Chapter One Introduction ted in East Asia

Chapter One
Taiwan is an island situated in East Asia in the Western Pacific Ocean and located off the
southeastern coast of mainland China. Taiwan is called Formosa, which literally meaning a
beautiful island. Tainan City, a city in southern Taiwan, is the fourth largest after Taipei,
Kaohsiung, and Taichung but the first developed city in Taiwan.
Tainan City was established as the capital of the Taiwan under the Qing Dynasty until
1887, when the Qing Dynasty established Taipei as the new provincial capital. Tainan has
been historically regarded as the oldest cities in Taiwan, and its former name, Tayouan (大員),
has been claimed to be the source of the name Taiwan. It is also one of Taiwan's cultural
capitals, as it houses the first Confucian school–temple, built in 1665, and countless historical
monuments. Meanwhile the city is also famous for its local snack foods and night markets. It
claims more Buddhist and Taoist temples than any other city in Taiwan.
Tainan City is developed the earliest and has the most historic relics in Taiwan Even
though Tainan City does not have lots of department stores or shopping malls like Taipei, or
an international airport like Kaohsiung, Tainan City is still prominent for its historic heritage
features, which explains why the city has been known as the ancient cultural capital of
Since its long history, rich historic heritages, diverse local foods and traditional culture,
Tainan City is very unusual compared with other major cities in Taiwan. Especially, people
in Tainan City are friendly, hospitable and kind. Although it has 780,000 in population,
which make it the fourth-largest city, Tainan City still has the feel like a sleepy town with to
The world becomes a global village right now. People have more opportunities to learn
other countries’ culture and life styles in the world. In recent years, more and more tourists
from other countries have come to Tainan City to experience the mystery of the old city.
Therefore, the purpose of this project was to give a whole picture of Tainan City to visitors
and let them have further understanding about popular historic heritages, prominent culture
activities and traditional local foods in Tainan City.
Chapter Two
A Brief Introduction to Tainan City
2.1 History and Location
Tainan City, is located on the rich and fertile Jianan plain in the southwest of Taiwan,
with a population of about 750,000 people. The total area of the city is 175.645 km2, which
shares 0.49% of the area of all of Taiwan. The Yanshwei River penetrates the North and
Annan districts, running from east to west and entering the Taiwan Strait in Anping. After the
restoration of Taiwan, Tainan city became a provincial city.
Tainan City has a straight coastline in the west next to the Taiwan Strait. Landscapes
along this nearly 20km long coastline are manifold. The northern coastline of the city is
adjacent to the Sihcao wetlands in the northwest of Yanshwei River. As the area is covered
with a rare mangrove forest, it has become the paradise of birds. Statistics indicated that over
one million birds stay in Sihcao every year, including over 20 endangered species of
migratory birds from other parts of Asia and Australia and over half of the 400 species or so
native wild birds.
The Anping Port in the south of Yanshwei River has developed well to be the Anping
International Port and a deep-sea fishing port. Meanwhile, the expansion of Anping Port to
the Tainan Canal connect the modern structure with the old times memory.
With the realignment of Tainan Canal, the canal water is clearer, the banks of the
canal are more beautiful, and environment protection is more emphasized. In addition to
restoring its transportation function, various cultural activities along the canal are organized
in order to develop the unique cultural image of the canal. Therefore, Tainan Canal has
become a cultural and recreational spot for locals, and it recalled the beautiful memory to
local citizens.
Moreover, the fabulous Golden Coast is located in the south of Tainan City. It has a
flat and extensive beach of about 2 to 3km long. The blue sky, clear water and golden beach
have attracted many visitors playing and listening to the waves there. As the beach is
extensive, a compound recreational center was built. It combines swimming, bird watching,
fishing, camping and accommodation functions in the area to provide another different option
from ancient remains to tourists.
2.2 City Flowers
The flame tree flower is also called the flame tree which is a kind of deciduous tree. It
was imported from Madagascar to Taiwan in 1987. Its flowers are so showy like a phoenix
spreading its wings as show in Figure 1. Then it was assigned as the city flower of Tainan in
correspondence to the city’s name-Phoenix City.
