Microsolvation of -propiolactone as revealed by Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Justin L. Neill, Matt T. Muckle, Daniel P. Zaleski, Brooks H. Pate Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, McCormick Rd, P.O. Box 400319, Charlottesville, VA 22904 I. Peña, C. Perez, J.L. Alonso Grupo de Espectroscopía Molecular (GEM), Departamento de Química Física y Química Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Valladolid, E-47005 Valladolid, Spain High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Solvated Organic Molecules Water cubes: -benzene-(H2O)8: Gruenloeh et al. -phenol-(H2O)7,8: Janzen et al. (UV/IR) Microwave studies: -trifluoroacetic acid-(H2O)3: Ouyang et al. -formic acid-(H2O)2 : Priem et al. (H2O)3-6: Saykally group (THz tunneling) C.J. Gruenloeh et al., Science 276, 1678 (1997). Ch. Janzen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 110, 9898 (1999). B. Ouyang, T.G. Starkley, B.J. Howard, J. Phys. Chem. A 111, 6165 (2007). D. Priem, T.-K. Ha, A. Bauder, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 169 (2000). 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CP-FTMW Spectrum x50 x500 x5000 Dense spectrum—microwave-microwave double resonance spectroscopy used extensively CP-FTMW Spectrum 1966 lines detected with signal to noise > 3:1 x230 1197 lines (61%) still unassigned -propiolactone Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 12405.9884(13) 12372.59 -0.27% B (MHz) 5244.4548(5) 5240.17 -0.08% C (MHz) 3869.1913(4) 3864.47 -0.12% A (D) 3.675(10) 3.74 1.8% B (D) 2.01(5) 2.07 2.9% C (D) --- 0.00 --- total (D) 4.19 4.28 2.1% CP-FTMW Kwak et al. A (D) 3.675(10) 3.67(4) B (D) 2.01(5) 2.00(2) Large circles: ab initio structures Small circles: substitution coordinates Avg. deviation: 0.011 Å Ab Initio calculations: Gaussian 03W, mp2/6-311++g(d,p) (all structures) Spectral fits: SPFIT/SPCAT, PIFORM (PROSPE, Z. Kisiel, http://www.ifpan.edu.pl/~kisiel/prospe.htm), QSTARK (PROSPE) Figures: PMIFST (PROSPE) N. Kwak, J.H. Goldstein, J.W. Simmons, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 1203 (1956). Z. Chen and J. van Wijngaarden, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 257, 164 (2009). -propiolactone-H2O Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 6792.8734(20) 6721.55 -1.05% B (MHz) 2056.4976(5) 2091.08 1.68% C (MHz) 1613.5724(5) 1631.76 1.13% A (D) 0.9964(11) 0.74 -25.7% B (D) 2.543(23) 2.45 -3.47% C (D) [0] (fixed) 0.63 --- total (D) 2.73 2.64 -3.30% No c-type transitions observed; searched for tunneling gap <500 MHz O deviation: 0.071 Å -propiolactone-(H2O)2 Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 2856.852(3) 2938.33 2.85% B (MHz) 1730.192(4) 1763.43 1.92% C (MHz) 1377.649(3) 1417.81 2.92% A (D) 2.160(10) 2.03 -6.02% B (D) 1.544(23) 1.36 -11.9% C (D) 0.330(3) 0.32 -3.03% total (D) 2.676(25) 2.46 -8.07% average O deviation: 0.106 Å -propiolactone-(H2O)3 Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 1861.023(6) 1915.73 2.94% B (MHz) 1165.9916(6) 1157.19 -0.76% C (MHz) 883.9891(5) 873.67 -1.17% A (D) 2.357(5) 1.98 -16.0% B (D) 0.60(13) 0.36 -40% C (D) 0.12(8) 0.31 158% total (D) 2.44(15) 2.03 -16.8% 14.28° 10.3° -4.0° 