Review for Test #3

Review for Test #3
Breakdown of Test
28 Multiple choice @2.85 pts each
1 essay 20 pts(no choice, it must be answered)
Ch 9
a. Mendel’s experiments in peas
b. Genotype and phenotype
c. Dominant/recessive examples of each
d. Incomplete/ codominance examples of each
e. Using a Punnett square to figure out a problem for complete dominance, incomplete
dominance and codominance
f. Pedigree, determining genotype from pedigree
Ch 10
a. Chemical makeup of DNA, structure of DNA
b. How is DNA different from RNA?
c. Base pairing rules
d. Replication- semiconservative
e. Flow of information from DNA to protein (steps for how this happens?)
f. Steps of translation, what languages are you translating?
g. Codon
h. Different types of mutations – frameshift mutations
Ch 11
a. Differentiated cells – do they all contain the same DNA? Why are they different from
each other?
b. Why do people want to clone organisms
c. Specialization of cells in development of new organism - differentiation
d. Do clones look and act just like each other?
e. Cancer mutations in DNA – oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes
f. Colon cancer example from class
g. STR analysis, DNA profiling
Ch 12
a. Restriction enzymes
b. Plasmids, steps for cloning gene in bacterium
c. Pros and cons to genetically modified organisms