Figure 1 The city flowers
2.3 Climate
Because Tainan City is located in the south of Tropic of Cancer, it is easily influenced
by seacoasts and warm currents. It has a sub-tropical maritime climate characterized by
year-round high humidity and temperatures, with a rainy season (April to September) and a
dry season (October to March). The weather of four seasons in Tainan City is described as
Spring is a good time to visit Tainan City. Temperatures range from warm to hot, 220C 270C. The spring in Tainan City is comfortable for residents, especially when the gentle
breeze blows across a clear spring sky. People often take off coats while walking on the
streets of Tainan City during the spring.
However, the summer is not a comfortable season to visit Tainan City. The climate is
hot and sultry. July, the hottest month, can bring temperatures to 320C - 370C. In particular,
many special festivals celebrating the diverse history and customs of Tainan take place
during the summer. The festivals are well worth enduring the hot summers of Tainan City.
Just remember to use sunscreen and have an umbrella or hat to shield you from the midday
Winter temperatures in January range from 18.50C to 20.50C, and January is the coldest
month of the year. It means that the fall autumn and winter are fine seasons to visit Tainan
City. The northeastern trade-winds carry storms that bring windy and wet weather. Even with
the cooler and wetter climate, most people find the fall and winter of Tainan City very
comfortable. Nearly two-thirds of the world's black-faced spoonbill herons migrate to the
lagoons in Chihgu's wetlands during the fall and winter. The black-faced spoonbill herons are
protected migrant birds that grace Tainan City. Chihgu is a small suburb within a 20 minute
drive of Tainan City renowned by birdwatchers for its migratory birds during the fall and
2.4 Transportation
Tainan City Station is a major stop on the Western Line, with direct connections to
major in Taiwan Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Hsinchu and Keelung. There are also local
trains to closer destinations. As for the High-Speed Rail (HSR), Tainan City HSR Station is
located just outside the city itself, in Gueiren township. Using the High Speed Rail system
travellers can reach Taipei in less than ninety minutes.
To improve the communication with HSR station and reduce the outlay for MRT
system, a new rail branch line is being built from Gueiren to Tainan City, and some new train
stations are also planned to be added in the future.
Regarding the highways in Tainan City, National Highway Nos. 1 and 3 run close by
and connect via local highways to the city itself. Tainan City has a total of 142.9 km of
highways, including national, local and rural highways. Besides that, Tainan Airport is
located in the South District of the city. It is a domestic airport, currently operating flights to
Kinmen and Makung.
Chapter Three
Historic Sites of Tainan City
Everywhere in Tainan City you can see structures with an air of the past. According to
the definition from the Cultural Heritage Preservation Law, historic sites are “ancient
building, traditional settlements, old towns and streets, and other historic remains that contain
historic and cultural values, but have yet to be designated as ancient monuments”. There are
many well known historic sites in Tainan City, such as Anping Fort, Eternal Golden Castle,
Temple of the five Concubines, Chihkan Tower, Confucius Temple and so forth. Each of
historic sites has different features, be introduced as follows.
3.1 Anping Fort
Anping Fort, is the most ancient fortress in Taiwan. It was built in 17th century when
the Dutch occupied Taiwan, and it was alled "Fort Zeelandia" by the Dutch. It had been the
administrative center of the Dutch regime, and the heart of trading. The pattern of the
building was originally constructed in square inner fortress and rectangle outer walls. The fort
was renamed as Anping to commemorate his home town when Koxinga (Cheng Cheng-Kung)
had driven the Dutch out of Taiwan in 1661. Consequently, Fort Zeelandia was also known as
" Taiwan Fort " or " King's Fort ", nicknamed Anping Fort.
During the Japanese occupation, the Dutch style buildings in inner fortress were
completely destroyed. A square red-bricked step platform was constructed with a western
style house on the platform. It was being served as dormitory for Customs officials, where the
memorial hall is located now. After Restoration of Taiwan, it was named Anping Fort, and
was registered to be the first call historic relics. Now, it has become an attraction for tourists.
3.2 Eternal Golden Castle
In order to prevent the coast and the island from Japanese invasions, Eternal Golden
Castle, designed by a French architect, was built in 1876 by the famous Qing official Shen
Baozhen . It is a first-class cultural heritage, around 3 hectares. This castle was designed into
a square platform and was provided cannons at the corners. The outer wall is approximately 2
meters high and is surrounded by a water canal. Arched gates were built with red bricks and
are 5-meter high.