87.18° 81.2° -5.9° average O deviation: 0.197 Å Experimental A (MHz) 1887.1478(18) B (MHz) 1110.5723(12) C (MHz) 838.6250(12) A (D) 0.8690(24) B (D) --- C (D) 1.773(8) total (D) 1.975(8) ~5x weaker than above spectrum No structural assignment -propiolactone-(H2O)4 Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 1234.1037(7) 1253.26 1.55% B (MHz) 931.7212(4) 951.05 2.08% C (MHz) 830.9703(5) 846.04 1.81% A (D) 0.5026(9) 0.54 7.44% B (D) 3.785(11) 3.90 3.04% C (D) 2.667(7) 2.94 10.24% total (D) 4.657(13) 4.91 5.43% average O deviation: 0.105 Å Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 1263.5285(10) 1313.81 3.98% B (MHz) 933.8867(9) 964.39 3.27% C (MHz) 828.4353(8) 828.80 0.04% A (D) 0.9848(15) 1.32 34.0% B (D) 4.215(19) 4.46 4.77% C (D) 2.009(7) 2.17 8.01% total (D) 4.772(20) 5.14 7.71% 2:1 intensity ratio E rel= 70.4 cm-1 -propiolactone-(H2O)4 -(H2O)4 mininum: free protons are “udud” around the ring -BPL-(H2O)4: free protons are “uudd” around the ring--less stable by 325 cm-1 tunneling quenched by complexation -two structures differ only by the direction of H-bonding around the ring J.D. Cruzan, M.R. Viant, M.G. Brown, R.J. Saykally, J. Phys. Chem. A 101, 9022 (1997). M. Schütz, W. Klopper, H.-P. Lüthi, J. Chem. Phys. 103, 6114 (1995). -propiolactone-(H2O)5 Experimental Ab Initio Pct. Error A (MHz) 945.8879(8) 936.88 -0.95% B (MHz) 654.1482(5) 679.85 3.93% C (MHz) 642.1021(5) 661.64 2.95% (B/A)2 0.27 0.77 (C/A)2 0.60 0.52 Discrepancy in relative b/c dipoles Conclusions All observed structures cool to minimum-energy configurations (rather than sequential addition) Competition/compromise between water-molecule and water-water interactions Importance of isotopic substitution, Stark effect measurements in structure determination of large water clusters -substitution structures and dipole moments agree very well with ab initio values -Use of isotopic assignments to drive ab initio (rather than the reverse) Acknowledgements Funding National Science Foundation Chemistry CHE-0616660 CRIF:ID CHE-0618755 Miniesterio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Grant CTQ2006-05367) Junta de Castilla y León, Fondo Social Europeo (Grant VA012C05) Dipole Moment Errors PL PL-(H2O)3 Experimental Ab Initio Error Experimental Ab Initio Error (D) 4.189 4.28 2.05% (D) 2.435 2.04 -16.4% 28.7° 29.0° 0.3° 14.28° 10.3° -4.0° 90° 90° 0° 87.18° 81.2° -5.9° PL-H2O PL-(H2O)4 (stronger) Experimental Ab Initio Error Experimental Ab Initio Error (D) 2.727 2.64 -3.33% (D) 4.657 4.914 5.5% 68.57° 73.2° 4.6° 82.44° 82.1° -0.3° 90° 76.2° -13.8° 55.07° 53.3° -1.8° PL-(H2O)2 PL-(H2O)4 (weaker) Experimental Ab Initio Error Experimental Ab Initio Error (D) 2.676 2.46 -7.9% (D) 4.772 5.133 7.6% 35.56° 33.8° -1.7° 76.85° 73.5° -3.3° 82.92° 82.5° -0.4° 65.10° 65.0° -0.1° Experimental Methods: MW-MW Double Resonance Spectroscopy CP-FTMW-MW Double Resonance Cavity FTMW-MW Double Resonance -propiolactone-(H2O)5 (H2O)5: slightly puckered, has an “uudud” orientation of the water pentamer BPL-(H2O)5: similar structure; internal tunneling/pseudorotation quenched by complexation K. Liu, M.G. Brown, J.D. Cruzan, R.J. Saykally, J. Phys. Chem. A 101, 9011 (1997).