
Biotechnology - process of manipulating the
genome of an organism to form useful products
􀁡Genetic engineering – modification of genetic
material done by genetic engineers
􀁡Sections􀁡Nucleic Acids􀁡Isolation of DNA
􀁡DNA Electrophoresis
Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids
􀁡Use puzzle pieces to show
􀁡Replication (DNA to DNA): 5’ to 3’
􀁡Transcription (DNA to RNA): 5’ to 3’
􀁡Translation (mRNA to polypeptide): 5’ to
• Deoyribose nucleic acid contains genetic
material and has nucleotides.
• Each nucleotide is deoxyribose sugar ,and
any one N-bases- A,T,G,C with phosphate
• Double stranded
• Found in the nucleus
DNA replication
• DNA doubling for the purpose of cell
• The 2 strands unzip in the middle and
DNA polymerase enzyme adds on new
bases to the unzipped strands
• Semi-Conservative replication as old
strands act as templates for new ones to
be built.
• Found in the nucleus and cytoplasm
• Ribose sugar, single stranded and has
• 3 TYPES-mRNA,rRNA and t-RNA
• Takes place in the nucleus
• One strand of DNA(genes) is the template
for building mRNA(codons)
• A of DNA matches with U of RNA
• T with A
• G with C
• C with G
• In the cytoplasm
• mRNA (codons) match with t-RNA(anticodn) in the presence of r-RNA to build
• Codons specify the amino acid
Isolation of DNA
• Isolation of DNA from plant (onion) cells
and banana• Refer to lab book for procedure
Gel electrophoresis is a method of
separating out DNA, RNA or other
protien mixes
Paternity testing
• Child has both parents chromosomes or
DNA which will solve the paternity tests.
Crime solving
• It can be used in the analyis of DNA
recovered from crime scenes to create a
very simple 'profile' of unknown DNA for
comparison purposes, or to establish if
DNA has succesfully been extracted from
evidential material, before going on to
more costly and long winded sequencing
Applying voltage to solution of charged molecules
for separation
1. Prepare gel, place in chamber
2. Introduce DNA sample
􀁡 DNA is negatively charged, it moves to positive
􀁡 small fragments migrate faster than larger ones
􀁡 accumulation of same size fragments show up as a
band on the gel
3. Stain gel and record band pattern