Under the fortress, it had granary, kitchen and ammunition depot. The training site is in
the center of this castle, the water canal is used to separate from invasions. There was a
wooden drawbridge across the water canal and usually it was used for transportation of
supplies. When emergency, they lifted up the drawbridge so that the enemies could not enter
the castle. Nowadays, Eternal Golden Castle is a beautiful and quiet scenic spot for tourists.
3.3 Chikanlou(The Chamber of Red Hill)
Tainan Chikanlou was built by the Dutch in 1653. Originally it was called Provintia,
meaning eternity in Dutch. Now it is called the building "Chikanlou", "Fanzailou" or
"Honmaolou". Although Chikanlou had gone through the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty
and the Japanese Colonization Period, it still maintains its original look.
Chikanlou has been an administrative center since the Dutch occupation period. In
1661 when the Ming general, Cheng Chengkung, repelled the Dutch, Provintia was changed
to be Cheng's mansion. In the early stage of the Qing Dynasty when Taichiang River was still
running, the tides could reach Chikanlou directly. "The sunset in Chikanlou" was one of the
eight famous scenes in Taiwan. There are nine sets of stone turtles carrying steles in front of
Chikanlou. They were made in the Qing Dynasty and removed from elsewhere to be located
here. The legend said that the stone turtle was one of the dragon's nine sons. It shifted into a
turtle because it loved to endure heavy objects. There is also a stone horse with broken legs.
It was said that the stone horse's legs were broken by residents because it shifted into a
monster-shape at night and harassed the residents.
During the Japanese colonization period, Chikanlou was changed to be army hospital.
After Taiwan was restored to R.O.C., there were some restoration and repair. The wooden
structure was changed into steel and concrete structure. The main entrance was also changed
as the look of Chikanlou today.
3.4 Confucius Temple
Tainan Confucius Temple was the oldest Confucius temple in Taiwan. It was the
highest government-run school in the days prior to the late Qing Dynasty for feudal princes.
Upon arriving at the Tainan Confucius Temple, the Stone Arch inscribed “Higher Learning”
is the first thing tourists will see. It was the entrance to the school. The central beam is
gracefully decorated with two dragons and picturesque figurines.
The Ta Cheng Gate is the most glamorous gate in the Tainan Confucius Temple. In
contrast to other buildings, it bears no couplets on its columns to avoid offending Confucius.
All door panels have 54 nails on either side for a total of 108-the highest form of respect
reserved for Confucius. The shining sun on the roof, the horses highlighting the 2 roof edges,
as well as the pair of hornless-dragon ridge-end ornaments are all worth admiring. Quite a
number of historical artifacts are well preserved here, including records carved in stone,
tablets presented by different national leaders, and ritual and musical instruments from the
early Qing up to the present.
Lacking the recitations, incense, and hustle-bustle of most working temples, this is in
effect a quiet park filled with classical architecture for 364.5 days a year, coming to life only
on the morning of September 28th, which is observed as Confucius' birthday.
3.5 Temple of Five Concubines
The Temple of Five Concubines was established in 1683 (the 37th Year of the reign of
Yungli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty). As can be seen in Figure 3.5, it was originally known
as “Tomb of Five Concubines.” In 1683 AD, when the Ming Dynasty prince Ning-Ching
decided to sacrifice himself and become a martyr for the collapsing dynasty, his five
concubines hanged themselves to express their virtue and fidelity. The temple was built in
front of the tomb in the 11th year of Chenglong reign. In the Qing Dynasty, 1746 A.D, the
temple and the tomb were moved together.
3.6 Great South Gate
The Great South Gate was constructed in 1736 (1st Year of Chenglong reign period,
Qing Dynasty) to protect the city.It is one of the oldest gates left in Tainan City. Paved with
sturdy granite slates, it is the only gate in Taiwan with its outer walls still standing today. The
gate is also referred to as the “Urn City” or “Half-moon City”. Looking down from the top of
the Gate, tourists can get a sense of what it feels like to one of the dignified soldiers who
were once stationed there.
3.7 National Museum of Taiwan Literature
The National Museum of Taiwan Literature (NMTL), founded on October 17th, 2003,
is the first national museum dedicated to the literary arts. The museum building has a
distinguished history tracing back to 1916, when it was built to house the Tainan Prefectural
Government. Reflecting contemporary European architectural Government styling, it is one
of several well-known works by architect Moriyama Matsunosuke on the island. Other
Matsunosuke projects include the current Office of the President (Sotokufu) and Control
Yuan in Taipei. The building was damaged during WWII and suffered decades of neglect
before serious restoration work was commenced in 1997. Reopened in 2003, the building is
today a focal point of island literature, culture, architecture and history and a successful
example of both restoration and revitalization.
