (3-D). 9. Spatial illusion devices. Written paper. 10. Texture-character & types. 11. Value patterns. 12. Color-properties. 13. Color-interaction. 14. Color-interaction. 15. Color schemes. 16. FINAL EXAMS SUPPLY LIST BRUSHES 1 1 1 Bamboo Brush #6, PAB 2150B-6 Flat White Sable 985-1/2", W/N 5464-113 Round White Sable 233-4, W/N 5423-004 PAPER 1 1 1 1 1 Package Asst. Color Construction Paper 9x12 Package Gray Construction Paper 9x12 Drawing Pad 18 x 24 - 50 sheets, BEN 230-757 Package White Construction Paper 9 x 12, PAC P8709 Package Black Construction Paper 9 x 12, PAC P6309 PENS - PENCILS - ERASERS 1 1 1 1 2 Drawing Pencil 3800-HB, FBR 09107 India Ink, FBR 44201 Magic Rub Eraser 1954, FBR 73201 Black Dual Brush Marker, TOM 56621 Sharpie markers (various sizes) OTHER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Set of French Curves, C-T FC-4 Metal Cork backed Ruler 18", C-T MR-18 Rubber Cement Pickup, DBL-6 #11 Blades, X-A X211 #1 Knife , X-A X3601 Round Paint Palette w/Lid, RIC 400220 Rubber Cement 4 oz., UNI 138 OPTIONAL 1 1 1 Decorative Scissors ArtBin Box for Materials Alternate non-toxic glue