1 CAPS 795 CAPSTONE THESIS TOPIC INTENT FORM MSIA PROGRAM Students are expected to describe in writing their Capstone thesis. Please complete the form below and provide a narrative which describes your thesis. A sample narrative follows. All students must secure approval of their thesis topic at least one session before their Capstone course. Example: For Winter CAPS 795, the Intent Form must be approved prior to Fall Session 2. Student Name: Student I.D.# _________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Phone Numbers: (Home) (Work) (Fax) (Cell) E-Mail Campus location Student Advisor Requested Faculty Advisor (if any) Note: Faculty Advisor requests are not always granted. Many factors are taken into consideration when determining Faculty Advisors. Expected session of your Capstone class enrollment: Year _______ Session _______ Online or in-seat section ___________________________ Office use only □ The above student’s Capstone Intent was reviewed and approved. MSIA Representative Signature Date □ The above student’s Capstone Intent was reviewed and must be revised. The student should see attached comments. MSIA Representative Signature Davenport University: MSIA CAPS 795 Capstone Intent Form (13-14 lgd) Date 2 Capstone Intent Form Page 2 I have read the Capstone Guidebook which describes the nature of the project. Please attach a three- to five-page (double-space) narrative to the Intent Form that describes the information below. Include your name, professor’s name, and date on the attachment. A sample of a narrative is attached. 1. What is a proposed title of your project? Describe the project you have in mind. What question(s) will be answered by your research? (List and state them as questions. For example, “How can a college or university effectively use celebrities, who interact with students in a campus academic setting, to promote the college or university?”) 2. Why are you interested in pursuing this project? How will it benefit you? 3. How will the project benefit the field, your company, and/or another firm? 4. How will you gather information? Does it involve only extensive research from published sources? Does is also involve collecting primary data through focus groups, in-depth interviews, and/or a survey? If so, which research method will be used? How many people will be surveyed? Why will this method accomplish the research objectives? NOTE: If your research involves surveys, questionnaires, focus-groups, or other methods involving people, you will need to have your study approved by the Davenport University Institutional Review Board (IRB). For more information see: http://www.davenport.edu/academics/institutional-review-board-irb 5. What skills, knowledge, or classes are important for you to master in order to complete this project? 6. Does the project involve content in a paper that was written for another class? If so, submit a copy of the paper with this form. I hereby submit this Capstone Intent Form and narrative for approval. I understand that the Graduate staff/faculty member assigned to evaluate it has the right to reject it and request a re-write and resubmission. I understand that my thesis paper consists of research and may be posted as such through the Information Security and Assurance Center (ISaAC) at Davenport University. I further understand that my project is to be original and that plagiarism is grounds for possible dismissal from the MSIA program. The Academic Integrity policy is provided in the Graduate Catalog. Student Signature: _______________________________ Date:_________________ Send your completed Capstone Intent Form to msiacapstone@davenport.edu Davenport University: MSIA CAPS 795 Capstone Intent Form (13-14 lgd) 3 (Sample Intent Form Narrative) Capstone Intent Form Narrative [Replace sample text to complete the narrative] Submitted By: (Student’s Name) Submitted To: MSIA Capstone Committee Date: (Provide date) Proposed Title: Factors Affecting the Security Awareness of End-Users Description This will be a research project exploring the question: What is the significance of internal, external, and inherent factors of an organization’s end-users’ level of computer security awareness? Specific questions that will be addressed in the study are: 1. Does participation in security awareness training increase the level of security awareness of end-users? 2. Does emphasis on security by the organization’s management increase the level of security awareness of end-users? 3. Do external factors from outside the organization contribute to the end-user’s level of security awareness within the organization? 4. Do inherent factors within end-users affect their level of security awareness? Personal Interest Discuss in this section why this topic is of interest to you. Benefits of Research Discuss in this section any benefits you believe may result from this research. Methods of Gathering Information Davenport University: MSIA CAPS 795 Capstone Intent Form (13-14 lgd) 4 Discuss the methods you will use to answer your research questions. This may include primary research (surveys, interviews, focus-groups, intervention, etc.), or secondary research involving data that has already been collected. Also note if you expect your research to be subject to IRB approval. Knowledge and Skills Needed Discuss the skills/knowledge that you expect to be important in order to be able to complete this paper. For example, the research questions above assumes knowledge of security awareness training programs, training methods, organizational structure, and external factors. Previous Research on this Topic If you have written a previous paper on this topic, list the title of the paper here and its purpose (previous course, etc.), and attach a copy of the paper with this form. For questions, see the contact information in the CAPS795 Capstone Guidebook, or email msiacapstone@davenport.edu Davenport University: MSIA CAPS 795 Capstone Intent Form (13-14 lgd)