3.8 Tainan Great Matsu Temple
Datianhou Temple is commonly known as Mazu Temple of Tainan City - the first Mazu
Temple built by the government in Taiwan. The god worshipped in Datianhou Temple is the
Heaven God Mother, or widely called Mother Mazu, the most worshipped god in the
Taiwanese society. The Datianhou Temple was originally the palace of Emperor Ningjing of
the Ming Dynasty. After Admiral Hsih Long had occupied Taiwan, he found that Mazu,
Goddess of the Sea, was mostly worshipped by the Taiwanese people. He then reported to the
emperor and requested to have the Ningjing Palace rebuilt into a Mazu temple and promoted
Mazu to Tianhou, meaning the Heaven God Mother. Since then the Mazu temple is called
Datianhou Temple. Datianhou Temple is divided into 4 main parts: the San Chuan Hall, the
Worship Hall, the Main Hall, and the Back Hall. The lively large sized Mazu statue is the
main feature of the Temple. It was the master piece of a sculptor from Chuan-Chou about 300
years ago and is the representative work of sculptures of its kind in Taiwan.
Mazu is the patron deity of fishermen, and her birthday, the 23rd day of the third lunar
month, is celebrated each year with frenetic explosions of colorful activity. Ancient heritages
are the best evidence of the development of history. However, a heritage has not been just a
historic place to visit, but it has been a living substance that can educate people. Tourists who
visit historic heritages can have a better background realize of how this county developed its’
own cultures and also how the important events happened before.
Chapter Four
Night Markets
Night markets play an important role of the culture in life. There are more and more
tourists and foreigners like to visit and experience the night markets that they have never
been to. Night markets become a place where people may spend their time at night because
they could have a variety of choices of foods and goods.
4.1 Tainan Flower Garden Night Market
Most visitors think that flower Garden Night Market which is the most popular and
significant in Tainan City. Therefore, the researcher take Flower Garden Night Market as an
example to introduce the night markets in Tainan City.
The whole market is like a recreation park or a shopping mall, offering all kinds of
merchandise and entertainment. With over 10,000 square meters of a shopping area and 300
to 500 vendors, the outdoor Flower Garden Night Market in Tainan City is the biggest one of
its kind in Taiwan.
Most of Taiwan's night markets have not planned well for stands exhibition in their
earliest stages, while Flowers started out with a very clear plan. The vast area of the market
space is divided into three zones - the food zone, the goods zone, and the entertainment zone.
The market's administrative committee also hired a private security firm to maintain security
in the market, including traffic control, which keeps the market much more well-organized
than other night markets.
Flower Garden Night Market is really located on the outskirts of northern Tainan City
past the juncture of Haian Road and Weiho Road, with only a few buildings and residences in
the nearby area. The rapidly-rising popularity of Flower Garden Night Market seems to have
come as a complete surprise, as very little public transportation is linked to the location.
Still, the large, free parking lot at Flower Garden Night Market does a lot to neutralize
the disadvantage of its remote location, and the market is attracting more and more visitors to
spend their free time there. Around 16,000 of the total 26,000 square meters goes to parking
space. Most visitors agree that they would not stop to shop at a place which is inconvenient
for parking.
Flower Garden Night Market opens only three days a week - Thursday, Saturday and
Sunday. Such a special schedule for the night market is actually common in Taiwan outside
the large metropolises of Taipei and Kaohsiung, as vendors tend to move around between
night markets in different locations to do business. In addition, visitors in one area tend not to
visit the night market every day.
When you walk into Flower Garden Night Market, one interesting thing you will notice
is the lofty banners with gaudy logos are erected next to each booth, with hundred of flags in
the upper reaches of the market making for quite a interesting sight. Vendors hang up these
lofty banners largely to show off their booths, and night market visitors who lose their way
while walking through the market can look for the banners to reorient themselves and find a
booth easily.
The food area in Flower Garden Night Market provides a rich variety of choices with
most of the famous local cuisines on hand. There are also foreign cuisines such as those from
Thailand, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, India, Germany and many other
One food stall which grabs most visitors’ attention is Tungta chicken steak. Because
this stall attracts so many visitors frequently that it causes traffic jams in the area near Tungta,
and it has received plenty of complaints from nearby vendors as a result. The owner of
Tungta has little choice but to rent more stall space exclusively for people queuing up to buy
its chicken steak.
