Ch 10 Study Guide McCulloch v. Maryland Spoils system Andrew Jackson’s nickname 1840s Percentage of white male voting population When Thomas Jefferson wrote, “This momentous question, like a fire bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror,” he was referring to Monroe Doctrine Description of Andrew Jackson’s inauguration Era of Good Feeling mid-19th century voter qualifications Missouri Compromise Dorr War Reasons for split between Jackson and Calhoun Changes to voter qualifications by 1860 Andrew Jackson’s beliefs regarding the Election of 1824 Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America By 1830s term “citizen” meant Women writers benefited from Primary reason women and blacks largely excluded from expansion of democracy 1860, free black men could vote on the same basis as whites only in Wake of War of 1812, younger Republicans such as Henry clay and John Calhoun Pres. Madison’s response to demand for internal improvements Second Bank of the US 1st half of 19th century, paper money Panic of 1819 Reason for second Missouri Compromise Both Jefferson and John Quincy Adams suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820-1821 Independence movements in Latin American between 1810 and 1822 John Quincy Adams Controversy of presidential election of 1824 Martin Van Buren Pres. John Quincy Adams’ comprehensive plan for an activist state Description of politics in the Age of Jackson Characteristics of election of 1828 National political parties of the second American party system Beliefs of Democrats iin the 1830s Description of Jackson’s Kitchen Cabinet Characteristics of Whigs “Exposition and Protest” Most prominent spokesman for right of nullification Nullification crisis Force Act of 1833 Peggy Eaton Debater who stated that the people, not the states, created the Cosntitution Indian nation that fought with the US army from 1835-1842 to resist removal to the West Cherokee nation v. Georgia Worcester v. Georgia “hard money” Panic of 1837 President of Second Bank of the US in 1832 How the Bank War demonstrates that Andrew Jackson enhanced the power of the presidency William Henry Harrison’s 1840 presidential campaign Actions taken by Pres. Tyler Pres. Van Buren’s solution as to how to handle the federal government’s relationship to banking American System Presidential election of 1840 Significant theme of the Monroe Doctrine Trend in American democracy during the 1820s and 1830s Key focus of political controversy during the Age of Jackson Paradoxical features of Andrew Jackson’s public career Significant developments during the decade following Jackson’s presidency Key difference between the Democrats and Whigs during the Jackson years Political party that organized to oppose Pres. Jackson Andrew Jackson’s political party Alexis de Tocqueville’s vision of democracy “Suffrage was “the first mark of liberty, the only true badge of the freeman,” define suffrage Pres. Madison’s plan for America Ways women became increasingly active in the public sphere in the early 19th century