The goods area of Flower Garden Night Market is an ideal place to shop for
fashionable stuff, featuring many creative stalls selling handmade crafts or other creatively
designed merchandise such as leather goods, handmade soap, funky caps, rings and necklaces,
and many others great finds. Hardware and grocery stalls are also available in the goods area,
but most of them are still occupied by booths of selling clothes and wearables. The style of
clothes covers a wide range of choices, and consumers can find something for the young or
the old and men or women. Clothes in night markets are usually cheap.
The entertainment area of Flower Garden Night Market is also quite an interesting
place to go, and not every night market has their entertainment stalls all gathered in one
section. The entertainment section makes the night market even more look like a recreational
park, with various kinds of games such as the ring toss, BB gun shooting, goldfish scooping,
baseball pitching, toy auctions, mini Pinball, dart shooting and Mahjong Bingo. Most of the
games seem to be some kind of Bingo in nature, where players who are lucky enough to hit a
target in some specific game will get certain prizes. Among all these games, Mahjong Bingo
is the game which occupies the most space with the most stalls.
One brisk circle of Flower Garden Night Market takes at least one to two hours if
visitors never stop for drink or food or pick up some kind of funky toys. If customers really
want to avoid being stuck in a bunch of slow-moving browsers when shopping Flower
Garden Night Market, then Thursday night would probably be the best bet.
4.2 Dadong Night Market
The Dadong night market in Tainan offers a variety of delicious foods such as aboriginal
slate BBQ, fried milk, sailfish tempura, Young President Steak House, Cantonese roe and
Gourmet fried spring onion pancake. The indigenous slate BBQ makes use of specially
prepared marinating sauce for the flawless pork flavor. The aroma of the pork sizzling on the
scorching slate whets everyone’s appetite, and sometimes the owner even brings out his
home-brewed millet wine, which perfectly compliments the BBQ. The queue for the Guman
fried onion pancake begins at 5:30 pm and even though the line is sometimes over one hour
long, people are willing to queue. One can also try the fried milk, the sweet and aromatic
Wuming BBQ and Young President Steak House, or even Cantonese roe, which is available
in several flavors.
The interesting auctions at the night market allow one to enjoy the fun of auctions while
listening to the unique voices of the auctioneers. Furthermore, one also receives small gifts
for partaking in the auction. This is sure to keep you excited all night.
Chapter Five
Traditional Local Foods
Because of the culinary culture that has developed along with this ancient city, a tour in
Tainan city not only brings brand-new mental experiences but also offers priceless
opportunities to satisfy the palate as well.
Among many Tainan snacks that are known far and wide are Coffin Cake, Danzai
Noodles, Shrimp Pork Soup, Stinky Tofu, Veggie and Meat Wrap, Oyster Vermicelli,
Steamed Sandwich, Crushed Ice Dessert, Crystal Pork Dumpling, and Milkfish Congee.
5.1 Coffin Bread
Coffin Bread similar to French toast or bread bowl soups, but people often turns heads
for its very uncommon name. The specialty is a thick slice of bread with a empty center filled
with a mixture of chicken meat and liver, shrimp, carrots, potatoes, and milk. The filling is
then covered with another piece of bread and cut into four pieces.
5.2 Danzai Noodles
Dan-tsu Noodles were developed by the slack fishing periods. Their ingredients
include oil, bean sprouts, shelled fresh shrimp, cilantro, pork meat and so on. Pour the soup
that was made by boiling fresh shrimp into the bowl of cooked noodles at the final, and then a
bowl of fragrant Danzai Noodle is there. Due to the pork meat’s traditional salty flavor, it
holds the Taiwan local snack characteristics truly.
5.3 Shrimp Pork Soup
With seas on all side, Taiwan enjoys a bounty of seafood that is served up in a wide
variety of snack foods that have become ingrained in the culinary tradition of the island.
Shrimp pork soup is one of these dishes that have become a night market mainstay in Tainan
City. This dish is made mostly of shrimp potage flavored with stewed pork and a thickening
dash of potato starch to add flavor and chewiness. Add a splash of black vinegar to
complement the sweetness of the soup and make this tasty dish even more delicious.
5.4 Stinky Tofu
The greater the smell of stinky tofu is, the tastier they will be. And while many people
are put off by the smell, those who take the plunge are usually won over by this special
yummy treat. Stinky tofu is made of large squares of fermented tofu fried in oil and then cut
into four smaller pieces and served with a garnish of pickled cabbage. The combination of the
crispy outside and soft inside is part of this dish's charm.
5.5 Veggie and Meat Wrap
These wraps are packed with goodies including boiled cabbage, bean sprouts, sliced
fried egg, barbecued pork, peanut powder and powdered sugar, all wrapped up in a thin
spring roll skin and served warm. This delicious treat is one of the most popular snacks at
night markets throughout Taiwan.
5.6 Oyster Vermicelli
The quality of this dish is judged by the freshness of the oysters and chewiness of
noodles. The dish is made with a type of red vermicelli that does not crumble easily. The
noodles are served in a soup stock with fresh oysters and soy stewed large intestines and
flavored with black vinegar, a special sauce, and a garnish of cilantro.
5.7 Crushed Ice Dessert
This popular dessert is a base of crushed ice flavored with red beans, adzuki beans,
starch balls, taro, jelly fig and other toppings and is sprinkled with sugar water, offering
sweet and cool relief on a hot summer day. Today, people can also find creative new
variations with toppings of mangoes, strawberries and other seasonal fruit
Chapter Six
Suggested Trips in Tainan City
6.1 One-day-trip
You can arrive Tainan about 12 o’clock, then you can rent a motorcycle and take
around. No matter which month you choose, it all suitable for you.
Day 1
12:10~13:00 Lunch:
Minzu Rd.
Sec.2, Minzu Rd.
13:10~14:30 Chikanlou
Brief Introduction
Remark (food/site)
Traditional food area Rice tube pudding,
Coffin Bread, Dan Zai
A beautiful fort Old
Historic site
The first Confucius
Temple in Taiwan
and it was built
during Ming
Historic site
No.212,Sec.2, Minzu
Rd.,Tainan City
15:00~17:00 Confucius Temple
No.2, Nanmen Rd.,
Tainan City
17:30~20:30 Dinner:
Night Market*
Tainan has a variety Famous site/ Popular
of food, snacks in
night markets.
night market
End of the day. Return your motorcycle and go for your sweet home.
*Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 大東 night market
Wednesday and Saturday: 武聖 night market
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 花園 night market
6.2 Two-day-trip
There are two different type 2-day trips, depending on the budgetary limitations.
6.2.1 Luxury Trip
This suggested trip may cost you more money. When you go to the next destination, you
will take a taxi and you will live in a 5-star hotel at night.
Day 1
12:10~13:00 Lunch
Brief Introduction
Remark food/site
Traditional food
Rice tube pudding, Coffin
Bread, Tan Tzai Noodles
Sec.2, Minzu Rd.
13:10~14:30 Chikanlou
A beautiful fort and Historic site
it was called (Old
No.212 Sec.2, Minzu
Fort Provintia)
Rd.,Tainan City
15:00~17:00 Confucius Temple
No.2, Nanmen Rd.,
Tainan City
The first Confucius Historic site
Temple in Taiwan
and it was built
during Ming
17:30~20:30 Dinner:
Night Market*
Tainan has a variety Famous site/ Popular night
of food, snacks in market
night markets.
Check in the hotel
Tayi Landis is
There is ShinKong
situated in the
Tayi Landis Hotel:
No.660, Sec.1, Simen historic old capital Tayi Landis.
Rd., Tainan City.
of Taiwan. It is the
first hotel in the
combination of
business, leisure
and entertainment.
*Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 大東 night market
Wednesday and Saturday: 武聖 night market
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 花園 night market
Day 2
Brief Introduction
Remark food/site
Tayi Landis Hotel
Salad, bread, cake,
You can use breakfast provides buffet for you steak
in your hotel. (Many breakfast, so that you
hotel prepare
have lots of choices.
breakfast for the
Eternal Golden
A first class cultural
Historic site
No.3, Guangjhou
Rd., Anping Dist.,
Tainan City.
12:20~13:20 Lunch:
Shrimp rolls
The taste of the crispy Traditional food
shrimp rolls will make
Anping Rd.
13:40~15:20 Anping Fort
No. 82, Gousheng
Rd., Anping Dist.,
Tainan City
you try another
It is the oldest fort in Historic site
Taiwan also called Fort
16:00~18:00 Hutoupi Scenic Area Hutoupi is one of the Scenic spot
12th major scenery and
No.36, Lane 42,
it is also called “the
Jhongsing Rd.,
first Reservoir” in
Sinhua Township,
Tainan County
18:20~19:20 Dinner:
Eel noodles
Fried noodle with eels Tradional food
and vegetables.
Fucian Rd., Simen
End of the day and go back to your sweet home.
6.2.2 Economy trip
This suggested trip may cost you less money than previous schedule. When you arrived
Tainan, first thing to do is rent a motorcycle. When you go to the next destination, you will
ride a motorcycle not take a taxi.
Day 1
12:10~13:00 Lunch:
Minzu Rd.
Brief Introduction
Remark food/site
Traditional food
Rice tube pudding, Coffin
Bread, Danzai Noodles
Sec.2, Minzu Rd.
13:10~14:30 Chikanlou
A beautiful fort and Historic site
it was called (Old
No.212,Sec.2, Minzu
Fort Provintia)
Rd.,Tainan City
15:00~17:00 Confucius Temple
No.2, Nanmen Rd.,
Tainan City
17:30~20:30 Dinner:
Night Market*
The first Confucius Historic site
Temple in Taiwan
and it was built
during Ming
Tainan has a variety Famous site/ Popular night
of food, snacks in market
night markets.
End of the first day,
ride your motorcycle
and go to your hotel.
Cambridge Tainan Hotel is
next to Chikanlou. It’s full
of entertainment in that
Cambridge Tainan
No.269, Sec.2,
Minzu Rd., Tainan
*Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 大東 night market
Wednesday and Saturday: 武聖 night market
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 花園 night market
Day 2
Brief Introduction
Remark (food/site)
Victory Breakfast
119 號
This store provides
Steamed buns, egg
taditional food of
cakes and soybean
Taiwan, for example, milk
clay oven rolls , fried
bread stick , fried leek
dumplings, etc.
Hutoupi Scenic Area Hutoupi is one of the
Scenic spot
No.36, Lane 42,
Jhongsing Rd.,
Sinhua Township,
Tainan County
13:00~14:00 Lunch:
Shrimp rolls
Anping Rd.
13:20~15:20 Anping Fort
No. 82, Gousheng
Rd., Anping Dist.,
Tainan City
15:40~17:00 Eternal Golden
12 major scenery and
it is also called “the
first Reservoir” in
The taste of the crispy Delicious food
shrimp rolls will make
you want to eat again
and again.
The oldest fort in
Historic site
Taiwan also called Fort
A first-class cultural
Historic site
No.3, Guangjhou
Rd., Anping Dist.,
17:20~18:20 Dinner:
Eel noodles
Fried noodle with eels Traditional food
and vegetables.
Fucian Rd., Simen
End of the day. Sent back your motorcycle and go for your sweet
Chapter Seven
Tainan City is developed the earliest and has the most historic relics in Taiwan. It’s
historic heritages are the most attractive and well-known in Tainan. Speaking of historic site,
people will think of Tainan City first. Even though Tainan City do not have lots of department
stores or shopping malls like Taipei, Tainan City still preserve its characteristics, which make
an explanation why the city has been known as the ancient cultural capital of Taiwan.
Everywhere in Tainan City you can see structures with an air of the past. (There are
many pretty famous historic sites in Tainan City such as Fort Zeelandia, chikanlou, Eternal
Golden Fort, Temple of Confucius, and State Temple of the Martial God) Each historic site
has its own distinct features. Otherwise, there are a lot of cultural activities like
Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Tainan, Matsu Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival.
The city is also well-known for its local snack food such as tofu pudding, Danzai
noodles, Chou’s shrimp roll, rice dumpling, stinky tofu, and oyster omelet. Night markets like
Flower-Garden night market, Dadong night market, and Wusheng night market are the most
It is a global village era right now. The distance from countries to countries is shorter
than ever. People have more chances to understand different culture and life styles of other
countries in the world. Visiting Tainan City is a wonderful choice.
Therefore, the writers hope that this paper can help more and more foreign visitors
have a further understanding and love the ancient heritages, great traditional and cultural
activities, and well-known local gourmet in Tainan City so that they would like to visit Tainan
city again and again and get a lot of fun and never forget this city.
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